
  • 网络self-induction;self-induction phenomenon;self-inductance;self-inductionphenomenon;Self-Induced Phenomenon
  1. 对自感现象中灯泡亮度的研究

    Research of the brightness of bulb in the self-induction phenomenon

  2. 利用DIS传感器研究通断电自感现象

    Demonstrating self-inductance using DIS sensor

  3. 设计制作了自感现象演示实验的CAI课件,根据模拟结果,可方便、合理地改变电路参数,优化电路设计,取得良好的演示效果。

    The CAI courseware of demonstrative experiment of self-inductance phenomena is designed . The circuitry parameter is set up with reason and convenient for favorable demonstrative effect according to simulative result .

  4. 自感现象实验的改进及应用

    Improvement and Application of the Phenomenon Experiment of the Self Inductance

  5. 论述了对电路结构的改进,以便更好地观察自感现象,并能充分理解自感电动势的方向。

    The article discusses to improve on circuit structure so as to observe the self-inductive phenomenon better and understand the direction of self-inductance electromotive force completely .

  6. 现行的教科书关于自感现象和自感电动势、互感现象和互感电动势的定义存在着实质性的不一致,本文就此谈点看法,并且对互感现象提出一种新的定义。

    This paper discusses the difference about the definition of inductance phenomenon and inductance electromotive force , mutual inductance phenomenon and mutual inductance electromotive force in our textbook , and puts up a new definition of mutual inductance phenomenon .

  7. 传统的自感现象演示实验存在不少问题,改进的实验采用发光二极管作显示,用一个电路可演示通电和断电自感现象、感生电动势的极性及感生电流的方向。

    The problem exists in the typical self inductance phenomenon experiment , The improved experiment adopts LED to show , can demonstrate setting up an electric circuit and outage self inductance phenomenon 、 polarity of inducting EMF and direction of the induced current with a piece of circuit .

  8. 晶体管放大电路拥有一个防震二极管以防止由电线长度引起的自感应现象,此防震二极管连接在2个晶体管金属丝接头上。

    Transistor amplifier circuit has oscillation preventing diode connected to connecting wire of2 transistors to prevent inductance due to wire length .

  9. 其次,本文基于自由空间平面波展开近似的麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程,采用有限时域差分法(finite-DifferenceTime-domain,FDTD)方法求解此方程,从而研究了超短脉冲在近共振介质中传播的自感应透明现象。

    Secondly , Using finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method , the Maxwell-Bloch equation based on free-space plane-wave approximation was solved which was implemented to simulate the Self-induced Transparency ( SIT ) with ultra-short pulse propagating in near-resonant two-level atom medium ( TLA ) .

  10. 微波场驱动三能级原子系统的自感应透明现象

    Self-induced transparency in three-level atom system driven by a coherent microwave field

  11. 对于2π脉冲,理想的自感应透明现象消失,出现了明显的二次谐波成分,其原因在于发生了双光子吸收过程。

    The ideal self-induced transparency disappears for 2 π pulse , and second harmonic spectral components occur significantly due to the two-photon absorption process .

  12. 第四章详细论述了超短脉冲激光产生的原理与技术和几种重要的非线性光学现象。介绍了著名的面积定理和自感应透明现象。

    In the fourth chapter , the theory and techniques of generation of ultrashort laser pulse and several important nonlinear phenomena are introduced and the famous area theorem and self-induced transparency are given in detail .

  13. 将通电自感和断电自感实验,集于同一个电路中完成,给人一个通电、断电自感的完全实验,以避免对自感现象的片面理解。

    The power on self inductance and power off self inductance experiments are integrated in one circult , it gives a complete experiment of power on and off self inductance , in order to avoid the unilateral understanding of the self inductance phenomenon .