首页 / 词典 / good


měi miào
  • wonderful;beautiful;nice;marvelous;splendid
美妙 [měi miào]
  • [beautiful;marvellous;nice;splendid;wonderful] 美好;美好绝妙

  • 美妙的诗句

美妙[měi miào]
  1. 最适于演绎莫扎特乐曲的银铃般美妙的嗓音

    a beautiful silver-toned voice ideal for Mozart .

  2. 那是一个美妙的早晨。

    It was a beautiful morning

  3. 这可不太像我所想象的那么美妙!

    This isn 't exactly my idea of heaven !

  4. 美妙的景色令人叹为观止。

    The scene was one of breathtaking beauty .

  5. 看着太阳冉冉升起将是十分美妙的事情。

    It will be so great watching the sun come up .

  6. 这美妙的嗓音令女人们觉得非常性感。

    It was a wonderful voice which women found incredibly sexy .

  7. 诺娃女士拥有一副美妙动听的好嗓音,对此她深以为豪。

    Ms Nova is the proud possessor of a truly incredible voice .

  8. 这是一种极其美妙的感觉。

    It 's one of the nicest feelings you can possibly have .

  9. 沿城堡街走下去,欣赏一下我们美妙绝伦的大教堂。

    Walk down Castle Street and admire our little jewel of a cathedral

  10. 那是个美妙的下午,出席人数众多。

    It was a marvellous afternoon with a huge turnout of people .

  11. 再见到他是多么高兴、多么欢欣、多么美妙的事啊!

    What joy , what rapture , what glory to see him again !

  12. 芦荟用于润肤霜中,使之具有美妙的丝般润滑感。

    Aloe Vera is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture

  13. 美丽的塞浦路斯岛是缔结良缘的美妙之地。

    The beautiful island of Cyprus is a magical place to get married .

  14. 利兹堡将为下周六的烟花燃放提供美妙的背景衬托。

    Leeds Castle will provide a dramatic backdrop to a fireworks display next Saturday

  15. 塔玛拉用她美妙悦耳的声音快速向他讲述了所发生的一切。

    Quickly , in her dulcet voice , Tamara told him what had happened .

  16. 您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。

    In your free time , explore all that this incredible city has to offer .

  17. 在迂回曲折、潮水汹涌的河流和沼泽地中航行20分钟的感觉真是美妙。

    The 20-minute boat ride through a maze of tidal rivers and marshes is wonderful .

  18. 圣诞节应该是兴奋和美妙的时刻,而不该是一种肆无忌惮的营销策略。

    Christmas should be a time of excitement and wonder , not a cynical marketing ploy .

  19. 他会大步走上舞台,然后轻轻地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙动听的曲调。

    He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin

  20. 他还写了一些美妙的故事,其中有些是和他的未婚妻合著的。

    He was also a writer of beautiful stories , some of which are collaborations with his fiancee .

  21. 全世界的室内设计师都希望从英国乡村花园汲取美妙的灵感,这并非没有道理。

    It 's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration .

  22. 巴黎是个值得考察的美妙城市。

    Paris is a wonderful city to explore .

  23. 我们不断地在莎士比亚的诗歌中发现美妙之处。

    We are always finding new beauties in Shakespeare 's poetry .

  24. 女士们和绅士们卖弄他们的美妙姿态、才智和魅力。

    Ladies and gentlemen paraded their fine manners , wit , and charm .

  25. 这美妙的音乐使我心醉。

    I was enchanted with the sweet music .

  26. 你为什么把我从如此美妙的梦中唤醒?

    Why did you wake me from such a beautiful dream ?

  27. 看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。

    You can 't really appreciate foreign literature in translation .

  28. 那家公司的经济情况很不美妙。

    That company is in a bad financial situation .

  29. 此刻他突然产生一个想法,一个十分美妙的想法。

    At this moment an idea burst upon him & a glorious idea .

  30. 时值8月,气候美妙宜人。

    The August weather is delicious .