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  • 网络idiochromatic color
  1. 她的头发是褐色[栗色]的。非自发光色,表面色

    Her hair is a chestnut color . non-self-luminous colour

  2. 我们给出了有限维对称自对偶色李代数可以双扩张的充分条件,从而在上同调意义下解决了这类色李代数的分类问题;

    We give a sufficient condition for a finite dimensional symmetric self-dual Lie color algebras to be a double extension , thus we solve its classification in the sense of cohomology ;

  3. 自1995年玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚实现以来,超冷物理系统的研究发展迅速。

    Since 1995 , Bose-Einstein condensate to achieve since the study ultra-cold the rapid development of physical systems .