
  1. 我想我会吸收你参加学校的一个艺术团。

    I thought I 'd enrol you with an art group at the school .

  2. 这个艺术团已经形成了独特的风格。

    This performing arts troupe has evolved a style of its own .

  3. 第一次在UnitedStates展出的姚明蜡像大受欢迎(welcome),在蜡像的揭幕仪式上,中国(china)杂技艺术团特地表演了反重力扣篮以示欢迎(welcome)。

    Yao was welcomed-in wax-for the first time in the United States and welcomed by a troupe of Chinese acrobats performing a gravity-defying gymnastic slam dunk at the unveiling ceremony .

  4. 这个艺术团由14名来自中国各地的胖人组成,10女4男,平均体重为125公斤。

    The group has14 overweight members-10 women and4 men-from across China .

  5. 今天艺术团好象出了点问题。

    There seemed to be a problem with the orchestra today .

  6. 欢迎走进“梦之翼”艺术团!

    Welcomed into the Troupe of the Wing Of Dream !

  7. 现在,她是广州海军艺术团的一员。

    She is now a member of the naval art ensemble in Guangzhou .

  8. 高校艺术团是大学生思想政治教育的重要载体。

    College Art Troupe is an important carrier of ideological and political education .

  9. 艺术团下设12个小组,分别由不同年龄段的演员组成。

    The troupe consists of12 subgroups for various ages .

  10. 该艺术团还曾在葡萄牙、摩洛哥、法国等国家访演。

    The ensemble also had performing tours in Portugal , Morocco and France .

  11. 艺术团今天晚上在礼堂演出。

    Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight .

  12. 此后不久,它就跻身为以色列一支主要的民间艺术团。

    In a short time it became one of Israel 's leading folklore groups .

  13. 中国广播艺术团民族乐团专业艺术团体传承民族歌舞艺术研究

    China Broadcast Traditional Orchestra A Study on Professional Ensemble Handing Down Folk Dance and Music

  14. 思想政治教育为高校艺术团建设提供思想保证。

    Ideological and political education provides an ideological guarantee for the college Art Troupe construction .

  15. 对普通高校大学生艺术团建设的几点思考

    On the Organization of University Art Groups

  16. 大学生艺术团的现状和管理策略

    Management and development of academician art group

  17. 艺术团正在招收一名经费筹集人。

    Art Forum is having a fundraiser .

  18. 艺术团经营范围为:文艺演出,文化交流,演出经纪,广告代言。

    Troupe scope of business : theatrical performances , cultural exchanges , performance brokerage , endorsements .

  19. 除此之外,该艺术团还有一个合唱团,主要演唱民歌。

    Affiliated to the group is also a chorus with its repertoire mainly of folk songs .

  20. 在你的基本步还没走好的日子里,你舞蹈时感觉不会好。长春艺术团。

    Those days when your basics are not good , you will not feel good dancing .

  21. 艺术团的主要任务是保护和传播阿根廷的民族音乐和舞蹈。

    The primary task for the troupe is to preserve and spread Argentine folk dance and music .

  22. 艺术团的四个精品节目,使整个晚会大为增色。

    The celebration gala was greatly enriched by the four quality programs of the Jilin Art Troupe .

  23. 之后覃副校长为我们介绍了民族原生态歌舞艺术团的负责人&覃老师。

    After the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Tan introduced to our nation 's original eco-dance Troupe & Qin head teacher .

  24. 艺术团内的舞蹈演员和歌手、乐手均身着民族服装,其表演热情奔放,充满青春朝气。

    The Dancers , singers and musicians , all in authentic costumes , perform with their youthful enthusiasm .

  25. 其中,舞蹈分团于2004年被北京市教委授予“北京市金帆艺术团”的荣誉称号。

    Dancing group awarded the status of " Beijing Golden Sail Art Ensemble " by Beijing Education Committee in2004 .

  26. 她的母亲是当地艺术团的成员,父亲则是博物馆馆长。

    Her mother was a member of a local art troupe ; her father was a curator of local museum .

  27. 这将是浙江省艺术团在迪拜的首次登台亮相。

    This will be the first time an art troupe from Zhejiang province has appeared on the stage of Dubai .

  28. 在下城,“肛门综合艺术团”正在进行着他们的深夜节目。

    And downtown , the " Up My Ass Players " were in the middle of their late night repertory .

  29. 并重点论述了华中师范大学大学生艺术团的在校园文化育人中的作用。

    Focuses on the role of the Students Art Troupe of the Central China Normal University campus cultural education among .

  30. 在进入大学后担任东华大学校艺术团钢琴组队长,参加多次文艺演出。

    I was in charge of the piano group in the university , joining the large performance for many times .