
  1. 安康市中小学教师职后培训现状的调查与思考

    Reflections on the Present Situation of Teachers Training in Ankang City

  2. 增强职后培训的目的性。

    ( 2 ) strengthens the duty , trains sense of purpose .

  3. 研究并完善职后培训内容。

    Studies and consummates the duty , trains the content .

  4. 第五,教师职后培训质量亟待提高。

    Fifth , the quality of post training needs to be improved .

  5. 人本主义理论视角下幼儿园教师职后培训转型之研究

    Research of Kindergarteners ' Post-training Transition from the Perspective of Humanistic Theory

  6. 广泛开展职后培训。

    To develop a wide ranging training after work .

  7. 世界主要发达国家本科学历初中教师职后培训述评

    Review of the On-the-job Training for Junior Middle School Teachers in Developed Countries

  8. 我国中学体育教师职后培训的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Middle School Gym Teacher 's on-job Training in China

  9. 完善职后培训课程方案。

    Consummates the duty , training program plan .

  10. 参加过职后培训的幼儿教师专业实践能力较强。

    In after the training of preschool teachers ' competence in practice is stronger .

  11. 增强职后培训课程的针对性、适用性、全面性和创新性。

    Strengthens the duty , training program pointed , serviceability , integrity and innovation .

  12. 入职后培训进修的机会更是寥寥无几。

    Entry training education opportunities are few .

  13. 重视高职院校英语教师的职后培训和职前培训同等重要。

    It is of vital importance to highlight the training of teachers of vocational technical college .

  14. 强化职后培训:提高少数民族双语教师汉语水平的有效途径

    Enhancing in-service Training : An effective Way to Improving the Chinese Ability of Bilingual teachers of Minority Nationalities

  15. 高质量教师队伍的建设是一个由岗前培训、任用管理以及职后培训三个方面所组成且缺一不可的系统工程。

    The building is composed of pre post training , appointment management , and on the post training .

  16. 教师的职后培训是提升体育骨干教师综合素质的有效途径。

    The post training of teachers is an effective way to enhance the overall quality of key PE teachers .

  17. 请详细描述一下你们学校和区里所提供的职后培训。

    Could you please describe in detail the kinds of in-service training offered at your school and your district ?

  18. 教师职后培训对于教师能力及水平提高具有重要作用,但是其中也存在着一些问题。

    Teachers post-job training has an important effect in improving teachers level and capacity , but there are some problems in it .

  19. 要增强培训内容的针对性,丰富培训形式的多样性,使职后培训活动发挥重要作用。

    To enhance the relevance of the training content , the rich diversity of forms of training , preservice training activities play an important role .

  20. 因此,教师职后培训就成为提高教师素质、适应专业岗位的重要手段。

    Therefore , after the train teachers to improve the quality of teachers has become , to adapt to an important means of professional positions .

  21. 反思在职前培养与职后培训过程中课程设置、教学内容以及教育实习等方面存在的主要问题,进而提出了构建一体化课程体系的几点设想。

    Main problems such as course setting , teaching contents and educational practice are introspected . Several concepts of constructing integral course system are proposed .

  22. 构建一套较为完善、能适应未来发展需要的高职教师职后培训与发展模式,是推动高职院校和谐、可持续发展的必由之路。

    It is the only way for a harmonious and sustainable vocational college to build a more perfect model which is suitable for the future development .

  23. 要使反思成为教师工作的基本特征,幼儿园还应该在组织行为、职后培训、专业队伍建设等方面给予外部支撑。

    In order to better the reflective teaching , kindergarten teachers should support it in organization of post-profession training , construction of staff and so on .

  24. 幼儿园教师职后培训事关幼儿园师资质量,而师资质量是教育质量的决定因素。

    The training of preschool teachers is a key factor for the quality of kindergarten teachers which is in turn the decisive factor for the preschool education .

  25. 它既是在反思性教育的背景下,也是在职前教育和职后培训日趋整合和完善的情况下出现的一种提高在职教师素质的新模式。

    Classroom instructional design for vocational college students under quality education It emerges in the situation of combination in Pre-service Education and in-service Education in teachers ' education .

  26. 研究者发现,我国幼儿园教师职后培训存在着目标性、系统性、计划性不强,形式单一,缺乏制度保障等问题。

    The author discovered that problems exist in the training such as lack of well-defined goals , system and plans , monotonous form and absence of system guarantee .

  27. 幼儿园教师职后培训是幼儿教育改革、终身教育的社会必然,其直接关系到整个幼教事业的发展。

    Post-training of kindergarteners is an inevitable outcome of the reform of education on infants and forever education and it also influence the development of the complete education on infants .

  28. 六要加强教师职后培训,全面提高教师队伍的专业素质和业务水平,增加教师外出进修、学习机会,促进教师教学的动力。

    We should strengthen teacher training , comprehensively improve the professional quality and level of the teaching staff , increase the training opportunities for teachers , and promote the motility of teaching .

  29. 然而,在我国,由于种种原因,初任教师的职后培训和指导并未受到广泛重视,导致初任教师贻误了专业发展良机。

    However , in China , for a variety of reasons , the post-career training and instruction is not paid enough attention , consequently missing the optimal opportunity of professional development for beginning teachers .

  30. 主要从幼儿园教师职后培训的基本现状、幼儿园教师职后培训的目的、内容、方式、时间、评价、管理等方面入手进行了详尽的问题分析。

    The problem is thoroughly analyzed in the following aspects , the basic situation of kindergarteners ' post-training , the aim , contents , method , time , evaluation and management of kindergarteners ' post-training .