
  • 网络Principles of Art;Elements of Art
  1. 关于艺术原理学科建设的思考

    Reflections on Creating a Discipline for the Principle of Art

  2. 第三章,图形、符号、视觉设计的艺术原理及其方法探索。

    The third , figure , symbol , sense of vision design principle and its devices investigate .

  3. 教育的艺术原理

    The art principle of education

  4. 事实上,当我们设计树桩的时候盆景的艺术原理就在起作用,只是作用多少罢了。

    There are in fact many basic artistic principles at play when we design our trees ; or , at least there should be .

  5. 文章从造景中艺术原理的运用、景点类型及设计等方面着手,探讨了高等级公路绿化及沿途建筑物景点的设计。

    Starting from the application of the art principle in landscape construction , the type of the landscapes , and the design of the landscape , etc. , this paper probes into the greening of the high-level road and the design of road building scenery .

  6. POP广告的设计手法遵循图形、色彩、版式的艺术法则原理,同时可利用趣味设计表现手法、立体空间表现法等表现手法赋予它美的形式来感染打动消费者。

    POP advertising design techniques to follow graphics , color , layout rules of art theory , and interesting design can make use of techniques from the performance of three-dimensional space means the performance of law giving it the form of the United States moved to infect consumers .

  7. 生命原初的创造活动&论马利坦的艺术发生原理

    On Maritain 's Occurring Principle of Art

  8. 本文第一次对网络虚拟现实,这一新兴的创新设计手段,从产生、发展、应用和与之相关的艺术设计原理、方法等诸多方面,进行了系统、深入的研究与归纳。

    For the first time , this paper tries to start a systematic and in-depth research and demonstration of this newly created design tool .

  9. “妙造自然”说蕴涵着丰富的美学意蕴,具有普遍的艺术创造原理的意义,堪称中国艺术理论的精髓。

    So , this theory has rich aesthetic connotations and value of general law for art creation , and it can be the pith of art theory in China .

  10. 运用声乐艺术心理学原理来论述想象在声乐教学和演唱中的作用及歌唱想象力的培养。

    Based on the theory of vocal musical art psychology , this article discusses the function of imagination in vocal music teaching and performance as well as the training of singing imagination .

  11. 二十世纪法国著名的基督教美学家和文艺理论家雅克.马利坦(1882&1973)的艺术发生原理非常独特。

    Jacques Maritain ( 1882-1973 ) has unique occurring principle of art , who is a famous Christian esthetician of France , a theoretician of the literature and art in the 20th century .

  12. 公伯峡水电站厂房在工艺布置确定后,建筑专业依据有关标准和建筑艺术处理原理,对枢纽各单体在功能和建筑体型、色彩、内外装饰进行了设计。

    After the architectural layout of powerhouse is determined , the design can be performed for the function , architectural shape , colour , internal & external decoration regarding each component of the project in accordance with relative architectural standards and architectural treatment .

  13. 既满足植物与环境在生态适应性上的统一,又要通过艺术构图原理,体现出植物个体及群体的形式美及人们在欣赏时所产生的意境美。

    In other words , it not only meets the ecological adaptability unity of flora and environment , but also reflects the formal beauty of individual plant and colony and the mood beauty , which will produce when people appreciate it , through the principle of art composition .

  14. 模仿乃是一切艺术的基本原理。

    Imitation is the fundamental principle of all arts .

  15. 再其次,中国书法艺术的美学原理影响了明式家具的结构和风格取向。

    Thirdly the theory of Chinese calligraphy art has influenced the structure and style orientation of Ming furniture .

  16. 旅游的目的是如何从自然学习,然后理解,从而探索艺术设计的原理。

    The goal of travel is how to learn from nature and then understand and search for the principles of art design .

  17. 作为艺术生产的原理和构成要素或曰审美的抽象形式是在劳动中历史地形成的。

    As the principle and element of the art production , the abstract form of aesthetics gradually formed during the process of labor .

  18. 讨论了分形图案构成的艺术形式和原理,介绍了计算机实现分形图案构成的3种基本方法,并给出这些方法的算法模型和构图实例。

    This paper discusses artistic form and principle of fractal pattern composition , introduces three main methods of its realization , and gives algorithm models of these methods with composition examples .

  19. 第二章主要是简述公共艺术的基本原理、特质以及表现形态,分析中国小城镇公共艺术与现状,概述欧美小城镇公共艺术的发展。

    Chapter Two is on the basic principles , nature and forms of public art , also an analysis of the status and development of public art in small towns at home and abroad .

  20. 刊物设计要把握阅读对象的审美特征,体现装帧艺术的美学原理,创设艺术设计的独特风格和提升期刊内容的美学价值。

    The design of publication should grasp the aesthetic characteristics of the object to read , reflect the aesthetic principles of art binding , the creation of the unique style of art and design and enhance the aesthetic value of journal content .

  21. 论设计艺术的科学性原理

    Discussion on the Scientific Theory of Art Design

  22. 李政道教授大概是揭开了科学中对称含不对称的秘密而联系到艺术中的共性原理。

    Professor Li Zhengdao may have uncovered the secret of symmetry containing asymmetry in science and have touched the common theory in art .

  23. 布洛在其《作为艺术要素和审美原理的心理距离》这篇文章中第一次使用了心理距离的概念。

    Bullough used " psychical distance " as a term in his paper " Psychical distance as an art element and aesthetic principle " .

  24. 狭义艺术学特指艺术原理,它是从哲学层面对艺术是什么等元问题做根本性探讨,或者说它是研究各门类艺术规律的基础性规律。

    The narrow sense of the subject Art is only for artistic principle and inquires into the first problems what is the art and so on from the angle of philosophy and is the foundation regular for all art law .

  25. 艺术批评学又应包括艺术批评原理、艺术批评史和门类艺术批评研究。艺术批评原理尚属空白有其历史原因,也有现实原因:能进入各门类艺术本体批评的“通才”匮乏;

    The artistic criticism theory consists of the artistic criticism fundamental tenets , artistic criticism history and category artistic criticism study .

  26. 艺术心理学涉及到了诸如此类的艺术原理:人类对于色彩、声音、线条、形状、词语有何反应,情感又如何被此类反应的方式所限定。

    The psychology of art is concerned with such elements of the arts as human responses to color , sound , line , form , and words and with the ways in which the emotions condition such responses .

  27. 艺术起源问题属于艺术发生学的研究范围,它不仅是艺术史研究的对象之一,更是艺术原理研究的重要内容之一。

    The problem of the origin of art belongs to the Art Occurrence , it is not only the object of the art history study , but also is the one of the most important problem of art theory study .

  28. 艺术设计是以工程技术与美学艺术相结合为基础的设计体系,实用、经济、美观是艺术设计的原理。

    Art design is a creative system based on the combination of engineering know - how and aesthetic art in accordance with the pragmatic , economic and aesthetic principles .