
  • 网络Bankruptcy;United States Bankruptcy Code;US Bankruptcy Code
  1. sknl已利用美国破产法的灵活性,重组其收购来的公司。

    Sknl has taken advantage of flexibility in the US bankruptcy code to rationalise the structure of its purchase .

  2. 美国破产法金融合约例外条款评析

    On Exemption Items of Financial Contract in US Bankruptcy Law

  3. 然而市场不涨反跌,结果该公司不得不根据美国破产法第11章(chapter11)寻求破产保护。

    Instead , the markets fell sharply and the company has since had to seek Chapter 11 protection .

  4. 但另一个问题出在法律框架方面:欧洲许多地方根本没有迅速解决不良贷款问题的机制,无论是类似于针对企业重组的美国破产法第11章(Chapter11),还是叮当邮件。

    But another issue is the legal framework : many parts of Europe simply do not have the mechanisms needed to resolve bad loans quickly , be that a system akin to America 's Chapter 11 code for company reorganisation - or jingle mail .

  5. 妮基•德沃-史密斯(NikiDeVault-Smith)的计划也因2008年的危机而受挫。距她的EMBA项目开课还有几周时间的时候,她的雇主宣布按照美国破产法第11章的规定破产了。

    Niki DeVault-Smith 's plans were also shaken by the 2008 crisis when her employer entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy weeks before her EMBA was due to start .

  6. 论美国破产法之金融合约安全港规则

    Financial Contract Safe Harbor Rule in US Bankruptcy Law

  7. 回顾美国破产法下自动停止制度的产生、确立并完善的历史过程。

    Reviewing the history of the automatic stay .

  8. 然而,美国破产法不允许房产业主宣布破产,然后对其抵押贷款进行重组。

    Yet American bankruptcy law does not allow homeowners to declare bankruptcy and have their mortgages reorganised .

  9. 美国破产法传统上给予若干金融合约以程度不等的破产安全港保护。

    US bankruptcy law traditionally provided certain financial contracts with different levels of exemption , or safe harbor protection .

  10. 它可以防止投行进入美国破产法第11章(Chapter11)的破产程序,同时不必承担全部负债。

    Investment banks could be prevented from going into Chapter 11 bankruptcy without having to accept all of their liabilities .

  11. 美国破产法第11章规定,失败的企业可以通过改革经营管理、同债权人协商的方式继续经营。

    Part of the U.S. bankruptcy code , Chapter 11 allows a failing business to continue operations while restructuring and negotiating with lenders .

  12. 两人决定首先专注于美国破产法,因为他们认为,这是一个不受衰退影响的法律业领域。

    The pair decided to focus first on US bankruptcy law because they thought it was an area of legal practice that was recession proof .

  13. 文章中简要介绍了美国破产法在确定自由财产方面的相关程序,为我国确定自由财产相关程序提出了立法展望。

    This part briefly states the procedures of exempt property based on legislations and cases in America , and put forward legislative proposals for our country .

  14. 仍处于美国破产法第11章保护之下的汽车清算公司,拥有约200处房地产和通用汽车在法院监督的重组过程中放弃的逾50万份合同。

    Motors Liquidation , which remains in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection , holds about 200 properties and more than 500,000 contracts abandoned by GM during its court-supervised restructuring .

  15. 上世纪五十年代,罗西在哈佛法学院学习,曾写过一部关于美国破产法的著作,后来一名公司代理律师,因热衷于市场规则及其的案例而名噪一时。

    Mr Rossi , who attended Harvard law school in the1950s and wrote a book on American bankruptcy law , made his name as a corporate lawyer keen on market rules and their enforcement .

  16. 美国破产法迄今为止已有两个世纪的发展史,其破产管理人法律制度从内容到形式已十分完善,积淀厚实。

    The bankruptcy law system has the development of more than two hundred years ' legislative history . The bankruptcy trustee system in America become very perfect form forms to content and has tremendous basis .

  17. 更糟糕的是,由于欧洲的法制基础不统一,加上与美国破产法存在差异,就连律师专家都无法确定,破产程序会如何进行。

    To make matters worse , the fragmented legal infrastructure in Europe , combined with differences in bankruptcy laws with the US , left even expert lawyers uncertain about exactly how a bankruptcy might proceed .

  18. 第一是各国法关于重整计划内容的规定,介绍了美国破产法、日本公司更生法、德国支付不能法、台湾公司法及我国企业破产法草案的规定;

    The first is the provision about the content of the reorganization plan of many national law , which is the regulation of the American bankruptcy law , Japanese reorganization law , Germany insolvent law , the Taiwan law of corporation and our country bankruptcy law draft .

  19. 现在还不清楚在GT依据美国《破产法》第11章申请破产保护前到底发生了什么,苹果供应链中的其他公司正在紧张地关注此案。

    With the exact circumstances leading up to GT 's sudden filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection unclear , other companies in Apple 's supply chain are watching the case with nervous interest .

  20. 特任紧急财政管理人已向联邦法院提出申请,将底特律破产案归于美国“破产法”第九章以获得破产保护。

    The state-appointed emergency manager has asked a federal judge for permission to place the city into Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection .

  21. 123于10月表示公司正在根据美国《破产法》第十一章申请破产保护,以“有序地出售”公司业务。

    In October , A123 said it was seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection " to provide for an orderly sale " of its operations .

  22. 美国《破产法》、德国《支付不能法》等多数国家和地区的法律均对管理人报酬做出相应规定。

    The United States " bankruptcy law ", the German the payment and not law in most countries and regions such as the law of managers to pay all the corresponding provisions .

  23. 美国现代破产法最近迎来了30周年纪念日。这部法规的制定是为了给陷入困境的企业一个机会,以摆脱债务枷锁,从头再来。

    The modern US bankruptcy code , which recently marked its 30th anniversary , was created to give struggling companies a chance to shed the shackles of debt and get a fresh start .

  24. 柯达表示,它已根据美国《破产法》第11章申请破产保护,申请范围包括其美国子公司,但其他国家的部门不受影响,将继续履行对供应商的支付义务。

    The 131-year-old company said that it had filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the US bankruptcy code , along with its US subsidiaries , but that units elsewhere were not affected by the action and would continue to meet their obligations to suppliers .

  25. 美国法院在破产法实践当中利用衡平权力创设了实质合并原则,为我国破产法律的完善提供了借鉴。

    In America , Court of bankruptcy used the equitable power to create the substantive consolidation doctrine .

  26. 美国2005年的破产法修正案也使一些企业尤其是零售商更难避免灭亡的命运。

    Amendments to US bankruptcy laws in 2005 are also making it harder for some companies , retailers in particular , to avoid extinction .

  27. 简单的说,在美国,当个人或者公司资不抵债的时候,就能够根据美国《联邦破产法》申请破产保护。

    When an individual or business is unable to make payment to creditors to pay off their debts , they can file for bankruptcy protection under the bankruptcy laws of the United States .