
  • 网络professional executive
  1. 而MBA项目越来越重视开设培养非传统职业管理者的课程,特别是非赢利领域的管理者,可能也有一定的作用。

    So too might a growing concentration on courses within the MBA programme that educate managers for non-traditional jobs , in particular in the not-for-profit sector .

  2. 现代大学校长身份的定位&职业管理者

    Identity of Modern University President : Professional Manager

  3. 因此,各级卫生行政主管部门应转变观念,提高认识,加快卫生管理人才的培养,建立完善的职业管理者评价体系。

    Thus , the health administration should change the concepts , cultivate health manager and establish the evaluation system for professional manager .

  4. 同时,通过管理者更迭过程引入职业管理者,以加强企业的管理能力,从而突破企业成长的约束。

    In addition , it is a very important action to strengthen managerial ability of enterprise to break through enterprise succeed constrained by administrator renew and introduce .

  5. 随着分工的演进,企业的权益所有者&管理者分化成为相对独立的股东(资本提供者)和职业的管理者(管理服务提供者)。

    The entrepreneur was divided into capital-owner and manager with the development of the division of labor .

  6. 现代企业所有权与管理权的分离,造就了职业的管理者阶层和管理者市场。

    When the management right separates from the proprietorship right , the professional manager and manager market come into being .

  7. 现代企业制度实现了所有权与经营权的分离,造就了职业的管理者阶层和管理者市场,适应了社会分工的需要和经济发展的要求。

    Modern corporations system makes the management apart from the ownership , the estate and market for managers come forth accordingly , which meets the needs of the division of social works and the demands of economy development .

  8. 当前,对于职业医院管理者的培养,可采取学校培养管理专业学生和在职管理人员学习管理科学知识的应急方法。

    At present , some crash measures can be taken in the cultivation of professional hospital managers , including the training of students majoring in management at higher institutions of learning and the training of on the job managers in the knowledge of management science .

  9. 未来的发展应该是由职业经理人与家族管理者共同管理企业。

    The future current should be occupation manager and family management take the same place in firms .

  10. 公共管理职业活动是公共管理者社会生命实现的途径。

    The occupational activities of public administration are an approach to realizing social life values of public administrators .

  11. 结果护士长的支持与护士的职业发展和对管理者行为方面的满意度呈显著正相关;护士长的支持与护士工作和人际关系方面的满意度呈正相关;

    Results There were positive correlation between the head nurses'support and the nurses ' career development and the nurses ' satisfaction for the head nurses .

  12. 公共管理的职业属性要求公共管理者以科学、系统的专业知识实现服务的公共伦理价值。

    The professional property of public management demands scholars and actors of public ( ma - )( nagement ) in search of public ethics for services by means of scientific and systematic disciplinary knowledge and skills .

  13. 中等职业学校学生管理工作是中等职业学校管理的主要工作之一,历来得到中等职业教育管理者和研究者的关注。

    The work of student management is one of the most important work in Middle Professional School , which is paid close attention by the managers and researchers of Middle Professional School .