
  • 网络artistic expression
  1. 与真实感绘制技术关注于传统的3D图形学不同,非真实感绘制技术更加强调艺术表现力、主观意识与情绪的传递以及强化重要信息、忽略非关键信息等方面。

    Unlike photorealistic rendering striven by traditional 3D computer graphics , NPR emphasizes artistic expression , subjective mood imbuing , and downplaying unimportant information .

  2. 第三,当代都市景观题材山水画创作的表现关系主要体现在笔墨的表现关系上,正是这种关系的建立从而使笔墨的表现形式获得了新的艺术表现力。

    Third , the performance relationship of contemporary urban scenery theme landscape paintings is mainly in the performance relationship of pen and ink , it is the establishment of this relationship makes performance of pen and ink get a new artistic expression .

  3. AfterTouch(触后响应)的演奏技巧对于电子管风琴的艺术表现力来说,无疑是不可或缺的。

    Performing technique of After Touch is undoubtedly indispensable to art expressiveness of electronic organ .

  4. DV景深空间是一种富有创造性的表现手段,它能够改变画面的空间感和时间感,能够增加画面的艺术表现力和审美价值。

    In DV shooting , the depth of field is a way of great creativity , it can change the sense of space and time , enforce the artistic and esthetic value .

  5. 对体育舞蹈业余选手艺术表现力的研究

    The Research on Art Performance of Amateur Athletics of Latin Dance

  6. 从蒙古四胡的发展历史观蒙古四胡的艺术表现力

    Observing the Art Expression of Mongolian Hur from Its Developing History

  7. 声乐教学中歌唱艺术表现力的培养初探

    Tentative study of the artistic expressive power in vocal music teaching

  8. 《敞开着的窗户》是一篇艺术表现力极强的短篇小说。

    The Opened Window is a short story with strong artistic effect .

  9. 在舞蹈训练和舞蹈艺术表现力中呼吸的作用

    The Function of Breach in Dance Training and Art Performance

  10. 如何增强歌唱语言的艺术表现力

    How to Reinforce the Expression Force of the Singing Language

  11. 对健美操教学培养大学生艺术表现力的研究

    A Study on Cultivating College Students ' Artistic Manifestation in Calisthenics Teaching

  12. 健美操艺术表现力的形成与培养

    Analysis on Formation and Cultivation of Art Expression in Calisthenics

  13. 体操类竞技项目艺术表现力的理论研究

    A Theoretic Study on the Art Expressive Force of Athletics Items in Gymnastics

  14. 钢琴教学中提高艺术表现力的几个要点

    Essentials to Improve Art Expression Power in Piano Teaching

  15. 在广告设计教学中启发学生的艺术表现力

    Inspire Artistic Performance of Students in Teaching Advertisement Design

  16. 一幅具有艺术表现力的作品是响亮明快的。

    A piece of works with artistic expressive force is brilliant and vivid .

  17. 试说波德莱尔诗歌的艺术表现力

    Art Expressive Force in the Poetry of Baudelaire

  18. 影响竞技健美操运动员艺术表现力的因素分析

    Analysis of Influential Factor of the Artistic Expression Power for Elite Competitive Calisthenic Gymnasts

  19. 结构在建筑中的艺术表现力

    Artistic Form of Expression of Structure in Architecture

  20. 中国书法史上,行书是应用最广泛,最具艺术表现力的字体。

    Xing Shu is one of the most widely used Style in Chinese calligraphy history .

  21. 但形式和艺术表现力,却有很大的发展和变化。

    However , it changes and developes a lot in both forms and artistic manifestation .

  22. 琥珀屋的设计是当时流行的极富艺术表现力的建筑式样。

    The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days .

  23. 大学生影像节独具特色的艺术表现力,推动了校园影像的发展。

    College Students Film Festival unique artistic expressive force , promoted thedevelopment of campus video .

  24. 长久以来,陈设设计在室内空间中展示出强大的艺术表现力。

    Furnishings design has long been demonstrated in the interior space in a strong expression .

  25. 现代派诗人的散文具有极高的艺术表现力,应该引起相当的重视。

    The prose of modernistic poets has high artistic expressive force , we should pay attention .

  26. 旨在有效提高我国花样滑冰运动员的艺术表现力,为不断取得优异运动成绩打下坚实的基础。

    The intention is to improve Chinese figure skaters ' art performance for getting better results .

  27. 多变的语言风格、阳光与阴影等对立意象、自我与他者的并存等显示了加缪高超的艺术表现力。

    The changeful language style , the contradictory of sunshine and shadow shows his expressive force .

  28. 闽南红砖厝传统建筑材料艺术表现力研究

    The Artistic Expression Research of the Traditional Construction Material in the Red Brick House of Minnan

  29. 文中从对独唱及合唱队的要求出发,在声乐的技术困难以及艺术表现力方面进行论述。

    The essay illustrates from solo and chorus and the difficulty in technique and artistic expression .

  30. 但高尔基称《罪与罚》的作者的天才是无可争辩的,就艺术表现力来讲,他的才华只有莎士比亚可以与之并列。

    However , Gorky once said that only Shakespeare could match him in the capacity for artistic description .