
  1. 上图说明了新闻稿如何提高喜达屋酒店集团的网络关注度。

    The chart exemplifies how press releases of Starwood drive increased website visibility .

  2. 用社交网络关注他们是获知他们喜欢什么,需要什么的最简单方法,帮他们集齐一套盘子,或补全一套银器餐具是再好不过的。

    Using their registry is the simplest way to get them something they need and like , and to help them complete matching sets like dishes or silverware .

  3. 用户可以在上面建立自己的社交网络关注群体,也可以关注他人,对于没有关注的用户,只点“喜欢”也可以。

    Users build up their own social networks of followers , and can follow other users , or just " like " images by users they do not follow .

  4. 本文的研究想法主要来源于以下两点思考:一是《非诚勿扰》节目的高收视率和高网络关注度现状。

    This research mainly come from the following two ideas : for one thing , the program " You Are the One " keeps high audience rating and network attention .

  5. 来自内部用户的安全威胁正在成为网络安全关注的焦点。

    Threats from internal users are also increasingly a cause for security concerns .

  6. 整体社会网络则关注所有节点之间的关系,分析整个网络的结构。

    Whole society network concern all of node of relation , as analysis the whole structure of network .

  7. 空间网络图关注的是空间网络的数学描述,主要用数学的方法来认知空间网络。

    The focus of the spatial network graph is the mathematical description of spatial network and the methods used in spatial network cognition are always mathematical .

  8. 由于传感器节点的能量限制,能量有效性是设计无线传感器网络所关注的一个主要内容,并且已成为一个最大的挑战。

    Due to limited energy , energy efficiency of sensors is a main concern and a most challenging task for the design of wireless sensor networks .

  9. 高效节能是大规模无线传感器网络首要关注的问题,IEEE802.15.4标准因其低速率低成本低功耗高质量,被认为是无线传感器网络和无线个域网的理想实现技术。

    Energy efficiency is a major concern in large-scale wireless senor networks . With the characteristics of low rate , low cost , low power and high quality , IEEE 802.15.4 standard is considered to be the ideal technology to implement wireless sensor networks and wireless personal area networks .

  10. 网上营业厅具有展示企业形象、宣传服务、顾客互动、业务办理等功能,是一种新的服务形式,也是网络用户关注度最高的电信服务项目,成为服务提供商创造优质服务的竞争平台。

    The online business is a new form of service , which has the functions of displaying corporate image , promotion , customer interaction , business handling , etc. , and is concerned by users mostly as well , a competition platform of the ISP to create quality service .

  11. Peer-to-Peer系统已经引起了越来越多网络用户的关注。

    Peer-to-peer network has gained increasing attention from the large Internet users .

  12. 随着Internet的普及,Web服务商业化的发展,Web服务参与者的隐私保护问题已经成为网络用户最关注的问题之一。

    With the popularity of Internet and the development of commercialization of web services , the privacy issue of actors for web service becomes one of the hottest topics .

  13. 在出现多起备受关注的黑客攻击事件之后,人们对网络安全的关注日益提高。去年,曾有7600万客户的资料从摩根大通(JPMorganChase)的电脑系统中失窃,这是黑客攻击的一个事例。

    Concern is growing about cyber security after high-profile hacking attacks , such as last year 's theft of data on 76m customers from computer systems at JPMorgan Chase .

  14. 异常流量的检测也就随之成为了网络运营商关注的重点对象。

    Anomaly detection has become the focus of network operator .

  15. 几乎所有的网络公司都关注这两点。

    Almost all dot-com companies pay close attention to these two issues .

  16. 数据传输是各种类型的无线网络都必须关注的基本功能。

    Data transmission is the key function of all kinds of wireless networks .

  17. 复杂网络很受关注的一个问题就是复杂网络的同步问题。

    A cause for great concern issues of complex works is its synchronization problems .

  18. 教育者应掌握网络技术,关注学生思想动态;

    Educators should master network technology and pay close attention to student 's thought trends ;

  19. 是的,我会通过网络和报纸关注。

    Yes . I see it in the internet , and I will buy newspaper .

  20. 互联网拥塞控制机制的研究一直是网络研究界关注的热点问题。

    The Internet congestion control mechanism always is one of active topic of the network research community .

  21. 不仅仅在实际生活中,网络社区倍受关注。

    Not only in real life , but also in academia , online communities attracted much attention .

  22. 当前网络路由技术关注的主要是链路的可连接性,并且通常只支持尽力而为服务。

    Network routing deployed today is focused primarily on network connectivity , and supports the best effort class .

  23. 正是由于信息安全的重要性,不管是科研上还是商业上,投入网络安全的关注逐年增加。

    It is the importance of information-security that attracts more concern of both research and business year by year .

  24. 此后,每年都有司法案件受到网络民意的关注和监督。

    After that , there are court cases paid attention to and supervised by public opinion on the internet every year .

  25. 你是否看到,来自世界各地的球迷,通过网络,时刻关注着你的最新情况;

    Do you see fans from around the world , through the network , you are always concerned about the latest situation ;

  26. 程序员可以关注上例所示的原始内容,而图形设计师或网络管理员则关注表示。

    A programmer can focus on the raw content presented in the examples above , and a graphic artist or webmaster can attend to the presentation .

  27. 全球非传染病网络还重点关注四项生理风险因素:高血压,高胆固醇,高血糖,以及高身体质量指数。

    NCDnet also focuses on four biological risk factors : raised blood pressure , raised cholesterol , raised blood sugar , and a high body mass index .

  28. 在太行山深处,有一个仅有两个学生和一名教师的小学校,最近,这已引起了网络界的关注。

    By Li Qian - Deep in Mount Taihang there is a primary school with only two pupils and a teacher , who has recently caught the attention of the cyber-world .

  29. 虽然与不符合品牌形象的某位名人合作可能会带来不好的反响,但与名人合作至少可以带来大量的流量,并在社交网络上引起关注。

    Though it can bring about repercussions when brands work with someone who does not fit their image , partnering with celebrities can at least bring a substantial amount of traffic and attention on social media .

  30. 佳士得2013年销售额飙升至71.3亿美元,全年增长了14%,较2010年增长了36%,此时马文斐将公司的网络策略作为关注重点。

    Mr. Murphy has made the company 's online strategy his main focus even as sales soared last year to $ 7.13 billion , a 14 % rise over 2013 and a 36 % improvement from 2010 .