
duō biān tiáo yuē
  • multilateral treaty;multipartite treaty
  1. 在此过程中,应加强联合国为核心的国际机构、多边条约机制的协调配合。

    In this process , it is important to strengthen the coordination and cooperation among international institutions and multilateral treaty regimes with the UN at the center .

  2. 将签署一项禁止核试验的多边条约。

    A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed .

  3. 审查多边条约拟订程序的最后文件

    Final Document on the Review of the Multilateral Treaty-making Process

  4. 交给秘书长保存的多边条约;

    Mto ; multilateral treaties deposited with the secretary-general ;

  5. 多边条约制定程序的审查

    Review of the Multilateral Treaty-Making Process

  6. 略论反恐多边条约的国内实施

    On the Implementation of the Multilateral Treaties on Controlling the International Terrorism Crimes in the Contracting States

  7. 不少在回归前适用于香港的多边条约仍继续适用于香港特区。

    Many multilateral treaties that applied to Hong Kong before reunification continue to apply to the hksar .

  8. 反恐多边条约的国内实施于惩治和预防国际恐怖主义犯罪发挥了重要作用。

    The enforcement in the contracting states generates significant influence on punishing and preventing the international terrorism crimes .

  9. 在1951~1954年间,美国通过与盟友签订一系列双边或多边条约建立起西太平洋集体防务体系。

    Between 1951 and 1954 , the US and its allies set up a collective defense system by signing a series of bilateral and multi-lateral treaties .

  10. 根据多边条约规定签约国不应该不参加针对其他缔约方的联盟或集团。

    A signing country should not join in any other alliances or groups or activities that are hostile to other signees , according to the multinational pact .

  11. 反恐多边条约的实施主要是缔约国的实施(即国内层面上的实施),可以分为直接实施和间接实施两种模式。

    The treaties are mainly implemented by the contracting states ( i.e. the implementation on the nation level ), that have two models of direct and indirect implementation .

  12. 国际恐怖(主义)犯罪是目前日炽的一种国际犯罪,国际社会非常重视对恐怖(主义)犯罪的惩治、预防和打击,缔结了一系列反恐多边条约。

    International terrorism crime is a serious international crime , So international society pays attention to punishing to international crimes of terrorism and concluded some treaties on anti-international crimes of terrorism .

  13. 比较了双边协定、区域协定和多边条约三种模式的优劣之后,得出了这样一个结论:要适应全球经济一体化的要求,竞争规则的国际协调不能不考虑贸易规则。

    Comparing the three coordination patterns , the author draws the conclusion : In order to meet the new needs of world economy , the coordination of competition rules must associate with trade rules .

  14. 国际税收情报交换可以建立在双边条约、多边条约、国内法和超国家的统一立法基础之上。

    And there are a number of international legal instruments on the basis of which exchanges of information for tax purposes may take place , such as bilateral convention , multilateral convention , domestic law and supranational law .

  15. 反恐多边条约在我国得到了很好的实施,但在实施过程中仍存在某些弊端或不足,亟须完善,关键是要尽快制定一部专门的反恐特别法。

    The treaties are also implemented in China , but there are still some shortages and problems to be perfected and solved , the most important one of which is that the special law on anti-terrorism should soon be regulated .

  16. 随着经济全球化、投资自由化趋势的日益增强,外资国民待遇标准的处延有逐步拓展、并在形式上有专门多边条约调整的趋势。

    With the increase of the globalization of economy and freedom of investment , a tendency appears that the extension of the standard of national treatment to the foreign investment will be gradually widened and adjusted by special multinational treaties .

  17. 目前我国放射性污染风险防范的法律渊源包括全国性立法,行政法规,部门规章及其他规范性文件,地方性法规、规章及其他规范性文件,国际公约、双边与多边条约。

    Currently , legal source of radioactive contamination risk prevention includes national laws , administrative regulations , departmental rules and other regulatory documents , local laws , regulations and other regulatory documents , international conventions , and bilateral and multilateral treaties .

  18. WTO法律体系是规范成员方之间经济与贸易交往的多边经济条约群,金融服务贸易也在其管辖之列。

    WTO Laws is a set of multilateral treaties regulating trade activities including financial services between WTO members .

  19. 多边环境条约与WTO规则的冲突则是这一热点问题的一个非常重要的方面。

    The conflict between WTO rules and MEAs is one of the key issues of the trade and environment conflict .

  20. 因此,研究WTO规则与多边环境条约的法律协调具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    So it 's valuable both in theory and in practice for us to research how to harmonize the WTO rules and MEAs from the legal perspective .

  21. 贸易与环境必须协调发展已成为人们的共识,但是涉及贸易与环境的WTO规则与多边环境条约(MEAs)之间的关系应怎么协调成为人们面临的现实问题。

    Trade and environment must coordinate development , which has become people 's common recognition , but the relation between WTO rule concerned with trade , enviroment and MEAS how to coordinate to has become the realistic problem that people are faced with .

  22. 在一定条件下,签定一个关于履行多边环境条约而采取贸易措施的协议来协调两者的关系。

    Under certain condition , it signs an agreement about performing multilateral environmental treaty to adopt the relation of coordinative two .

  23. 多边裁军条约是各国普遍参与谈判的结果,是国际社会共同意志的反映。

    Multilateral disarmament treaties are the results of negotiations through universal participation and therefore reflect the common will of the international community .

  24. 少数国家之间的某些出口控制机制,无论从公正性还是从普遍性来讲,均不能同多边国际条约相提并论。

    Some export control regimes by a small group of countries can in no way compare with these international treaties either in impartiality or in universality .

  25. 我国目前对本国对外直接投资的保护大致有两条途径:一是参与和签署多边国际条约;

    Our country roughly has two ways to the protection of the foreign direct investment at present : First , participate in and sign the multilateral international treaty ;

  26. 外资准入自由条款也不断出现在双边、多边投资条约之中,逐步成为世界性立法趋势。

    So recently , foreign investment access liberalization clauses appear frequently in bilateral or multilateral investment treaties or agreements , and this has become a world-wide legislative trend .

  27. 为解决这一问题,国际上采取环保合作的形式,主要通过订立双边环保条约、多边环保条约和国际环境公约等来实现。

    To solve this problem , nations usually take the form of international environmental cooperation , mainly through bilateral environmental treaties , multilateral environmental treaties and international environmental conventions to achieve .

  28. 有关国家通过双边或多边国际条约的方式制定统一的实体法,以直接规定涉外民事关系当事人的权利义务关系,从而避免或消除法律冲突。

    The concerned nations in the way of concluding bilateral and multilateral international treaties stipulate substantive law , therefore directly ascertain the right and obligation of the parties in the legal relationship involving foreign elements .

  29. 然而,近年来的一些双边投资条约和多边投资条约、国际文件开始对东道国的此项权力提出质疑,对东道国外资管辖权形成了过大的冲击。

    But there are some changes in the recent development of bilateral and multilateral investment legislations : some bilateral and multilateral investment treaties began to challenge this power of host country , some treaties even totally prohibited performance requirements .

  30. 内地关于国家间法院判决的承认与执行的法律制度主要规定在1991年《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》以及中国缔结或参与的双边和多边国际条约。

    The legal systems related to the international recognition and enforcement of judgments in the Mainland are mainly stipulated in the Civil Procedure Law of PRC enacted in 1991 , and the bilateral and multilateral international treaties concluded or participated by China .