
wǔ yì
  • Dance art;dance skill;dancing skill
舞艺 [wǔ yì]
  • [dancing skill] 指舞蹈者专业技术及艺术水准的高低优劣

  • 她的舞艺娴熟、精湛、炉火纯清

  1. 舞艺高超的也有不少。有名年轻的足球运动员跳了一曲YG的《TwistMyFingaz》,舞技超群,简直可称得上是一则街舞MV了。

    Some of the dancers are considerably better than others , such as a young football player who proved he has moves worthy of a hip hop music video as he stepped along to YG 's Twist My Fingaz .

  2. 我们的舞艺没有一个比得上她的。

    None of us can equal her as a dancer .

  3. 他们以生动的舞艺闻名。

    They 're known for their coiorfui choreography .

  4. 他以舞艺讨好她。

    He danced himself into her favor .

  5. 她是个舞艺精湛的舞蹈家。

    She 's a spectacular dancer .

  6. 她又一次在皇家芭蕾舞团演出,展示了她精妙非凡的舞艺。

    Dancing once again with the Royal ballet , she gave a performance of exquisite virtuosity .

  7. 在这一方面的教师教育包括各种各样的性能研究,比如表演训练、声音训练、舞艺培养,舞蹈构成和其他科目。

    Teacher education in this field may include a wide variety of performance studies such as acting , voice training , choreography , choreographic composition , and other subjects .