
Liánɡ zhǔ wén huà
  • Liangzhu Culture
  1. 良渚文化时期的伏羲神话母题

    The Motif of Fuxi Mythology during the Period of Liangzhu Culture

  2. 良渚文化分布范围的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Scope of Distribution of the Liangzhu Culture

  3. 广富林遗址良渚文化晚期的M24、J14出土了一批陶器,为良渚文化研究提供了新资料。

    The pottery vessels unearthed from M24 and J14 of late period of Liangzhu culture provide new data for the studying of this culture .

  4. 良渚文化玉琮基本特征的考古学观察

    An Archaeological Observation on Features of Jade cong in Liangzhu Culture

  5. 试解良渚文化玉器的雕琢之谜

    Try on Mystery of Jade Ware 's Carving during Liangzhu Civilization

  6. 良渚文化玉琮的型式研究

    A Study on the Type of Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture

  7. 良渚文化玉器所反映的原始宗教

    The Original Religion of the Cultural Jade Article in Liang Zhu

  8. 良渚文化的中心在太湖流域,太湖流域的原始文化从早期发展到良渚文化时期,是良渚文化神徽产生的时间条件;

    The foco of Liangzhu Culture is in Tai Lake basin .

  9. 也谈良渚文化玉器的雕琢工艺及发白现象

    The Sculpting Technique and White Demitint on Jade Ware of Liangzhu Culture

  10. 良渚文化玉琮名和形的探讨

    A Discussion of Name and Form of Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture

  11. 良渚文化礼制的形成及其影响

    The Formation and the Influence of the Courtesy System of Liangzhu Culture

  12. 良渚文化博物馆的设计理念与手法

    Zhu Archeological Site and the Design of Liangzhu Culture Museum

  13. 论良渚文化的高台墓地

    A Research on the Burial Mounds of Liangzhu Culture

  14. 良渚文化礼仪用玉的文化特征

    Cultural Features of Ritual Jades in the Liangzhu Culture

  15. 墓葬时代大体应属良渚文化中期偏晚阶段。

    The site belongs to the late middle phase of the Liangzhu culture .

  16. 良渚文化经济形态与社会形态试说

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Social Pattern and Economic Pattern of Liangzhu Culture

  17. 从龙南遗址看良渚文化的住居和祭祀

    A Study on the Habitation and Sacrifice of Liangzhu Culture through the Longnan Site

  18. 早期国家之黎明&兼谈良渚文化社会政治演化水平

    The Dawn of Early Nations : Evolution of Society and Politics of Liangzhu Culture

  19. 良渚文化期自然环境变化与人类文明发展的耦合

    Coupling relationship between the environmental changes and human civilization development during Liangzhu culture period

  20. 课题最后是对良渚文化应用的总结与展望。

    Finally of this subject is the Outlook of the application of Liangzhu Culture .

  21. 从玉器纹饰看良渚文化宗教信仰中的两类因素

    To See Two Kind Factors of Liangzhu Culture 's Religion From Jadeware 's Decorative Pattern

  22. 良渚文化:虞代的考古学文化&兼论良渚文化的去向

    Liangzhu Culture : the Archaeological Culture of Yu Dynasty & On the Orientation of Liangzhu Culture

  23. 长江中下游地区的良渚文化及其发育环境一直是环境考古学界关注的热点。

    Environmental archeology always focused attention on the Liangzhu culture and its development environment in Yangtze River .

  24. 从良渚文化社会组织形态分析其文化个性与文明进程

    On the Cultural Individuality and Civilizing Course of the Liangzhu Culture in the Light of Its Socio - organizing Form

  25. 多年的文明史,良渚文化是中华文明的发祥地之一。

    Hangzhou boasts a5,000-year history of civilization , and her Liangzhu Civilization was one of the cradles of Chinese Civilization .

  26. 良渚文化“神徽”与商代美术中的人兽母题

    The " Divine Badge " in the LiangZhu Culture and the Man-Beast Motif in the Fine Arts of Shan Dynasty

  27. 全面、客观地考察良渚文化玉琮的基本特征,是研究良渚文化玉琮功用的基本功课。

    It is demanded by study of its function in the Liangzhu culture to investigate comprehensively and objectively principle features of jade cong.

  28. 本年度发掘至今,清理良渚文化墓葬32座(共200座);

    So far in this phase , 32 tombs of Liangzhu culture ( out of a total of200 ) have been excavated .

  29. 希望国内外更多专家学者关注良渚文化,积极承接课题,为良渚文化这一人类文明瑰宝的保护研究献出智慧。

    We hope both Chinese and international experts pay more attention to Liangzhu Culture , participate in the researches and undertake subjects .

  30. 良渚文化以最早发现地良渚遗址命名,是中国新石器时代长江流域最重要的考古学文化。

    The Liangzhu culture first discovered Liangzhu ruins named , is the Chinese Neolithic Yangtze River Basin is the most important archaeological culture .