
jué duì zhēn lǐ
  • absolute truth;gospel
  1. 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。

    In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths .

  2. 数学并不是绝对真理的单一整体结构。

    Mathematics is not a single monolithic structure of absolute truth .

  3. 别把他的话当作绝对真理。

    Don 't take his word as gospel .

  4. 那是绝对真理吗?

    Is that gospel ?

  5. 绝对真理和相对真理之间存在的是包含和转化的辩证关系;

    The relation of absolute truth and relative truth is dialectical .

  6. 相对真理与绝对真理辩证关系新探

    The New Exploration of Dialectic Relationship Between Relative Truth and Absolute Truth

  7. 绝对真理不等于真理的绝对性

    The absolute truth is not equal the absolution of truth

  8. 真正的大师从不宣称自己把握了绝对真理。

    True masters never claim to hold on to the absolute truth .

  9. 绝对真理就是:没有什么是真的。

    We have an absolute truth : Everything is fake .

  10. 人们均不愿追求绝对真理。

    Men don 't aspire after the absolute right .

  11. 恩格斯和列宁论绝对真理

    Engels ' and Lenin 's Theories about Absolute Truth

  12. 论列宁的绝对真理观

    On Lenin 's View of Absolute Truth

  13. 康德:人不可能透过科学与理性认识绝对真理;

    Immanuel Kant : Man cannot know ( absolute ) truth through science and reason .

  14. 绝对真理与相对真理的内涵及其相互关系再探

    A New Exploration of the Connotation and Dialectic Relationship of Absolute Truth and Relative Truth

  15. 这是绝对真理。

    This is an absolute truth .

  16. 追求绝对真理是错误之源。&巴特勒

    There is no such source of error as the pursuit of absolute truth . & Samuel Butler

  17. 思想也同事物一样是不断发展的,任何一种理论都不是绝对真理,都随着社会进步而不断地完善和发展。

    With the social constantly improvement and development , thinking is the the same thing as other things .

  18. 绝对真理和相对真理

    Absolute and relative truth

  19. 他认为其现象学是关于纯粹意识的本质必然的严格科学,是绝对真理。

    He thought his phenomenology was the certain and strict science about pure consciousness and was the utterly truth .

  20. 我们可能从阿含经中的涅盘经中得到一些关于绝对真理的观点。

    We may get some idea of Nirvana as Absolute Truth from the Dhatuvibhanga-sutta ( No.140 ) of the Majjhima-nikaya .

  21. 论马克思主义历史决定论的辩证性质&兼驳历史非决定论对历史决定论的非难相对真理与绝对真理辩证关系新探

    On the dialectic nature of Marxist historical determinism The New Exploration of Dialectic Relationship Between Relative Truth and Absolute Truth

  22. 认识与真理:人类永无止境的发展之路&试析恩格斯对绝对真理和相对真理辩证关系的论述

    Knowledge and Truth : The Endless Way of Mankind 's Development & Analysis on Engels ' exposition for man 's thinking

  23. 认识都是一定程度的,认识有程度之分;当真理指真的认识、理论时,真理也有程度之分,如绝对真理与相对真理。

    When truth represents true cognitions and theories , truth also has different degrees , such as absolute truth and relative truth .

  24. 第二,在绝对真理和相对真理关系问题上,忽视对立统一的精髓问题;

    Second , ignore the crucial problem of the unity of opposites in the relationship between the absolute truth and the relative truth ;

  25. 韦达曼陀罗阐述到,无所不能的绝对真理具有一个灵性的形体。

    The Vedic mantras explain that the all-powerful Absolute Truth possesses a spiritual form , and although He remains in the spiritual sky .

  26. 在扑克和编程中有一条绝对真理:几乎没人能像他自我感觉的那么良好。

    One thing is absolutely true about both poker and programming : almost no one is as good as they think they are .

  27. 在无数次听到“爱情是盲目的”这句话之后,我们可能会不假思索便把它当做是绝对真理。

    After hearing the saying " Love is blind " millions of times we maythink for a second that it 's an ultimate truth .

  28. 真理是实概念,绝对真理如纯金、理想气体是理想概念。

    " The truth " is a real conception , and " the absolute truth " like " pure gold "," perfect gas " etc.

  29. 本文从相对论的创立出发,介绍相对论的时空观,从而阐述相对真理与绝对真理的辩证关系(相对论包括广义相对论和狭义相对论,文中涉及范围属于狭义相对论)

    The paper introduces the idea of time and space in relativity and discusses the dialectical relationship between the relative truth and the absolute truth .

  30. 一旦你习惯了他的存在,你便开始认为,他对世事的是非观才是绝对真理。

    And once you become accustomed to the watchdogs presence , you begin to think his opinion of whats acceptable and unacceptable are absolute truths .