
jiāo tōnɡ xì tǒnɡ
  • traffic system
  1. 基于ATOM平台的嵌入式工业计算机在轨道交通系统中的应用

    The application of Embedded Industrial Computer in Orbital Traffic System based on ATOM Platform

  2. 用于智能交通系统的EJB组件研究及其性能分析

    The Research of EJB Component Architecture for Intelligent Traffic System and Its Performance Analysis

  3. 多余的资金可以用于改善公共交通系统。

    The extra money could be spent on improving public transport

  4. 正常情况下,巴黎的交通系统每天运送95万乘客。

    Normally , the transportation system in Paris carries 950,000 passengers a day .

  5. 高效的公共交通系统对伦敦长远的未来至关重要。

    An efficient transport system is critical to the long-term future of London .

  6. 总统希望改善该国的公路与公共交通系统。

    The president wants to improve the nation 's highways and mass transit systems .

  7. 公共交通系统还不能充分满足迅速发展的旅游业的需求。

    Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel boom .

  8. 法国人从不放过任何整合其交通系统的机会。

    When it comes to integrating their transport systems , the French don 't miss a trick .

  9. 新型电动引擎与人工智能和自主系统相结合,将有助于建立一个更高效、低污染、低噪音的综合交通系统。

    New electric engines coupled with artificial intelligence and autonomous systems will contribute to a more efficient , integrated transport system that is less polluting and less noisy .

  10. 即将到来的技术进步为城市和州提供了一个发展交通系统的机会,其目的是以更经济的方式转移更多的人口。

    The coming technological advancement presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people , and more affordably .

  11. 政策制定者现在应该开始考虑如何确保无人驾驶汽车的出现不会让我们目前的汽车控制交通系统的缺点加剧。

    Policymakers should start thinking now about how to make sure the appearance of driverless vehicles doesn 't extend the worst aspects of the car-controlled transportation system we have today .

  12. 但不论需要多长时间,这项技术都有可能改变我们的交通系统和城市,结果好坏取决于改革的监管方式。

    But however long it takes , the technology has the potential to change our transportation systems and our cities , for better or for worse , depending on how the transformation is regulated .

  13. 这样可以改善每个人的生活质量,并让整个都市更加繁荣。因此,我支持将钱用在公共交通系统上,而非改善道路。

    This improves everyone 's quality of life and can make the city more prosperous2 . Therefore , I support spending money on public transportation systems rather than improving roads . [

  14. 首先,较好的公共交通系统,包括公共汽车、火车和地下铁,会鼓励更多人去乘坐而不会自己开车,如此便能减少道路上整体的交能流量,让人们往来的速度更快。

    First of all , better public transportation systems , including buses , trains and subways , will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars . This will reduce the total amount of traffic on the roads and make travel quicker for everyone .

  15. 公共交通系统中的非接触CPU智能卡的开发研究

    The Development and Research of Contactless Smart Cards with CPU in Public Traffic Systems

  16. 随着高速公路的迅猛发展以及计算机网络、通信等高新技术的发展,高速公路逐步走向智能化,并将最终发展成为智能交通系统(ITSIntelligentTransportSystem)。

    With the development of new high technologies such as computer network and communication system , highway is progressing to be intelligent transport system ( ITS ) .

  17. 无线传感器网络(WSN)在智能交通系统中的应用

    Application of Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN ) in Intellectual Communication System

  18. 地理信息系统(GIS)和全球定位系统(GPS)在智能交通系统(ITS)中有着巨大的应用潜力和广阔的应用前景。

    There are many applying potentialities and bright prospect for GIS and GPS being used in the Intelligent Transportation Systems ( ITS ) .

  19. 第三章是本文的重点,分别从GIS技术的数据管理、信息可视化能力、空间分析方面来处理公路网交通系统评价问题。

    Chapter III is the focus of this paper , from GIS technology data management , information visualization capabilities , analysis of space transportation systems to deal with road network evaluation .

  20. 各国专家学者和工程技术人员多年来的研究与实践表明,智能交通系统(IntelligentTrafficSystems,ITS)成为解决这些问题的技术手段,已经成为当今各国政府在交通领域积极推进的应用与建设项目之一。

    Several years ' research and practice by experts and engineers proved that ITS ( Intelligent Traffic Systems ) can solve these problems well , and many countries have advanced on it for management of traffic information .

  21. OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学文本识别)技术作为基本的模式识别技术,在计算机输入系统、智能交通系统和安防系统等领域都获得了广泛的应用。

    As a basic Patten Recognition technology , OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) technology is widely used in areas such as Computer Input System , Intelligent Transportation System , Security System etc.

  22. 第二章通过对公路网常规的交通系统评价体系进行归纳和总结,为第三章研究交通系统评价中应用GIS技术作知识准备。

    In Chapter II the road network through conventional traffic system evaluation system is summarized and concluded that Chapter III study for the application of GIS technology to evaluate transportation system knowledge preparations .

  23. 作为智能交通系统(ITS)核心技术之一,专用短距离通信(DSRC)技术得到了广泛的引用。

    As one of the key technology of ITS , DSRC has got extensive applications .

  24. 海上交通系统GPSS模拟及应用

    Marine Traffic System GPSS Simulation and Application

  25. 文章从导航电子定位服务(LBS)和智能交通系统的概念出发,结合组织导航数据的常用方法,提出了一套新的组织导航电子地图数据的模型。

    Starting from the concept of LBS and ITS , the article , based on the common method of guiding data arrangement , proposes a new model of electronic guidance geographic map .

  26. 本文详细介绍了BP神经网络、RBF神经网络、遗传算法、模糊控制等人工智能方法的基本原理,以及BP神经网络、RBF神经网络、遗传算法在智能交通系统车流量预测上的应用。

    In the paper , the basic principles of BP neural network , RBF neural network , genetic algorithm and fuzzy control are to be considered in detail . BP neural network , RBF neural network and genetic algorithm are applied in traffic volume forecasting of ITS .

  27. 先进公交系统(APTS)是智能交通系统(ITS)的重要组成部分,也是目前的研究热点问题。

    Advanced Public Transportation System ( APTS ) is an important component of Intelligent Transportation System ( ITS ), which is a front research field of transportation all over the world .

  28. 在长远规划的指导下,哥本哈根利用公交引导城市发展的模式(TOD)构建了手形的城市形态和可持续的交通系统,放射形的轨道交通线网对引导城市有序扩张起到了决定性作用。

    Copenhagen has successfully implemented Transit-Oriented Development ( TOD ) policies to form a " hand-shaped " urban development pattern , and to create a sustainable urban transport system , with the radial metro corridors functioning as the backbone for the TOD efforts in the city .

  29. 本文就在讨论ITS与APTS的一般组成和国内外发展现状和趋势的基础上,结合武汉市的实际情况来规划和建设武汉市先进的公共交通系统。

    This article discusses the composition of ITS and the APTS , also describe the domestic and foreign development present situation and in the tendency foundation , unifies Wuhan the actual situation to plan and to construct the Wuhan APTS .

  30. 珠江三角洲城际快速轨道交通系统融资方案研究

    Pearl River Delta Urban Express Rail Transportation System Financing Scheme Study