
  1. 研究分成集中小组和社交网络志愿者,而106度几乎一致成为他们的选择;结合之前的研究,104-108度也是颇受喜爱的鼻型。

    The study used focus group and online social network participants and 106 degrees is consistent with previous research stipulating 104 and 108 degrees as being highly favourable angles .

  2. 这让美国地理调查局拨款支持网络上的志愿者观测动物的行为,试图在灾难袭击像加州一样比较敏感的地区前预测它们。

    This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California .