
tǒnɡ yī dìnɡ jià
  • Unified pricing;price on a uniform basis
  1. 通过分析得出:在CRM实施过程中,统一定价模式能达到较高的客户保持的效率,而差别定价策略则可以大大提高客户忠诚度。

    It is concluded that unified pricing enhances the efficiency of keeping customers , and differential pricing improves their loyalty .

  2. 界定了CRM中差别定价的内涵,对企业CRM中两种定价模式下客户保持问题进行了分析研究,分别建立了统一定价模式下和差别定价模式下的客户保持决策模型。

    This paper defines the connotation of differential pricing , and discusses ways to keep customers with two kinds of pricing modes , unified pricing and differential pricing , for which two decision models for keeping customers are constructed .

  3. 国内成品油价格过低,刺激消费,造成浪费严重;(3)在国家统一定价下,炼油企业难以参与国内外市场竞争;

    Low product prices stimulate oil consumption , resulting in serious waste ;

  4. 统一定价与差别定价的数量分析

    Analyses of the Quantity of United Price and Differential Price

  5. 甲方产品实行全国统一定价。

    National Unity Party products pricing .

  6. 由于这样做在美国是非法的,他们的指示必须简单,因此只好统一定价。

    Since this is illegal in the US , their instructions have to be simple , hence uniform pricing .

  7. 排污权初始有偿分配模式在我国还处在探索阶段,且目前主要以政府统一定价出售方式为主。

    Paid allocation is still on the exploring way in our country and it is mainly depending on the pricing of government .

  8. 与此同时,石油输出国组织不能做到统一定价,因为各个成员国越来越多地回复到自行宣布价格的做法。

    At the same time OPEC has lost its pricing unity , as individual members have increasingly returned to autonomous price announcements .

  9. 最后从博弈论的角度,将本定价激励模型与统一定价模型进行了对比。

    At the end , the model is analyzed in comparison with the uniform pricing model from the perspective of game theory .

  10. 在成品油价格政策上,将继续实行统一定价原则,价格总水平不会上涨。

    The principle of unified pricing will continue to direct policy on finished oil product prices , which will generally not be increased .

  11. 以往的定价方法大多是为大型公司服务,而小企业(包括新技术企业)没有一套理论上完整、实践中可操作的统一定价方法。

    Buying an established company has become a popular way to get into business , but it is not something an entrepreneur should do quickly .

  12. 例如舒适堡,走的是大市场道路,统一定价,消费者没有还价余地。

    For example , Physical Fitness and Beauty takes the road of great market and uniform pricing and there is no bargaining room for customers .

  13. 而在实施统一定价时,农村地区的定价可能降低,但这是以网络覆盖面积的减小为代价。

    While it may indeed induce a lower price for the rural area under uniform pricing , it is achieved at a cost of smaller network .

  14. 结果表明:统一定价约束实行初期有福利增加效果,伴随区域扩张和条件恶化,该机制将导致全社会福利受损;

    It concluded that the social welfare increases at the beginning of the price constraints , but decreases in the end because of the worsening condition .

  15. 一个解释是,人们可能会先买便宜票,然后悄悄溜进票价更高的放映厅;但统一定价出现的时间早于多放映厅影院。

    One explanation is that people might buy a cheap ticket and then sneak into a more expensive screening ; but uniform pricing predates the multiplexes .

  16. 从价格管制形式看,如果实行无差别的统一定价,可能造成社会福利损失,需要研究天然气这种特殊商品应采用的歧视价格政策,以实现资源社会价值最大化。

    From the form of price controls if the indiscriminate unified pricing , may cause social welfare losses , need to study gas this special commodity price discrimination policy should be adopted , in order to maximize resources social value .

  17. 天然气价格往往与油价相联系,但没有统一的定价机制。

    Gas prices are often linked to oil but there is no uniform pricing mechanism .

  18. 统一出清定价体制助长发电商默契串谋的机理分析

    Currently Used Uniform Clearing Pricing Auction Facilitates the Generators ' Tacit Collusion & Mechanism Analysis

  19. 但完全统一的定价有些奇怪。

    But completely uniform pricing is odd .

  20. 缺乏可比交易问题、再销售价格法和成本加成法等问题,在预约定价方面我国的法律规范层级太低,且没有一个全国统一的预约定价程序。

    However , our tax laws of anti-avoidance in transfer pricing is still at the very initial stage thus inevitably has various defects such as lack of comparable index , re-sale price method , cost-plus method , etc.

  21. 统一费率的数据定价计划越来越普遍;同样,这也是始于欧洲。

    Flat-rate data-pricing plans are becoming common , again starting in Europe .

  22. 统一林业公共品定价体现了效率与公平的原则;

    It is fair and effective to unify the price of forestry public goods .

  23. 电价实行统一政策,统一定价原则,分级管理。

    The electricity price shall be based on the principle of uniform policy , unified pricing and be regulated at different levels .

  24. 长期以来,我国军品生产定价以计划管理为主,是在保本、低利、免税原则下,实行统一管理、国家定价。

    For a long term , the state governed and planned the military producing and uniformly priced the products on the principle of cost-covering , low margin and free-tax in our country .

  25. 行业协会往往利用其会员之间联系方便和统一管理的优势,进行统一定价,严重阻碍了市场经济竞争机制的有效运行,损害消费者的利益,给社会生活带来诸多不便。

    Industrial association often take advantage of their opportunity to contact and manage their members , to unify the price , which hinders the effective operation of competition mechanism in the market economy and brings our life many inconvenience .