
  1. 结果自动思维对睡眠指数有直接正向影响作用,情感表达通过自动思维对睡眠指数存在间接正向作用。

    Results Automatic thoughts had direct positive effects on sleep index , and emotion expression had indirect positive effects on sleep index through automatic thoughts .

  2. 也就是说,观念是思维过程的结果,思维过程是记忆的反应,记忆总是受到局限的。

    That is , idea is the result of the thought process , the thought process is the response of memory , and memory is always conditioned .

  3. 结果在HPM思维资源的挖掘和整理方面,初步形成一套理论和方法体系。

    Results In digging and neatening the thinking resource of HPM , a set of theories and methods system was formed .

  4. 推理结果与人类思维相一致。

    The inference results based on this algorithm are accordant with the human thought .

  5. 研究结果表明未来思维、未来取向应对对职业成熟度有显著的影响作用;

    It 's shown that both future thinking and proactive coping have distinct impact on career maturity ;

  6. 言语是思维的结果,而思维联结着一个广博的世界具体的人、事、物,抽象的理念、情感纷繁复杂,难以穷尽。

    Language is the result of thinking , and thinking links with an extensive world : specific people and things , abstract ideas and emotions .

  7. 研究结果证明,思维科学与强化策略的教学效果明显优于传统教学法。

    The result of the study proves that the teaching result of using thinking science and intensive strategies is superior to that of using traditional teaching methods .

  8. 结果:系统思维方法有利于提高临床用药的科学性、准确性,保证用药的安全性、有效性和合理性。

    Results : The system thinking may improve the scientificalness and accuracy of clinical use of drugs and would make the administration of drugs safe , effective , and rational .

  9. 以前尘土飞扬的工作场所可能正在慢慢消失,但即使是出于最好的本意,我们也可能会形成一些有害的趋势,结果为工厂思维提供了生存的土壤。

    The dusty workplace of old may be slowly crumbling , but even those of us with the best intentions still have some toxic tendencies that keep the factory mentality alive .

  10. 结果:BPRS的思维障碍因子、激活性因子、PANSS的P分对受审能力具有显著影响;

    Result : Thinking disorder factor and active factor of BPRS and P value of PANSS affect the competency to stand trial significantly ;

  11. 难点主要来自重结果管理的单向思维;

    But this difficulty stems from the one dimensional character of results management ;

  12. 问卷调查结果表明,大学生思维方式总体上存在显著差异。

    The results showed that there were significant difference in thinking style of university students in general .

  13. 结果实习医师临床思维、析问题的能力明显提高。

    Result The Intern doctors ' ability of clinical thinking and problem analysis of the has been greatly improved .

  14. 秉持以结果为导向的思维模式,无所畏惧地工作,是一种颇具吸引力的职业道德,它可以吸引那些具有相同价值观的人才。

    A fearless work ethic with a results-oriented mindset is magnetic & and it attracts those who share the same values .

  15. 词汇本身就是一个文化成果,每一个词都是对客观事物认识、概括的结果,也就是思维活动的成果。

    Words itself is a cultural achievements , every word is on the understanding of objective things , summarized the results , that is also the results of thinking .

  16. 实验二,通过模拟学业领域内有二个等级分界点时,四种不同客观结果对反事实思维以及其满意度的影响。

    The second experiment simulated a scenario in academic field where there are two categorical cut-off points and studied the impact of four objective results on counterfactual thinking and its satisfaction .

  17. 结果通过各种发散思维训练,学生能运用各种思维方法去积极思考,对同一问题寻求不同解决方法,提高了分析问题、解决问题的能力。

    Results : Through various kinds of training of dispersing thinking , students can use these methods to think actively to seek different solutions to the same problems or improve the ability of problem analyzing and solving .

  18. 化学概念是从大量化学事实(实验结果)及逻辑思维结果概括抽象出来的,是反映化学本质属性和共同特征的一种科学抽象,是认知结构的节点。

    The concept of chemistry is a scientific abstraction . It is the link of cognition structure , which is summed up and abstracted from a large number of chemical facts ( experimental results ) and logical thinking , reflecting essential attribute and common characteristics .