
  • 网络green growth;greengrowth
  1. 我们也正在与绿色增长的贸易问题,确保TPP的国家,在这些问题上的先锋队。

    We also are taking up trade issues related to green growth , ensuring that the TPP countries remain in the vanguard on these issues .

  2. 促进绿色增长,鼓励在绿色产业中创造就业机会;

    Promoting green growth and fostering job creation in green industries ;

  3. 但是,这份普华永道新发表的报告中勾勒的“绿色增长”(GreenGrowthPlus)政策,将会让二氧化碳稳定在一定程度上,许多科学家表示这一程度会减少危险的全球变暖带来的威胁。

    But the'Green Growth Plus'policy outlined in the report could stabilise carbon dioxide at levels many scientists say could reduce the risk of dangerous global warming .

  4. 以循环产业集群构建城市绿色增长极

    Constructing the City 's Green Growth Pole with Circular Industrial Cluster

  5. 它的“绿色增长”议程获得了人们的关注。

    It attracted attention with its " green growth " agenda .

  6. 我们致力于推动共同的绿色增长目标。

    We are committed to advancing our shared green growth objectives .

  7. 基于绿色增长核算的政府经济绩效研究

    Study on the Government Economic Performance Evaluation under a Green Growth Accounting

  8. 系统分析了中国促进绿色增长的税收政策。

    Analyzed Chinese green tax policy of promoting green growth .

  9. 山区生态小康指标体系的核心是绿色增长和绿色发展。

    The core of the index system is green growth and green development .

  10. 我们还将采取以下步骤促进我们的绿色增长目标

    We will also take the following steps to promote our green growth goals

  11. 第一章重点探讨绿色增长的实质和内涵。

    In chapter 1 , it focuses on the growth of green essence and significance .

  12. 把促进绿色增长的税收政策从两个方面进行了划分。

    The promotion of green growth tax policy from the two aspects of the division .

  13. 论文主要创新之处是:1.界定了绿色增长的内涵。

    There are some main innovations . 1 . The meaning of green growth is defined .

  14. 欧洲关于绿色增长的高谈阔论,已让位于对紧缩和债务的全力关注。

    The European discourse of green growth has been elbowed aside by a preoccupation with austerity and debt .

  15. 第二,落实《亚太经合组织领导人增长战略》,实现绿色增长和创新增长。

    Second , we need to implement the APEC Leaders ' Growth Strategy and achieve green and innovative growth .

  16. 绿色增长是近年来人类社会发展为应对全球经济危机以及气候变化而提出的一个新的经济概念。

    Green growth is a new economy concept in response to the global economy crisis and climate change in recent years .

  17. 提出环境财政框架,并探讨促进绿色增长的财政政策与其它环境经济政策的协调问题。

    It proposed the environment finance frame and discussed the coordinated questions between green financial policy and other environment economic policies .

  18. 越来越多的大都市正在利用风能、太阳能和地热能,促进绿色增长,加强环境保护。

    More and more municipalities are harnessing wind , solar and geothermal energy , contributing to green growth and improving environmental protection .

  19. 世界银行城市化、绿色增长和信息通信技术等领域的“知识平台”,为发展领域专家、决策者和创新者开展合作创造了条件。

    World Bank " knowledge platforms " on urbanization , green growth , ICT enable collaboration among development experts , policymakers and innovators .

  20. 环境可持续,绿色增长和资源保护成为上个月全国人大会议的主要议题。

    Environmental sustainability , green growth and resource conservation were major themes of last month 's meeting of the National People 's Congress .

  21. 在旧金山和波特兰等城市,环保已不再是什么新闻话题,但休斯顿在实现快速绿色增长方面仍然大有可为。

    While environmental efforts are old news in cities like San Francisco and Portland , she thinks Houston has room for exponential green growth .

  22. 同时,在前人研究的基础上,提出了绿色增长模型,并探讨了模型的政策含义。

    At the same time , in the foundation which the predecessor studies , proposed the green growth model , and discussed the model policy meaning .

  23. 主办国美国已经设定了正式议程,包括经济多元化国家和绿色增长的一体化。

    The United States , as the host nation , has set the formal agenda that includes integration between the economically diverse nations and green growth .

  24. 探讨了环境财政框架及各环境经济政策的协调问题,提出了促进我国绿色增长的财政政策思路。

    The paper discussed the environment finance frame and various environmental economic policy coordinated question , and proposed promotes financial policy mentality which our country green grows .

  25. 首批三个平台所涉领域为城市化、绿色增长和面向公开发展的信息通信技术。其中,信息通信技术正帮助达累斯萨拉姆开展绘图工作。

    The first three platforms were on urbanization , green growth , and ICT for open development , which is aiding the Dar es Salaam mapping effort .

  26. 我们认识到,我们的经济制度向低碳与绿色增长转型对于我们这一代以及下一代的更好生活是必需的。

    We recognize that transformation of our economic system toward low-carbon and green growth is needed for the better life of our next generation as well as generation .

  27. 韩国总统李明博强调,国内行业和创新技术的发展是政府致力于低碳绿色增长的关键。

    South Korean President Lee Myung-bak emphasized that the civilian sector and the development of original technology are crucial to the government 's campaign for low-carbon and green growth .

  28. 鉴此,“第九届外交官之春”把“科学发展•绿色增长”确定为主题是最恰当的。

    In light of this , it is most fitting for the9th " Spring of Diplomats " to define its theme as " scientific development and green growth " .

  29. 刺激措施旨在启动经济增长,但如果有适当的构思和执行,它还能将我们送上低碳绿色增长的新道路。

    Stimulus is intended to jump-start the economy , but if properly conceived and executed it can also launch us on a new , low-carbon path to green growth .

  30. 指出绿色增长重点关注的是环境而非增长,是对环境的利用在其环境容量前提下的增长。

    Pointed out the green growth attention is the environment but the non - growth , is to the environment use in its environmental capacity under the premise growth .