
  • 网络result-based;Result-Oriented;Result oriented;Results-oriented;Results Orientation
  1. 接着又从分析中国传统的法官入手,得出了在中国传统司法实践中由于政治结构和传统文化的影响,结果导向裁判方法在中国传统的司法实践中更是处于绝对的主导地位。

    Then from analysis of Chinese traditional judge , it is concluded that because of political structure and the influence of the tradition culture , result-oriented judicial method in the traditional Chinese judicial practice is also in absolutely dominant position .

  2. 五是建立结果导向企业文化;

    The fifth step is to set up result-oriented corporate culture ;

  3. R代表着结果导向。

    R stands for results-oriented .

  4. 美国面相专家JeanHaner在他的著作TheWisdomofYourFace中写道:扎高马尾的人多为结果导向型,且逻辑性很强。

    People with this hairstyle tend to be results-driven and logical , according to Jean Haner , a US expert in face reading who wrote The Wisdom of Your Face .

  5. PNM公司是国有石油销售企业,因而结果导向机制作用更加明显,其更加重视人力资源管理的效用和工作绩效。

    PNM is an Oil sales enterprise that towards the effectiveness of guiding role , PNM Company pays more attention to human resources management and the effectiveness of the performance .

  6. 项目结果导向法在单片机教学中的研究

    Research on Project Results-oriented Method in the Teaching of Single-chip Microcomputer

  7. 环境友好行为划分为目的导向型和结果导向型环境友好行为。

    Environmental behaviour friendly is sorted as intent-oriented and impact-oriented behaviours .

  8. 勤奋努力,刻苦好学,结果导向。

    Hard worker , quick learner , result-oriented .

  9. 发展结果导向的公共项目绩效管理理念

    Performance Management of Public Project for Development Results

  10. 什么是结果导向的监测与评价?

    What Is Results-Based M & E ?

  11. 结果导向的变化可以从很小的投资开始,然后获得巨大的回报!

    Results-oriented change can usually start with little financial investment . And then pay off big !

  12. 结果导向和商业头脑。

    Result-oriented and business minded .

  13. 这种管理方式以其战略导向、公众导向和结果导向的管理优势受到世界各国的青睐。

    This management style is specifically favored by all countries for its advantages in strategic orientation , public-orientation and results-orientation .

  14. 政府能力评价应体现结果导向与满意原则。

    The evaluation on the ability of local government should express the " result guidance " and " satisfaction principle " .

  15. 遵循公司流程同时也有一定的灵活性,能够与同事和客户配合执行公司计划,结果导向。

    Process oriented , yet flexible , capable of implementing company firmly with staff and clients and of maintaining focus on result .

  16. 在结果导向作用下,石油企业更加重视人力资源管理的效用和工作绩效。

    In the effectiveness of guiding role , the oil companies pay more attention to human resources management and the effectiveness of the performance .

  17. 公民为本、以市场为基础、结果导向等是改革的三大指导原则和核心理念。

    The three core ideas and principles for the guidance of the public reform concerns citizenship , market - orientation , and result - orientation .

  18. 结果导向主义的实用主义为我们观察法律和分析法律问题提供了一个全新的视角,也提供了一种更具解释力的研究路径。

    Results-oriented pragmatism provides us with not only a new perspective to observe law and analyze legal issues but also a more explanatory research approach .

  19. 将绩效评价的结果导向和行为导向结合起来设计了全面多元的评价指标;

    This paper presents an idea about diversity performance evaluation of managers : Combine the results-oriented and behavior-oriented of the evaluation to design fully diversity evaluation index ;

  20. 结果导向的评价是对计划中的、实施中的或已经完成的干预措施的评价,以此判定其相关性、效率、效果、影响和可持续性。

    Results-based evaluation is an assessment of a planned , ongoing , or completed intervention to determine its relevance , efficiency , effectiveness , impact , and sustainability .

  21. 阅读研究论文时,应注意研究者有可能是依「结果导向」或「惯性导向」来呈现结果。

    When reading a journal paper , one should realize that the results presented may come from the decision of " outcome-oriented " or " tradition-oriented " reason .

  22. 我国公共预算绩效改革的问题主要是,现有评价模式容易导致绩效管理流于形式,缺乏与预算资源结果导向的整合,缺少适宜的参照体系。

    The problem of performance management in public budget is : the performance review staying on shallow level , lack of result oriented and good frame of reference .

  23. 本文在评价模式的选择上,明确政府传播力评价体系采用以控制系统为主、结果导向为辅的评价模式。

    In this paper , the evaluation model of choice , clear the evaluation system for government communication with control system primarily , supplemented by results oriented evaluation model .

  24. 聪明的公司都是结果导向型的公司,即员工根据绩效而非工作时间来工作。

    Smart companies are moving towards a results only work environment & a system in which employees are evaluated by their productivity instead of the hours they turn in .

  25. 笔者在实验班的写作课上施行了合作学习的教学方法,在控制班施行传统的结果导向的写作教学方法。

    In the English writing class of the experimental group , the author carried out cooperative writing approach . For the control group , traditional product-oriented teaching approach was used .

  26. 一般而言,管理创新域的选择主要有三种模式,即结果导向模式、职能导向模式和活动导向模式。

    Generally speaking , there are three main selecting models in management innovational areas which are result - oriented model , function - oriented model as well as activity - oriented model .

  27. 第二,农业生产服务预算管理改革的方向是生产服务供给的社会化,实施结果导向的预算管理制度。

    Second , the direction of reforming agricultural production and service budget management is the socialization of production , supply , and services , and the implementation of the results-oriented budget management system .

  28. 文章主要特点体现在追求以结果导向的模式中,始终将过程管理的因素考虑在内,提出将绩效预算成本控制、预算激励作为文章核心内容。

    Main features of the article embodied in the pursuit of " results oriented " mode , always taking into account the factors of process management , cost control performance budget proposed budget incentives as the core content of the article .

  29. 新公共管理运动的兴起,使西方国家开始注重政府管理活动的效率和效果,将注意力放在结果导向和绩效评估上,纷纷对政府会计系统进行改革,使之适应新时代的要求。

    As the rise of New Public Management , western countries began to focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of government activities . They valued results-oriented and performance assessment . The government accounting system has to be reformed to adapt to the new times .

  30. 随着市场竞争的加剧和环境的多变,越来越多的公司明白,由具有创造力、高智商和结果导向的员工组成的自我管理型团队能很好地适应环境的变化,并有效地实现公司的目标。

    As market competition intensifies and the ever-changing environment , more and more enterprises know that Self-Managed Teams ( STM ) with the creativity , high IQ and results-oriented employees can well adapt to environmental change , and effectively achieve the objectives of the firm .