
  1. 在军事领域中迅速应用MEMS技术将是保持军队技术优势、维护国家安全的重要战略。

    Rapid application of MEMS technology in military area will be the important strategy for retaining technical advance of military forces and safeguard the national security .

  2. 这一部分就中印两国吸收外国直接投资结构、外资投资环境、利用外资效率、维护国家安全性以及吸收FDI竞争力进行了详尽的比较。

    On this part we conducted a detailed comparison between China and India in attracting foreign direct investment structure , foreign investment environment , foreign capital utilization efficiency , Safeguarding national security and the competitiveness of absorbing foreign direct investment .

  3. 当前我国维护国家安全、政治稳定的任务仍然十分的繁重。

    Current national security , political stability is still very arduous task .

  4. 国家安全的概念与维护国家安全的内容

    The Concept of State Security and the Basic Contents of Maintaining State Security

  5. 你知道如何维护国家安全。

    You had the clarity to understand how to keep this country safe .

  6. 儒家思想在维护国家安全中的作用

    The Role of Confucianism in Safeguarding the National Security

  7. 政府不能放弃维护国家安全的责任。

    The government cannot abdicate responsibility for national security .

  8. 中国妇女是加强法制建设、维护国家安全的重要力量。

    Women play an important role in strengthening legislative construction and safeguarding state security .

  9. 有利于在国际合作中提高中国的国际地位,维护国家安全;

    To enhance China 's position in the international community and safeguard national security ;

  10. 国际危机预警研究对于维护国家安全具有重要的战略意义。

    Research of early warning of international crisis is of strategic importance to safeguard national security .

  11. 在和平时期,军事结盟不是维护国家安全的必要形式;

    During peaceful period ' military alliance is not the necessary for to protect national security ;

  12. 利用语言维护国家安全,努力提升文化软实力具有重要的战略意义。

    Using language to maintain national security and enhance cultural soft power has important strategic significance .

  13. 会议表示,这一决定旨在维护国家安全与香港的长期繁荣。

    It says the decision was made to safeguard national security and Hong Kong 's long-term prosperity .

  14. 安全公署根据香港特区维护国家安全法成立,该法于6月30日生效。

    The office was established Hong Kong 's national security law which took effect on June 30 .

  15. 随着全球化时代的到来,文化安全愈来愈成为维护国家安全必需考虑的重要内容。

    As globalization occurs , culture security becomes a more important factor with regard to national security .

  16. 打击三股恶势力、维护国家安全是上海合作组织成员国间的第二个共同利益。

    To strike the three vicious powers and maintain national safety is the second common benefit of SCO .

  17. 武警部队是一支以维护国家安全和社会稳定作为其根本职能的特殊部队。

    The Armed Police Force is one to safeguard national security and social stability as its fundamental function .

  18. 边疆地区的巡检担当起维护国家安全与社会稳定的双重职责,在少数民族地区,宋政权根据以夷制夷原则也设置了相应的蕃部巡检。

    In Border areas it makes an inspection for safeguarding national security and social stability the dual responsibilities .

  19. 澳门各界纷纷表示,维护国家安全责无旁贷。

    Macao from all walks of life indicated in abundance that maintains the national security to be duty-bound .

  20. 我们维护国家安全、统一、稳定和维护国家发展利益的任务很重。

    Our task to keep the country safe , unitive , stable and vindicate the national behalf is heavy .

  21. 对我们来说,重要的是在维护国家安全利益的背景下,我们要采取行动。

    What is critical for us is that we undertake actions in the context of our national security interests .

  22. 安全法将允许中央政府维护国家安全的有关机关根据需要在香港特别行政区设立机构。

    It will allow the central government 's national security agencies to set up in Hong Kong when needed .

  23. 为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益,需要限制进口或者出口的;

    Where the import or export shall be restricted in order to safeguard the national security or public interest ;

  24. 对此,加快建立外资并购国家安全审查制度是十分必要的,这对我国积极利用外资,维护国家安全也具有重大意义。由于目前我国外资并购安全审查制度尚不成熟,仍存在着许多问题。

    In that meaning , it is necessary to establish national security review system of foreign merger and acquisition .

  25. 要维护国家安全,网络信息安全是当务之急,重中之重。

    In order to safeguard national security , it is a top priority to ensure the network information security .

  26. 全国人大将授权常委会制定香港维护国家安全法并在当地实施。

    The NPC will entrust its standing committee to make national security laws to be enforced in Hong Kong .

  27. 警察权是为了维护国家安全和社会治安稳定而进行治安管理与惩治犯罪职能活动的国家权力。

    Police authority is the national power which can protect the security of nation and the stability of the society .

  28. 三是积极防御,出兵朝鲜,遏制美国在东北亚对中国发起的地缘攻势,维护国家安全。

    Third , dispatched troops to Korea to contain American offensive to China from Northwestern Asia and defended the country security .

  29. 为了维护国家安全,中国象世界上的许多国家那样,也对它做了一些适当的限制。

    To uphold state security , China , like many countries in the world , has also imposed some proper restrictions .

  30. 嗯,这仅仅是政府如此强烈维护国家安全局计划绝对严厉的拒绝。

    Well , it is just an absolutely scathing rejection of the NSA program that the government has defended so strongly .