
  • 网络linkage effect;Link Effect
  1. 除了从总量上分析FDI的外溢效应,本文特别基于联系效应的视角对其进行了分析。

    Besides aggregate analysis of FDI spillover , it focused on FDI spillover based on linkage effect perspective .

  2. 在阐述技术寻求型FDI的理论基础和反向技术外溢效应的优越性之后,本文提出技术寻求型FDI企业主要通过模仿跟随效应、联系效应、人员流动效应以及平台效应四个途径获取反向技术外溢效应。

    The enterprises can gain the Reverse Technological Spillover mainly through imitation effect , linkage effect , employee flow effect and platform effect .

  3. 加入WTO之际的中国&外商直接投资与联系效应

    China : At the Time of Entering into WTO & Foreign Direct Investment and its Linkage Characteristic

  4. FDI的后向联系效应、金融发展与知识产权保护&以中国电子及通讯设备制造业为例

    Backward Linkage of FDI , Financial Development and Intellectual Property Protection : Evidence from Electronic and Telecommunications Equipments Sector in China

  5. 基于联系效应视角的研究表明,FDI溢出发生的机制更有可能是通过行业间而非行业内。

    Research based on linkage effect perspective shows that inter-industry spillover is more likely than intra-industry spillover as for the mechanism of FDI spillover .

  6. 同时,外资制度溢出本质上是FDI的制度外部性,而制度的溢出路径遵循示范效应、竞争效应、联系效应和人力资本流动效应四种机制。

    The essentially of FDI spillover effect is institutional externality , and the institutional spillover path follows the demonstration effect , competition effect , four mechanisms of contact effect and human capital flow effects .

  7. 联系效应指的是纯粹的市场交易以外的企业间相互影响的直接关系,它包括向前联系和向后联系;

    Contact effect refers the direct interaction between enterprises outside purely market transactions , including forward linkages and backward linkages ;

  8. 目的探讨二分暴露变量错分对暴露与疾病结局变量联系效应的影响。

    Objective To explore the impact of misclassification in binary explanatory variables on the effects associated with ' exposure-disease ' .

  9. 前期外商投资对于跟进投资具有显著的示范效应、信息溢出效应以及产业联系效应,从而直接导致外资的产业累积效应。

    Previous foreign investments have demonstration effects , information spillover effects and linkage effects , leading to industrial concentration of foreign investment .

  10. 外商企业技术外溢有四类渠道:示范和模仿效应、竞争效应、联系效应、人力资本流动。

    There are four types of channels on enterprise technology spillovers : Model and replication effects , competition effects , the associated effects , human capital flows .

  11. 物流产业在此扮演着一个特殊的角色,他既具有前向联系效应,又具有后向联系效应,即能够带动一系列相关产业的发展,又能够推动一系列相关产业的发展。

    Logistics industry is a special roles , it not only has the effect of forward linkages , but also has the effect of backward linkages , that is , to promote a series of the development of relevant industries .

  12. 同时外商直接投资通过联系效应带动相关产业投资扩张,这种投资扩张在一定条件下发生较强的投资需求效应,从而推动总需求增加。

    At the same time , foreign direct investment drove the expansion of related industries investment through the linkage effect , and such investment expansion occurred strong investment demand effects under certain conditions , thus promoting the increase in aggregate demand .

  13. 总之,生丝出口贸易量的急增,刺激了缫丝工业成为江苏近代经济发展的主导产业,通过产业联系效应诱致江苏产业结构向近代化方向演化。

    All in all , the soaring growth of raw silk export blossomed the silkworm industry into the pillar industry in the economic development of modern Jiangsu , leading the industrial pattern of Jiangsu towards modernization through the effect of industrial interaction .

  14. 方法利用错分概率、联系效应以及暴露比例之间的函数,采用R2.0.1软件作图来讨论错分对研究真实性的影响。

    Methods Based upon the functions of probabilities on misclassification , effects of association and proportions of exposure , the ' R Project for Statistical Computing ' method was used to analyze the impact of misclassification on the validity of a study .

  15. 外商在大陆的直接投资对我国的资本形成、外贸出口、技术吸收等方面的作用不容低估,其所产生的产业联系效应更具有超过直接投资自身价值的意义。

    Therefore the effect of the foreign direct investment on China 's capital , formation , exports and technical absorption should not be underestimated . Its effect on industrial integration has a greater meaning than the value of the direct investment itself .

  16. 循此概括出报酬递增所依存的主要方式:技术进步、以企业为载体的规模经济、市场交易效率的提高、产业结构间的联系效应、制度创新等等。

    The main modes on which progressive increase of payment depends are : technical progress , scale economy with enterprises as its carrier , the increase of market trading efficiency , the binding effect within industrial structures , innovation in rules and regulations , etc.

  17. 从内部资本市场效应、代理成本效应、交易成本效应和多市场联系效应等四个角度分析多元战略对资本结构的影响,并探讨企业在资本结构决策中如何考虑多元化战略因素。

    This paper analyses the influence of pluralistic strategy on capital structure from the aspects of internal capital market effect , agency cost effect , transaction cost effect and multi-market contact effect . It also discusses how to consider pluralistic strategy in capital structure decision making .

  18. 通过记忆任务施加的环境联系对IAT效应没有产生显著的影响。

    Environmental associations exerted through memory task fail to influence the IAT effect significantly .

  19. 这些结果告诉我们,不同组分的DHPR在结构上有某种联系但催化效应却有差别。

    These results suggest that the3 fractions of DHPR may be structurally related but catalytically distinguishable .

  20. 从各市、县之间的联系和扩散效应分析,以长沙市区为核心的城市群空间结构形成朝4个不同方向扩散延伸的态势。

    From the combination and diffusion effect among 13 cities ( counties ), the spatial structure extends and stretches in four directions around the core city of Changsha .

  21. 联想启动与知觉启动的比较研究联想启动效应,又称作对新异联系的启动效应,是指对新近形成的联系的内隐记忆。

    COMPARISON OF ASSOCIATIVE PRIMING AND PERCEPTUAL PRIMING EFFECTS Priming for new associations , also called associative priming , refers to the implicit memory for newly formed associations between different stimuli or the features .

  22. 这一联系可能和bouba-kiki效应有关,根据该效应,各种语言中更圆更光滑的东西的名字的发音都更“圆”,与bouba的音相近,而更细长更尖的东西名字发音和kiki的音相近。

    The connection may be linked to the ' bouba-kiki ' effect which suggests that across languages , more bulbous smoother objects are labelled with rounded ' bouba ' sounds , while thinner spikier objects have ' kiki ' sounds .

  23. 外商直接投资,垂直联系与技术溢出效应&来自中国工业部门的经验证据

    Foreign Direct Investment , Vertical Linkages and Technological Spillovers : Evidence from Chinese Industrial Sector

  24. 幔羽现象与地震电磁流体效应的可能联系&电磁流体效应和平面电流模型