
  • 网络art aesthetic;aesthetics
  1. 象与真&中国艺术审美的真实性研究

    Xiang and Truth & the Authenticity Study of Chinese Art Aesthetic

  2. 文化安全建构中的艺术审美心理介入

    Art Aesthetic Psychological Intervention in Construction of Cultural Safety

  3. 现代室内壁饰艺术审美意趣论

    A Study on Aesthetics of Modern Indoor Wall Decoration and Design

  4. 竞技体育项目艺术审美特征与发展趋势研究&以技能主导类表现难美项群为例

    The Artistic Aesthetic Characteristics and Development Trend of Skill-Oriented Sport Events

  5. 论中国绘画艺术审美中意境的不确定性

    The Indefiniteness of Aesthetic Mood in the Art of Chinese Painting

  6. 在古人类学家中人类具有艺术审美观的确切时间存在很大的争论。

    EXACTLY when humanity became artistic is much debated by palaeo-anthropologists .

  7. 关于电视传播艺术审美特征的思考

    The Speculation on the Aesthetic Features of the Art of Television Communications

  8. 建筑艺术审美的伦理意义论美感与道德感

    Ethical meaning of architectural aesthetic On Aesthetic Feeling and Sense of Morality

  9. 叙事:小说艺术审美活动的特殊媒介

    Narration : the Special Medium of the Aesthetic Activities of Novel Arts

  10. 再论民族艺术审美文化资源的利用与展示

    Use and display of aesthetic cultural source of national art

  11. 艺术审美教育系列课程的意义与设计

    The Significance and Design of Artistic Aesthetic Education Serial Courses

  12. 从圆土楼门饰之堂皇而观其艺术审美

    The Artistic Beauty in Grandness of Door Decoration of Round Earth Towers

  13. 从艺术审美看旅游地的规划设计

    Planning & Design of a Tourist Destination From the Artistic and Aesthetical Angles

  14. 中国传统人格类型与绘画艺术审美特色

    Chinese Traditional Personality types and the Characteristics of drawing Artistic Appreciation of Beautiful

  15. 典型&西方艺术审美的最高境界

    Typical model & aesthetic highest state in Western art

  16. 论普通高校学生的艺术审美教育

    Art and Aesthetic Education for General College Students

  17. 中西舞蹈艺术审美比较

    The Comparison of Chinese and Western Dancing Aesthetics

  18. 浅谈艺术审美鉴赏的基本性质和特点

    Brief Discussion on the Basic Nature and Traits of Appreciating the Beauty of Art

  19. 由像的就是好的引发的绘画艺术审美思考

    The Aesthetic Thoughts of the Painting Art on " Likeness is Always Good "

  20. 摘要数字化时代开辟了数码图形艺术审美领域的新境界。

    Digital times opens a new era for the aesthetics of digital graphics art .

  21. 绘画艺术审美探析

    The Aesthetic Analysis to The Painting Art

  22. 建筑艺术审美的意义是多重的。

    There are multi-meaning of architectural aesthetic .

  23. 人体艺术审美中的性态度

    Sexual Manner of Appreciating Body 's Art

  24. 游于艺,成于乐&孔子艺术审美标准论略

    Practise in Art , Succeed in Music & The Standards of Artistic Aesthetics of Confucius

  25. 校园文化与艺术审美

    Campus Culture and Artistic Aesthetics

  26. 旅游审美文化包括自然审美文化、社会审美文化和艺术审美文化三种类型。

    The traveling aesthetic culture includes natural aesthetic culture , social aesthetic culture and artistic aesthetic culture .

  27. 在这种哲学思想影响下,意境成为中国艺术审美的核心范畴;

    Influenced by this philosophy , artistic conception has become the central aesthetic category in Chinese art .

  28. 第三章:明清文人画中的神仙意蕴;成仙悟道是与中国艺术审美思维相通的。

    Becoming immortals through the enlightenment of Tao is connected with the artistic aesthetic concept of China .

  29. 第二,文人有艺术审美的眼光,善于发现自然的美;

    Secondly because these scholars have an eye for artistic beauty and are good at discovering natural beauty ;

  30. 西夏水月观音所展现的不仅是一种艺术审美需要,更主要的是通过艺术表现信仰。

    Tangut water moon kuan-yin demonstrated not only an aesthetic needs , mainly through artistic expression of faith .