
  • 网络Multi-view;ANGLE;multi-angle;multiview;multiple perspectives
多视角 [duō shì jiǎo]
  • [multi-angle of view] 从各种不同的角度观察

  1. 从一个用例看UML模型的多视角性

    Studying Multi-view Feature of UML Model from One Use-case

  2. 基于OpenGL的三维物体的多视角显示

    Multi-view of Three-dimensional Objects Based on OpenGL

  3. 多视角背影轮廓3D测量方法的研究

    Study on 3D Measurement Using Shape from Silhouette

  4. X射线多视角立体成像方法的研究

    Method of Multiple View Stereoscopic Radiography

  5. 文章首先从经济学、政治经济学、哲学等多视角探讨了规范国际贸易秩序的WTO所选择的贸易政策&自由贸易化政策。

    It discusses the free trade policies which WTO prefers from perspective of economics , political economics and philosophy .

  6. 基于目标散射中心和HMM分类的多视角雷达目标识别方法

    Multi-aspect Radar Target Recognition Method Based on Scattering Centers and HMMs Classifiers

  7. 随着视频显示技术的发展,3D立体显示技术及多视角显示技术已经逐渐的应用到日常消费领域。

    With the development of video display technology , 3D stereo display technology and multi-view display technology has been gradually applied to the field of daily consumption .

  8. 基于有监督学习的多视角人脸模型子空间学习算法,能够实现比无监督ISA学习算法得到更高的姿态估计精度。

    It can gain more accuracy than the ( unsupervised ) learning algorithm in pose information estimation .

  9. 本文选择了成人教务管理系统的一个用例,从不同角度对其进行动态建模,以体现UML模型的多视角性并比较各种模型的特点。

    The paper selects one use-case from different views to show the multi-view feature of UML models and to compare the characters of various UML models .

  10. 基于GTD模型的多视角多波段窄带雷达信号融合

    Multiangular and Multiband Fusion of Narrowband Signal Based on GTD Model

  11. 基于OpenCV的多视角视觉测量系统标定

    Calibration for Multi-Angles Vision Measuring System Based on OpenCV

  12. 随着人们对视频质量的要求越来越高,高分辨率、多视角(Multi-View)立体视频必将成为今后的发展趋势。

    With the acquirement of the video quality , stereoscopic video with high definition and multi-view will be the trend .

  13. 文中分别用该方法与SIFT方法对多视角图像进行匹配实验,证明了该方法比SIFT方法在处理视角变换较大的图像配准问题上可以得到更好的匹配效果。

    Experiments show that this approach can get a better results of matching than the SIFT approach when the image has a larger transformation of views .

  14. 在多视角测量数据融合中采用Screw理论,将坐标系关系求取中带约束的多变量非线性优化问题转化为线性方程组的最小二乘问题,简化了计算的复杂性,提高了求解过程的稳定性。

    In coordinate computing , multiple variables non-linear optimized problems with constraint are changed into least squares problems of linear equation group utilizing screw theory , which simplifies the computing complexity and advanced stability in solving course .

  15. 设计了基于OLAP技术的元数据多维数据展现体系结构,可以方便、迅速、准确地定位到要查找的数据对象,多视角展现数据。

    Based on OLAP technology , multidimensional data display architecture and multidimensional metadata model are designed elaborately , which makes search data and multi-view display data conveniently and accurately . 4 .

  16. 该文阐述了分布式仿真的定义和发展过程,对DIS、ALSP和HLA三个分布式仿真标准从多视角进行了详细的分析比较;

    This paper describes the definition and the developed course of distributed interactive simulation ; particularly , studies and analyses the DIS , ALSP and HLA in multi viewpoints .

  17. 利用HRRP对雷达视角敏感这一特点,用隐马尔可夫过程表征多视角雷达回波序列,获得目标距离-方位两维信息。

    HMM is used to describe multi-azimuth radar profiles to obtain the distance-azimuth information of radar target through that radar HRRP is sensitive to radar azimuth .

  18. 论文以开放的体系从社会学、心理学、规划学、建筑学等多视角探讨Townhouse的本质与特征。

    In this thesis , we discuss the essence and feature of Townhouse with full angle ; include sociology psychology , naturalization and architecture theories we conclude .

  19. 实验结果表明TSV特征可以作为远距离视频图像中的性别特征,并且该特征对多视角变化下的性别识别具有良好的鲁棒性。

    Experimental results showed that TSV can be regarded as gender recognition characteristics in long range video images , which embodies robustness to be excellent for gender recognition under multi-view variations .

  20. 另一方面无论是平行束层析还是扇束层析,EST都很难获得多视角、多方向的瞬态辐射数据,所以需要少投影或非完全数据下的重建算法。

    On the other hand , both in parallel beam CT and fan beam CT , it is hard for EST to gain transient emission data from a lot of angels , therefore , the algorithms of EST need to be applicable to limited-view and incomplete data conditions .

  21. 该文在传统单视角判别聚类算法的基础上,结合多视角学习的思想,提出了一种新的多视角判别聚类算法(MVDC)。

    In this paper , by introducing the multi-view idea into conventional single-view discriminant clustering algorithm , a novel multi-view discriminate clustering ( MVDC ) algorithm is proposed .

  22. 深入研究了灰度图像复杂背景下的平面内多视角的人脸检测以及人脸跟踪技术,具体工作如下:改进了AdaBoost的训练算法。

    The technology of in-plane rotated face detection and tracking in gray and complex background is deeply discussed in this paper . The detail is as bellow : AdaBoost training algorithm is improved .

  23. 基于多视角的动态八叉树碰撞检测算法

    The Collision Detection Algorithm of Dynamic Octree Based on Multi-view Angle

  24. 关于推行公益诉讼制度的多视角法理分析

    Analysis of Implementing Lawsuit System of Public Welfare from Multi Perspectives

  25. 可伸缩视频编码与多视角视频编码的差错控制方法研究

    Researches on Error Control of Scalable Video Coding and Multi-view Video Coding

  26. 中小企业存在的多视角分析

    A Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Survival of Small-and Medium-Sized enterprises

  27. 中国诗词翻译的多视角美学构建

    On Multiple Perspectives of Aesthetic Construction in Chinese Poetic Translation

  28. 产业集群边界的多视角分析

    The Multi - Perspective Analysis on Boundary of Industrial Clusters

  29. 基于多视角照片的人脸建模和动画

    Facial model and animation based on photographs of multi-angle views

  30. 石化企业设备维护多视角管理研究与开发

    Petrochemical Enterprise Equipment Maintenance Management of Multi-Perspective Research and Development