
  • 网络fdp;liberal democrats;The Liberal Democrat Party;LDP;liberal democratic party;Lib Dem
  1. 两名保守党议员已转向自由民主党人一边。

    Two Conservative MPs have gone over to the Liberal Democrats .

  2. 投自由民主党的票不过是改头换面投工党的票。

    A vote for the Liberal Democrats is just a Labour vote in disguise .

  3. 在选举中保守党大大失利于自由民主党。

    The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election .

  4. 我投了自由民主党的票。

    I voted Lib Dem .

  5. 安东尼爵士是自由民主党热心的资金筹集者。

    Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats .

  6. 作为自由民主党成员,我支持国际主义路线。

    As a Liberal Democrat I subscribe to the internationalist approach .

  7. 自由民主党的支持率在最后一刻有所下降。

    The Liberal Democrat 's support fell away at the last minute .

  8. 自由民主党的选举运势可能会下降。

    The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline

  9. 出现了一个巨大转变:多达20%的人由支持保守党转而支持自由民主党。

    There was a massive twenty per cent swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats

  10. 3个已公布的民意调查均显示自由民主党正在夺取保守党的阵地。

    Three published polls all revealed the Lib Dems gaining ground at the Tories ' expense .

  11. 自由民主党领导人指责首相鼓舞保守党士气之举根本就是徒劳。

    The leader of the Liberal Democrats accused the Prime Minister of whistling in the wind to raise Conservative party morale .

  12. 伊梅尔特赞同自由民主党的立场并表示,通用电气认为欧盟(EU)的碳排放目标是有用的。

    Mr Immelt lent weight to the Lib Dem argument , saying that GE had found EU carbon targets helpful .

  13. 周五,保守党领袖大卫·卡梅隆(DavidCameron)向潜在的合作者自由民主党在政府中提供少数职位。

    On Friday , Conservative leader David Cameron offered potential partner the Liberal Democrats a minority role in a government .

  14. 自由民主党领袖尼克·克莱格(NickClegg)已经表现出获胜的明显迹象。

    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg emerged as the clear winner .

  15. 当地自由民主党议员格雷格-斯通在Twitter上表示说:“不知道杰斯蒙德的学生是不是在用头灌牛奶的绝技,帮助提升自己的公众知名度。”

    Local Lib Dem councillor Gregg Stone tweeted : ' Not sure Jesmond students are helping their public image with milking stunt . '

  16. 2010年,自由民主党在参加竞选时曾承诺,以针对每架飞机征收的税项取代英国的航空旅客税(AirPassengerDuty),后者是针对每名离港旅客征收。

    The Liberal Democrats went into the 2010 election pledging to replace the UK 's air duty , which is imposed on each departing passenger , with a tax on each aircraft instead .

  17. 该党在全部三个地区的知事选举中落败于自由民主党(LDP)。

    The party lost all three of its races for prefectural governorships to the LDP .

  18. 但是尼克·克莱格(NickClegg)再次利用这个机会标榜自由民主党为变革的政党。

    But Clegg took the opportunity once again to the Liberal Democrats as the party of change .

  19. 自由民主党人士SimonHughes表示,如果保守党不提议真正的改革,他的政党不会感兴趣。

    Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes says if the Conservatives are not offering real reform , then his party is not interested .

  20. 任期即将结束的保守党-自由民主党联合政府,委派戴维斯委员会(DaviesCommission,由经济学家霍华德•戴维斯爵士(SirHowardDavies)任主席的机场委员会——译者注)来告诉它该怎么解决伦敦机场问题,但只能等到大选后再公布答案。

    The outgoing Conservative-Liberal coalition appointed the Davies Commission to tell it what to do about London 's airports , but only after the election .

  21. 他们知道自由民主党(LDP)在某些方面长期的优势,使他们有方法应对危机。

    And they know that the LDP 's long dominance in some ways prepared the way for the crisis .

  22. 这并不意外:保守党(Conservative)、工党(Labour)和自由民主党(LiberalDemocrat)在这个问题上各有各的主张,在希思罗机场(Heathrow)是否该建第三条跑道的问题上分歧尤其大。

    That is no surprise : the Conservatives , Labour and Liberal Democrats are all riven on the issue , particularly over whether Heathrow should have a third runway .

  23. 英国派出了前财政部首席秘书、自由民主党人丹尼騠虎煓大爵士(SirDannyAlexander)到中国引人注目的新开发银行工作。北京方面对这一决定不太满意,已让丹尼爵士去负责沟通工作。

    Beijing is unhappy with the UK 's decision to send former Liberal Democrat minister Danny Alexander to its high-profile new development bank and has placed him in a job heading up communications .

  24. 年轻政治家认为,这就是政治家和多年来对自由民主党(LDP)不抱指望的选民们不会重新对自由民主党(LDP)抱有希望的原因。

    Younger members think this is why politicians and voters who over the years grew disenchanted with the LDP are not returning to the fold .

  25. 左图:英国前外交大臣戴维·米利班德中图:自由民主党党魁克莱格(NickClegg)右图:英国现任外交大臣威廉·黑格

    Loose fit : David Miliband ( left ) ; baggy and saggy : Nick Clegg ( centre ) ; and a black mark : William Hague ( right )

  26. 唯一主张这么做的党派是自由民主党(LiberalDemocrats),它弱小到无法在联邦众议院获得哪怕一个席位,连要在州级选举中出线都不容易。

    the only party to do so , the Liberal Democrats , is too small to have a seat in the Bundestag , and is fighting for its life in state-level elections .

  27. 德国总理安吉拉·默克尔今天已经开始着手组建一个右翼政府,初步选举结果显示,她首选的合作伙伴是支持商业发展的自由民主党(FDP)。

    The German chancellor , Angela Merkel , was today on track to form a centre-right government with her preferred coalition partners , the pro-business Free Democrats , initial election results showed .

  28. 就在政府试图收拾乱摊子时,在野党自由民主党(LDP)通过挑毛病来替民众夸张的愤怒辩护。

    As the government has attempted to deal with the mess , the opposition Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) has picked on minor gaffes to justify exaggerated displays of outrage .

  29. 布朗宣布辞职的同时,还宣布了工党已经与自由民主党及其领袖克莱格(NickClegg)就分权联盟进入正式谈判。

    Mr. Brown 's move to step aside was packaged with his announcement that Labour has entered formal talks on a power-sharing coalition with the Liberal Democrats and their leader , Nick Clegg .

  30. 丹尼爵士是自由民主党(LiberalDemocrat)人,曾在英国前联合政府内任财政部首席秘书。他将前往北京担任亚投行副行长、执行管理团队成员以及该行的公司秘书(corporatesecretary)。

    Sir Danny , a Liberal Democrat who served as chief secretary to the Treasury in the previous coalition government , is moving to Beijing to be a vice-president and executive management team member , and the bank 's corporate secretary .