
  • 网络Durham University;University of Durham;University Durham
  1. 英国杜伦大学(DurhamUniversity)和VolterraConsulting的这项研究认为,如果相信一小部分人会影响到其他人的理论,并依此规划降低滥饮程度的对策,或许并不能够取得成功。

    The research by Durham University and Volterra Consulting suggests that binge drinking reduction strategies based on the theory that a small number of people influence others may not succeed .

  2. 最近的一封出自奥利弗•阿尔科克(OliverAlcock)。他毕业于英国杜伦大学(DurhamUniversity),曾是普华永道(PwC)的审计培训生,两个月前,他在离职的当天,详细地叙述了自己为什么没有达标的原因。

    The latest comes from Oliver Alcock , a Durham University graduate and former trainee auditor at PwC , who two months ago spent his last day detailing why he had not made the grade .

  3. 英国杜伦大学的天文学家詹姆斯·吉奇领导的研究人员,利用美国国家航空航天管理局的钱德拉X射线望远镜观测了29个气泡,这些气泡位于一个被称为SSA22的天区。

    Researchers led by James Geach , an astronomer at the University of Durham in the United Kingdom , used NASA 's Chandra X-ray observatory to look at29 blobs in a patch of sky known as SSA22 .

  4. 劳伦斯顿毕业于英国杜伦大学,获经济学学士学位。

    Laurence Hinton graduated from the Durham University with a degree in economics .

  5. 英国杜伦大学的研究者们调查了200名学生,统计出他们每日消费咖啡、能量饮料还有其它含有咖啡因产品的情况。

    Researchers at the University of Durham , in England surveyed two-hundred students about their daily consumption of coffee , energy drinks , and other caffeine products .

  6. 英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)连续第三年排在亚军位置,英国杜伦大学商学院(DurhamUniversityBusinessSchool)首次跻身前三甲。

    IE came in ahead of the UK 's Warwick Business School , ranked number two for the third year running , and Durham University Business School , which made it into the top three for the first time .