
  • 网络job role;professional role;occupational role
  1. 根据Caruso的研究,你也许可以考虑的职业角色当中就有:企业家、律师、环保主义者和作家。

    According to Caruso 's research , among the possible personal and professional roles you might consider are entrepreneur , lawyer , environmentalist and writer .

  2. 要立足于同行控制,职业角色通过职业理念的内化而形成;

    The professional roles need to be formed through assimilating the professional idea .

  3. 论远程教育中教师职业角色的转变

    On the Changing of Teachers ' Professional Role in Distance Education

  4. 民族旅游区居民职业角色转换问题研究

    Research on Career Role Exchange of Residents in National Tourism Regions

  5. 网络时代图书馆员的职业角色及职业理念

    The Vocational Part and Concept of Librarian in the Time of Internet

  6. 论新课程与教师职业角色的转换

    On the New Curriculums and Changes of Teacher 's Role

  7. 学校行政领导的职业角色认同要高于普通教师。

    School heads ' role-identity is higher than common teachers .

  8. 影响聘用护士职业角色化的因素分析及管理对策

    Factors Affecting Professional Role in the Contracted Nurses : Analysis and Administration Strategy

  9. 专业化背景下的中小学校长职业角色我国法医学专业就业前景分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures of the Employment Prospect for Forensic Medicine Specialty in China

  10. 浅谈体育教师的职业角色特征

    Analyse the Characteristics of Professional Role of Sport Teachers

  11. 社会转型期教练员职业角色缺位的研究

    The study of the coach 's unemployment in the period of society reform

  12. 个体人格特征与护士职业角色的相关研究

    Study on the relationship between personality factors of individual and nursing profession role

  13. 谈大学生角色适应中的职业角色培养

    Consideration of Training College Students ' Career Role During the Course of Role Adaptation

  14. 对护士职业角色培养的体会

    Experiences on fostering occupational role of nurses

  15. 在不同社会环境下,对律师职业角色的定位自然不同。

    Under different social environment , the role localization of the lawyer is also different .

  16. 开放教育背景下教师三维五元职业角色的研究

    The Research on Teacher 's Professional Roles of Three Dimensions and Five Elements for Open Education

  17. 分析师生关系中的自我角色,建构对职业角色的认同;

    Analyzing self role between the relationship within teachers and students , constitute the professional role identity ;

  18. 产品的目标市场描述了人群统计和生活风格,有时也涉及职业角色。

    The target market for a product describes demographics as well as lifestyles and sometimes job roles .

  19. 教师所处的学校类型、教师性别和是否担任行政职务,在职业角色认同上有非常显著和显著的差异。

    Professional role-identity is significant differences from teacher 's school types , teacher 's gender and schoolmasters .

  20. 护士职业角色化与护理管理

    Nursing professionalism and nursing administration

  21. 这四种职业角色共存,共同影响着我国新闻界的现状及走势。

    Nowadays these four types of journalists coexist and influence the future of China 's journalism all together .

  22. 这些创新与他的科学精神、人文精神和独特的职业角色紧密相连。

    His creative consciousness is closely connected with his scientific spirit , humanistic spirit and his unique career role .

  23. 本研究是在了解新课程背景所倡导的教师角色的基础上,对教师职业角色认同状况的调查和分析。

    This research was to explore the traits of the professional role-identity of Shanghai primary and middle school teachers .

  24. 泉州市中学新任体育教师职业角色调查研究

    An Investigation and Research on the Professional Role of Newly - appointed PE Teachers in High Schools in Quanzhou

  25. 目的了解影响军队医院聘用护士职业角色化的因素,为采取应对措施提供依据。

    Objective To analyze the influence factors of professional role in military hospital contracted nurses and provide clues for administration .

  26. 进而分析了中学教师入职阶段职业角色认同的特征,即角色认同是个体角色行为的自觉调节机制,是知情行的统一体。

    Role identity is a consciously regulatory mechanism of individual normal behavior and a unity of cognition , emotion and behavior .

  27. 性别角色:包括职业角色和家庭角色两个方面。

    The analysis of gender roles includes two parts , one is professional roles , and the other is family roles .

  28. 护士职业角色化是护士职业得以发展和完善的手段,它的实现是否顺利直接影响着护理质量的好坏。

    Nurse professionalism , as a mean to the development and perfection , has a direct impact on the quality of nursing .

  29. 结论护士长的工作性质和职业角色决定其管理压力的程度。

    Conclusion The level of the head nurses ' management stress lies on the characteristics of their working and the professional roles .

  30. 但知识经济的到来,学习化社会的出现,传统的教师职业角色内涵受到挑战。

    With the coming of knowledge economy and learning society , the traditional connotation of the rote as a teacher has been challenged .