
  • 网络Free Dance
  1. 这就是古老的马街书会的魅力,一个各种草根曲艺自由舞蹈的天堂。

    That 's the charm of the old Majie Street , heaven for all kinds of folk musical art .

  2. 因此,灵魂协议带来了一种不同的关系,一种没有连接的关系,一种可在共振基础上自由舞蹈并出入所有关系或团队的关系。

    And so soul agreements bring forth a different kind of relationship , one that is free of attachment , and one that can freely dance in or out of all relationships or groups based upon resonance .

  3. 它编织着树叶或让他们自由地舞蹈。

    Weave the leaves or shaking them free .

  4. 接着我旋转她,抱起她,跳起自由式舞蹈。

    Then I spun her around , picked her up and started doing a freestyle dance .

  5. 本文基于单片机自主开发了一个双足15自由度舞蹈机器人,包括腿、踝、胯、腰、肩、肘和颈等关节。

    This thesis developed a biped dancing robot with 15 DOF independently which consists of leg joint , ankle joint , crotch joint , waist joint , shoulder joint , elbow joint , neck joint and so on .

  6. 是以蒙古族乐器“托部秀尔”(弹拨乐器)伴奏,以表现马为主、又可自由发挥的舞蹈形式。

    Accompanied by " tambourine "( a kind of plucked musical instrument ), the dance mainly depicts the horse movement and can be expanded freely .

  7. 我国女子自由体操中的舞蹈动作训练

    Analysis on the Dance Training in the Chinese Women Floor Exercise