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  • 网络intergrowth
  1. 挪威块状硫化物矿床中单斜与六方磁黄铁矿的交生及其成因

    Intergrowths of hexagonal and monoclinic pyrrhotites and their genesis from massive sulphide deposits of Norway

  2. 流体包裹体经常伴随着许多相互连接的位错,并且与位错和位错壁等交生在一起,形成网络分布,这是在光学显微镜尺度下所不能探测到的。

    Fluid inclusions are often connected to dislocations , which are undetected at the scale of optical microscopy .

  3. 福建尤溪梅仙矿床闪锌矿中黄铜矿交生体的交代成因

    The Replacement Origin of " Chalcopyrite Disease " in Sphalerite in the Meixian Deposit , Youxi County , Fujian

  4. 前言:目的:在世纪之交,对生药学的发展进行回顾。

    Objective : To Review the development of pharmacognosy in China .

  5. 直接交到研究生院办公室。

    Sent directly to the graduate studies office .

  6. 电话很快接通,我们将电话交给服务生,服务生立即将电话交给了领班,由他和译员交流了几分钟。

    After being connected quickly , we passed the phone to the waiter , who immediately gave it to a superior who spoke to the interpreter for several minutes .

  7. 我花650日元从销售机中买了一张猪肉拉面票,交给服务生,他将浓汤倒在了一个塑料碗中。

    I bought a ticket for pork Ramen from a vending machine for 650 yen and handed it to one of the assistants who ladled thick stock into a plastic bowl .

  8. 这使艾伦开始反对鞭打的规矩,而且他从来不打维克托(尽管维克托总是惹麻烦),只是把他交给其他监督生。

    This turned him against the beating system , and he never caned Victor ( who was frequently in trouble ) , but passed him on to another prefect .