
  • 网络geosynthetic clay liner;bentonite waterproof blanket;gcl
  1. 选择3种膨润土防水毯产品,采取室内试验,分析了不同浓度及离子溶液对膨润土防水毯防渗效果的影响。

    Choosing three types of GCL products , this paper analyzed the influence of different concentrations and ion solution on the anti-seepage effects of GCL through indoors experiment .

  2. 简要介绍了国内外膨润土防水毯在垃圾填埋场中的应用情况,分析了膨润土防水毯作为垃圾填埋场防渗层的防水机理,阐述了其主要技术性能指标、优缺点和施工技术。

    This article introduced the present state of the application of bentonite waterproof blanket in garbage disposal plants , analyzed the waterproofing mechanism of bentonite waterproof blanket , and expatiated its technical performance index , advantages and limitations as well as the construction technology .

  3. 膨润土防水毯(GCL)和土工膜(GM)作为危险废物填埋场复合场衬垫系统的研究

    A Study on GCL and GM Serving as a Composite Lining System of Hazardous Waste Landfill Sites

  4. 天然钠基膨润土防水毯长效耐久防水工艺

    Long-acting and durable waterproof technology of natural sodium bentonite waterproof layer

  5. 膨润土防水毯在上海轨道交通6号线20标的应用

    Application of bentonite waterproofing blanket in line No.6 of Shanghai Mass Transit

  6. 膨润土防水毯在北京成府路隧道防水工程的应用

    Application of Bentonite Waterproof Rug for Chengfu Road Tunnel Project in Beijing

  7. 膨润土防水毯在大型人工湖的应用实例

    Application example of bentonite waterproof liner on huge artificial lake

  8. 试验证明,提纯后产品的性能较原矿有较大的提高,各项指标可达到膨润土防水毯产品原料的标准要求。

    The test showed that the performances of bentonite after purification were improved and met the standard requirement of GCL .

  9. 本文扼要介绍一种新型防水材料&膨润土防水毯(VOLTEXDS)的防水机理及施工要点,为同类材料的施工提供借鉴。

    This text synopsis introduces waterproof mechanism and main contents in constructions of a kind of new waterproof material & VOLTEX DS , offering consults for the construction of the same kind material .

  10. 膨润土复合防水毯在地铁车站基坑结构防水中的应用

    Application of bentonite composite waterproofing carpet in structural waterproofing of foundation pit of subway station