
  1. CNKI网格资源共享平台&基于知识网格的门户式数字图书馆解决方案

    CNKI Grid Resource Sharing Platform & A Total Solution for Building Digital Library Portal Based on the Knowledge Grid

  2. 数字图书馆与数字化学习、知识管理&也谈《中国知识资源总库》及CNKI网格资源共享平台、中国知网门户的设计思想

    Digital Library and Digital Study , Knowledge Management Also Discuss the Design Ideal of China Knowledge Resources Integral Databases CNKI Grid Resources Sharing Platform , China Knowledge Network

  3. 构建图书馆网格资源共享平台的例证分析

    The Demonstration and Analysis of Structuring the Network Resource-sharing Platform of the Library

  4. 网格资源共享平台是一个全面支撑知识信息资源建设、共享、增值应用和网络传播与发布的数字图书馆软件平台。

    The net resource-sharing platform is a software platform of digital library that supports in full way of the information resources construction of knowledge , sharing , increment usage and net promulgation .

  5. 为了解决农业信息化领域中信息和服务资源的共享问题,提出了一个基于服务网格的资源共享平台的框架。

    In order to resolve the shared problems of service resources in agriculture informationization , put forward a share-Framework of resource in agriculture informationization based on service grid .