
  • 网络Network civilization;internet civilization
  1. 骂人是可耻的事情,请遵守网络文明。

    Swear at people is disgraceful , please keep Internet civilization .

  2. 网络文明与高校育人新思路

    Discrimination of Network Civilization and New consideration of College 's Cultivation

  3. 高校网络文明环境培育的调研与思考

    The study on nurturing network civilization in colleges and universities

  4. 道德主体教育与网络文明建设

    Education of moral main body and building of network civilization

  5. 网络文明的社会追求&网络卫生的立法思考

    The Social Pursuit of Web Civilization : Thinking of Web Sanitary Legislation

  6. 论网络文明工程的实施途径

    The Approach to Build the Civilization Project of Network

  7. 如何加强和改进高校网络文明建设

    How to Strengthen and Improve the Construction of Internet Culture in Colleges and Universities

  8. 关于大学生网络文明建设的思考

    On the construction of university students ' network-civilization

  9. 因此,进行网络文明建设中网民自律培育的制度化是有必要的。

    Therefore , users of network Civilization foster the institutionalization of self-discipline is necessary .

  10. 抢占思想阵地倡导网络文明

    Occupy Ideological Front and Advocate Network Civilization

  11. 突出五个结合塑造网络文明&关于落实社会主义荣辱观的思考

    Stress five combinations , mold network civilization

  12. 依法治网是社会主义精神文明建设的需要,要充分认识依法治网的必要性,采取措施,通过完善法律、提高人们的法律意识、开展网络文明工程等途径,切实实现依法治网。

    It 's necessary in socialist civilization construction to manage the network according to the law .

  13. 长春五所高校网络文明培育状况调研分析

    Investigation and Analysis on cultivating a Civilized State of Network in Five Colleges and Universities in Changchun

  14. 略论网络文明建设

    On Network Civilization Construction

  15. 试论网络文明对当代青年思想意识成长的作用

    On Functions of Civilization of Cyber Society on Ideological Growth of the Youths by Civilization of Cyber Society

  16. 在世人还未来得及反思之前网络文明赫然登上了历史舞台。

    No sooner do people introspect network culture than it has already suddenly appeared on the historical stage .

  17. 自律培育机制是网络文明建设中主体自律行为形成规律在运行方式上的体现。

    Cultivating self-discipline mechanism is the main network civilization formed self-discipline rules in the operation , it reflected .

  18. 网络文明的孪生兄弟&网络犯罪已发展成为一个重要的社会问题。

    The crime on network , the twin brother of civilization of computer network has brought about a serious social problem .

  19. 这一研究将适应加强网络文明建设,构建和谐社会的需要,具有时代紧迫性。

    This study will strengthen the network to adapt to civilization and build a harmonious society , with the urgency of the times .

  20. 文章主要从4个方面对此问题进行了探讨:1.重视网络文明建设,办好儿童网站;

    The article tries to have a discussion about it in 4 aspects : 1.stress the construction of web civilization and set up better web sites for the kids ;

  21. 在具体实施路径上则是架构适应网民自律培育需要的网络文明教育的理念、范畴及其实施范式。

    In the specific implementation of the path is the architecture to adapt to the network users need to self-nurturing the concept of civilization and education , scope and implementation paradigm .

  22. 在网络文明的新时代,要提高文化软实力,维护国家文化主权,就必须大力发展先进网络文化。

    In a new information era , more efforts should be devoted to the development of advanced network culture in order to defend state cultural sovereignty and strengthen cultural soft power .

  23. 应从加强网络文明建设、加强网络行为监控和管理、提高网络道德主体修养、建立安全体系、提高教育者自身水平等方面加强网络道德教育。

    We should strengthen the establishment of network civilization , enhance the supervision and management of network behavior , set up safety system , promote educators ' level to improve network moral education .

  24. 网络文明建设的急需与呼唤是网络先进文化建设的迫切要求,也是促进网民不断提高自己的自律意识和自律能力迫切需要。

    The urgent need of civilization and the network is a network called an urgent requirement for construction of advanced culture , but also promote the users and constantly improve their ability to self-awareness and self-urgent needs .

  25. 本文在解析网络文明的底蕴的基础上,揭示了网络文明的底蕴与高等教育的终极目标的一致,都是为了社会的全面进步和人的全面发展;

    This dissertation , based on an analysis of the connotations of cyber civilization , reveals the consistency of the ultimate objectives of both cyber civilization and higher education : the full development of human society and that of the individual person .

  26. 网络文明建设是当前我国社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,我们要按照树立社会主义荣辱观的要求,营造文明网络环境,形成健康向上的网络文明新风。

    Network civilization construction is the important content in enhancing the social construction of ideological infrastructure , we should create civilization network environment and form the healthy network civilization according to the request of building up the socialist concept of honor and disgrace .

  27. 当前,国家高度重视网络生态文明建设。

    Authorities currently pay close attention to the construction of network ecological civilization .

  28. 第三部分根据问卷调查先提出问题,即青年人表现出的主要网络不文明行为。

    The third part of the paper questions that the main network uncivilized behaviors of young people .

  29. 学校和家庭教育的缺失也导致网络不文明行为的产生。

    Besides , the lack of school and family education are also responsible for uncivilized internet behavior .

  30. 并分析了产生上述各种网络不文明行为的原因。

    And analyzes the above-mentioned various network uncivilized behavior , discussed the main problems and the causes about the problems .