
  1. 对于在Rational解决方案上的IT投资来说,三年的周期(规定为36个月,不是三个日历自然年)是比较实际和保守的计算周期。

    For IT investment in the Rational solution , a three-year period ( stated as36 months , and not3 calendar years ) is a realistic and conservative amount of time to measure over .

  2. 为了让一年制的学生能有夏季实习机会,迈阿密大学工商管理学院(UniversityofMiamiSchoolofBusinessAdministration)将其短学制MBA项目的周期由传统学年换成了自然年,在夏季的几个月休息。

    To give its one-years a shot at summer opportunities , the University of Miami School of Business Administration conducts its briefer M.B.A. on a calendar cycle , breaking for the summer months , rather than a traditional academic year .

  3. 他们预计公司在下一个自然年的营收将达到100万美元。

    They expect to generate over $ 1 million in revenue in the next calendar year .

  4. 把时间周期规定为月而不是自然年是非常重要的。

    It 's important to state your timescale in terms of months and not calendar years .

  5. 英国在最近12个月的净移民人数是26万,超过了之前任何一个自然年。

    The figure of 260,000 for net immigration in the most recent 12 months exceeds that of any previous calendar year .

  6. 同一个自然年中打卡时间满1000小时以上的员工按照员工持股计划可成为公司的股东。

    Every sheetz employee who clocks 1,000 hours in a calendar year becomes an owner of the company through its stock ownership plan .

  7. 这两只穿着贸易的矮种马标志着苏格兰自然年活动的开始。根据活动网站介绍,这个活动由苏格兰国家旅游组织,旨在鼓励人们前往苏格兰,欣赏苏格兰2013年的自然胜景。

    The dressing of the ponies marked the launch of the Year of Natural Scotland campaign undertaken by Scotlands National Tourism Organization to encourage people to Come and celebrate Scotlands outstanding natural beauty throughout 2013 , according to its website .

  8. 而这个影音工作室最近的表现非常糟糕,索尼的财政自然年在三月结束,而这一年索尼的盈利暴跌了15%只有72亿美元,而运营收入也跌了10%到4.66亿美元。

    This entertainment operation has done poorly recently . Sonys fiscal year ends in March , and for the period revenue for the group dropped 15 % to $ 7.2 billion and operating income fell by 10 % to $ 466 million .

  9. 这两只穿着贸易的矮种马标志着“苏格兰自然年”活动的开始。根据活动网站介绍,这个活动由苏格兰国家旅游组织,旨在鼓励人们“前往苏格兰,欣赏苏格兰2013年的自然胜景”。

    The dressing of the ponies marked the launch of the " Year of Natural Scotland " campaign undertaken by Scotland 's National Tourism Organization to encourage people to " Come and celebrate Scotland 's outstanding natural beauty throughout 2013 , " according to its website .

  10. 然而,利用U、Th和K自然放射性年剂量计算出的某些绝对年龄的正确性仍有一些问题。

    However , the validity of some of the absolute age calculated by using the annual dose of U , Th and K radiation remains to be an open question .

  11. 本文采用自然更年动物(menopausal,MP)和去势动物(ovaritectomized,OVX)作为更年动物模型,考察了蒺藜有效部位TT对实验性更年期综合征的作用,并初步探讨了其作用机理。

    Two experimental animal models , MP model and OVX model , were used to study the effect of TT on Climacteric syndrome and its mechanisms .

  12. 联合国减少自然灾害十年机构间工作组

    Inter-Agency Working Group of the United Nations Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction

  13. 国际减少自然灾害十年(减灾十年)千叶国际会议

    International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction ( IDNDR ) Chiba International Conference

  14. 国际减少自然灾害十年信息战略

    Information strategy for the International Decade for Natural Disasters Reduction

  15. 国际减少自然灾害十年区域专题讨论会

    Regional Symposia on the International Decade on Natural Disaster Reduction

  16. 国际减少自然灾害十年智囊团会议

    International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction Think Tank Meeting

  17. 联合国通过国际减轻自然灾害十年提案

    Resolution on International Decade for natural disaster reduction adopted by the United Nations

  18. 国际减少自然灾害十年国际特设专家组

    International ad hoc group of experts on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction

  19. 减少自然灾害十年千叶国际会议我国将举办自然灾害与减灾知识竞赛

    IDNDR Chiba International Conference knowledge game on natural disasters and disaster reduction will be held in China

  20. 这些强大的程序通过大型数据库排序,搜寻一个自然人一年中的生活模式。

    These powerful programs sort through massive databases , looking for patterns that would take a human years to spot .

  21. 其中一个答案自然是几十年来强劲的经济增长产生了一大群新富。

    One answer , of course , is decades of strong economic growth , which has produced a whole new horde of newly-minted millionaires .

  22. 非语言沟通直接通过女人的爬行动物脑&早在人类大脑出现前,自然进化数亿年的大脑。

    Nonverbal communication is processed by a woman 's reptilian brain – the physical part of her brain that evolved millions of years before the Mammalian Limbic brain ever evolved around it .

  23. 二元包装过氧乙酸在室温下自然存放2年,其合成后含量与存放前比较,平均下降率为1.28%。

    After storing the peracetic acid in binary packing at room temperature for 2 years , its content after synthesis decreased by 1.28 % in average as compared with the content before storing .

  24. 国际减轻自然灾害十年中指出:教育是减轻灾害计划的中心,知识是减轻灾害成败的关键。

    The International Decade for Nature Disaster Reduction pointed out that education plays the core role in the plan of reducing nature disaster and knowledge is key to success of reducing nature disasters .

  25. 结果表明,采用阴极电解钝化加高分子覆蔽的综合处理新工艺,可使银制工艺品自然放置10年以上不变色,具有较好的防潮、防盐雾和防霉效果。

    Experimental results showed that a new cooperating treatment of cathodic electrolytic passivating and polymer coating could enable silver artwares to maintain the luster and original colour in natural enviroment for more than 10 years .

  26. 我第一次品位到胜利的滋味自然是79年杯赛战胜曼联的时候,这场比赛到现在仍然是我最为钟爱的比赛之一,在长时间毫无建树的情况下最后时间爆发。

    My first taste of " success " was of course the79 Cup Final victory over Man Utd and it still remains one of my all-time favourite games , coming as it did after a long barren spell .

  27. 决定把从1990年开始的20世纪的最后十年定名为国际减轻自然灾害十年,目的在于通过一致的国际行动,减轻全球突发性的自然灾害。

    It was decided that the last decade beginning from 1990 of the 20th century be named the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction , aiming at mitigating sudden natural disasters over the whole world through concerted international actions .

  28. 为了响应联合国关于国际减轻自然灾害10年活动的号召和近期内中国实现大中城市的减灾目标,在乌鲁木齐市建立了震害预测及防震减灾对策系统。

    For answering the call of International Decade of Natural Disaster Relief activity sponsored by the United Nations and attaining the goal of reducing disaster in big , medium sized cities of China , the measure system for earthquake disaster prediction and relief is established in Urumqi .

  29. 历史学家JeffSklansky说,美国公司缓慢演变为自然人始于1819年的一项高等法院裁定。

    Historian Jeff Sklansky says a slow shift to personhood for American companies began with a Supreme Court ruling in eighteen nineteen .

  30. 利用卧龙自然保护区1987年和1997年两个时段的卫星遥感影像进行植被制图,并与DEM模型数据进行叠图分析,研究不同植被类型在各种地形梯度上的分布格局及变化特点。

    Two temporal satellite images were used for vegetation mapping of Wolong nature reserve . Through overlay analysis of the vegetation maps and DEM data , the authors studied the distribution pattern variation of different vegetation types along the topographic gradients .