
  • 网络Network Alliance;Network Associates;NAi;UCAID;COSN
  1. 登录哈默网络联盟,就会找到另外12个专门播放恐怖电影的网站。

    Log on to the Hammer Web ring , with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies .

  2. 网络联盟企业中基于Web的制造执行系统

    Web - based manufacturing execution system in the extended enterprise

  3. 网络联盟制造中基于Web的知识供应

    Web - based knowledge supply in the extended enterprise

  4. 郑远涛建议那些想从事自由职业的人可以通过加入像QQ群或豆瓣小组这样的业内人士网络联盟,来了解行业信息。

    Zheng suggests that would-be freelancers learn more about their industry by joining online communities of industry insiders , like QQ groups and douban groups .

  5. 因此,开源发明网络联盟防御性地收购了一组具有战略性的专利,任何承诺不向Linux社区成员主张其自身专利权的公司均可使用这些专利,且无需交纳专利权使用费。

    Oin has , therefore , acquired a defensive portfolio of strategic patents which it makes available , royalty free , to companies that commit not to assert their own patents against members of the Linux community .

  6. 初步论述了以MRCO为盟主的网络联盟模式,及其内部运行机制、ERP的推行等相关问题。也为MRCO理论可能成为今后在实践中推行敏捷制造的有效理论指导打下基础。

    Preliminarily addressing the network alliance with MRCO as the leader , this concept has also discussed subjects including the internal operating mechanism and ERP adoptions , establishing the basis from where MRCO theory might evolve into an effective guiding theory on promoting agile manufacturing in practice .

  7. 网络联盟企业中制造单元的作业计划与调度

    Production planning and scheduling in manufacturing cell for the extended enterprise

  8. 武汉城市圈信息资源共享网络联盟研究

    Research on the sharing of information resources network in Wuhan megalopolis

  9. 一种分阶段的制造网络联盟伙伴选择方法研究

    A novel partner selection method by stage in manufacturing extended enterprise

  10. 全国教师教育网络联盟计划背景下的教师自主专业发展

    Teacher-based Professional Development on the Background of Teachers Network Connection Programme

  11. 基于项目计划与协调的网络联盟制造系统框架

    Framework of Network Alliance Manufacturing Based on Project Planning and Coordinating

  12. 网络联盟企业是21世纪的崭新经济实体。

    Extended enterprise is an economical entity in 21st century .

  13. 网络联盟企业中合作伙伴的选择研究

    Study on Selection of Partners in the Network Alliance Enterprise

  14. 工程机械网络联盟制造中最佳合作伙伴选择

    The optimum partner selection in the construction machinery manufacturing alliance

  15. 关于构建教师教育网络联盟的建议

    A Proposal on Constructing a Network Union for Teacher Education

  16. 运用模糊分析理论解决网络联盟企业中合作伙伴选择问题

    To Solve Partner Selection of NAE with Fuzzy Analytics Theory

  17. 基于遗传算法和层次分析法的制造网络联盟中的伙伴选择研究

    Study of Partner Selection in Manufacturing Extended Enterprise Based on GAS and AHP

  18. 网络联盟企业制造单元生产控制与调度策略研究

    Research of production control and scheduling strategy in manufacturing cells for extended enterprise

  19. 面向21世纪的经济实体&网络联盟企业

    The Economic Substance for 21 ~ ( th ) Century & Extended Enterprise

  20. 制造网络联盟的生产计划和控制系统的建模分析

    Modeling analysis of the production planning and control system of the extended enterprise

  21. 网络联盟制造中的项目计划与协调

    Project planning & coordination in the network alliance manufacturing

  22. 基于遗传算法的网络联盟企业伙伴选择问题的研究

    Selection of Business Partners in the Network Alliance Enterprise Based on Genetic Algorithms

  23. 网络联盟制造的技术服务机制的研究

    Study on Technology Service in the Network Alliance Manufacturing

  24. 网络联盟企业就是适应网络化制造的一种很好的制造组织形式。

    Networked Extended Enterprise is a fantastic organization form to adapt to Networked Manufacturing .

  25. 面向网络联盟企业的生产计划模型构建与计划分解

    Construction of Production Plan Model and Decomposition of Production Plan Faced to Extended Enterprise

  26. 虚拟加工在网络联盟中的应用

    The Application of Virtual Manufacturing in Network Union

  27. 网络联盟企业是按照分散网络化制造哲理组建的企业。

    The extended enterprise is formed according to the concept of dispersed networked manufacturing .

  28. 网络联盟企业的资源管理研究

    Research on Resource Management at Networked Extended Enterprise

  29. 网络联盟企业的制造过程设计环境

    Manufacturing process design environment for extended enterprises

  30. 网络联盟企业的生产计划与控制同传统企业相比具有其独特的性质。

    The production schedule and control of the extended enterprise are different from the traditional enterprise .