
  • 网络NET MESSAGE SERVICE;Web Credible
  1. 北京迈博瑞咨询(MarbridgeConsulting)的马克•纳特金(MarkNatkin)表示,网信办的声明措辞含糊,对百度的财务影响要过几天才会变得明朗。

    Mark Natkin , head of Beijing-based Marbridge Consulting , said the Cyberspace Administration 's statement was vaguely worded and its financial impact on the company would only become clear in the coming days .

  2. 入世后我国网信服务业面临的挑战和对策

    The Challenges That Our Country 's Net Information Service will Face and the Countermeasures after Joining the WTO

  3. 中国国家互联网信息办公室(“网信办”)称,将对此事进行调查并“在适当的时侯”公布调查结果。

    The Cyber Administration of China said it would investigate the matter and publish its findings " in due course . "

  4. 上周五,国家网信办约谈了百度高管,该公司将面临未指明的处罚。

    The State Internet Information Office said it had grilled Baidu executives on Friday and that the company would face unspecified punishment .

  5. 根据《人民日报》日前报道,中国国家互联网信息办公室(网信办)将整治网络虚假新闻及不实报道。

    The Cyberspace Administration of China ( CAC ) is cracking down on fake online news and false coverage , the People 's Daily reported .

  6. 周一,网信办联合调查组要求百度更加认真地审核广告商资质,对搜索结果中的商业推广信息逐条加注醒目标识,并予以风险提示。

    The regulator on Monday told Baidu to vet advertisers more carefully , mark and attach risk warnings to all paid search results more clearly .

  7. 国家网信办在一项通知中称,各新闻网站须确保其发布的新闻报道真实、全面、客观、公正。

    The CAC said in a circular that all news websites must ensure the reports they publish are true , comprehensive , objective and impartial .

  8. 在中央网信办召开的电视电话会议上,参加的诸多商业网站负责人为这项行动提出了计划。

    The Cyberspace Administration of China ( CAC ) held a televised conference attended by heads of commercial websites to put forward plans for the campaign .

  9. 网信办今年1月发布新规称,应用商店运营商在推出服务前需在地方政府处备案。

    The Cyberspace Administration of China issued a new regulation in January saying app store operators need to register with the local government before rolling out services .

  10. 国家网信办承诺将加大网上信息内容监督管理执法力度,并表示决不允许已被关闭账号的用户“换马甲”再次注册。

    The CAC vowed intensified law enforcement efforts in monitoring and managing online information and content , saying that it would not allow users of the closed accounts to register again under another name .

  11. 网信办表示,新浪网、网易网、财经网、腾讯网、今日头条网等不少有影响力的新闻门户网站已因违规运营新闻而被罚款或处罚。

    A number of heavyweight news portals , including sina.com.cn , 163.com , caijing.com.cn , qq.com and toutiao.com were either fined or disciplined for running news that broke the rules , according to the office .

  12. 国家网信办表示,除了存在违法违规信息,“百度还存在部分搜索结果有失客观公正、百度新闻炒作渲染暴力恐怖等有害信息问题。”

    In addition to several breaches , the regulator said : " Some search results on Baidu are not impartial or objective , and its news channel has spread harmful information involving violence and terrorism . "

  13. 中国国家网信办上周日责令新浪、腾讯微博平台关闭知名博主、地产商任志强的账号,原因是其传播违法信息。

    China 's top Internet regulator on last Sunday ordered the microblogging platforms of Sina and Tencent to shut down the accounts of Ren Zhiqiang , a celebrity blogger and property developer , for spreading illegal information .

  14. 以为网信办官员称,该视频的传播违背底线,违反了社会这一核心价值观,要求新浪和腾讯增强社会责任意识,加强管理,并配合有关部门调查此案。

    A CAC official said the spread of the video had breached some bottom lines and violated core socialist values . The official urged Sina and Tencent to increase their awareness of social responsibility , strengthen management and cooperate with the authority in investigating the case .

  15. 他们的节目曾在人人网和微信平台上受到学生们热捧。

    Their shows were welcomed by students on Renren.com and WeChat platform .

  16. ATM网由于其高通信量,快速分组处理,低延迟和对各种话务类型的业务独立传递特性,受到日益增加的兴趣和重视。它是近年来通信研究的热点。

    ATM network is interested with increasingly in its features as it provides high throughput , low delay , and service independent transport for all types of traffic .

  17. 设计了应用于WDM城域网中的单信道EDFA,降低了系统成本并保证了系统灵活性。

    A single channel EDFA is designed for WDM Metropolitan networks applications , not only lowering the cost but also sustaining the flexibility of the system .