
  1. 中国人对美国投资移民的庞大需求本身也使得美国绿卡更难拿了。现在中国已经是世界上最大的人口出口国。

    The sheer demand for visas to the U.S. and elsewhere by Chinese is making them harder to get , with China now the world 's biggest exporter of its people .

  2. 和美国投资移民不同,L-1签证对于在美国的投资金额,以及在美国创造的工作都没有特别要求。一般来说,几个星期就可以批下来。

    The L-1 visa has no investment or job-creation requirements , while the U.S. investor visa program does , and L-1 visas can usually be approved in a matter of weeks .

  3. 美国的创造就业投资移民签证项目,即EB-5,将于9月到期。国会参议院司法委员会主席格拉斯利、资深成员莱希日前联合提出一项两党支持的议案,延长并完善EB-5项目。

    US Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Patrick Leahy introduced bi-partisan legislation to extend and improve the job-creating immigrant investor visa program , known as EB-5 , which is set to expire in September .

  4. 议案还同时赋予国土安全部更大权限,可否决或终止涉及欺诈、犯罪分子滥用、威胁公共安全和美国国家安全的投资移民申请。

    It also will provide increased authority to the Department Of Homeland Security to deny or terminate applications where there is fraud , criminal misuse , or a threat to public safety or national security .