
  1. 基于模态空间H2范数的压电柔性梁结构动力学模型降阶

    Model Reduction of Flexible Structures Using Spatial H_2 Norm of Modes

  2. 用Gear法模拟求解了由此建立的C4单烃及其混合烃裂解的结构动力学模型,模型预测的产物分布与文献发表的中试数据吻合很好。

    Gear method is used to solve the structural kinetic model of C4 paraffin pyrolysis . The predicted product distributions based on the model agree well with pilot data published in the literature .

  3. 将部分分析数据作为训练样本,建立了三层BP神经网络,以该神经网络模型取代结构动力学模型,来得到设计变量与模态参数之间的非线性映射关系。

    Part of the analysis data is used as training sample to establish three layes BP Neural Network , and in stead of the dynamics model with trained BP Neural Network , the nonlinear mapping relationship between the design variable and the mode parameter is acquired .

  4. 根据青霉素产生菌的生长机理和青霉素分批补料发酵过程的动力学特性,在Paul等建立的形态学结构动力学模型的基础上,建立了模拟青霉素分批补料发酵过程的细胞自动机模型。

    Based on a hyphal differentiation and penicillin production structured kinetic model , according to the growth mechanism of penicillin production bacteria and the characteristic of penicillin fed-batch fermentation , a cellular automata model for simulating penicillin fed-batch fermentation process ( CAPFM ) was established .

  5. 用优化方法修正阻尼结构动力学模型

    Modifying dynamical model of damped structures by using of optimization technique

  6. 链烷烃热裂解过程结构动力学模型与模拟

    Structural kinetic model of pyrolysis process of paraffins and its simulation

  7. 基于特征值灵敏度分析的发动机结构动力学模型修正

    Correction of Engine Structure Dynamic Model Based on Eigenvalue Sensitivity Analysis

  8. 农业机械设计中的结构动力学模型修正与优化

    Dynamics Model Updating and Optimizing of Structure in Agricultural Machinery Design

  9. 机床切削振动仿真计算的结构动力学模型

    Modeling of the Dynamic Machine Tool Structure to Simulate Cutting Vibration

  10. 阻尼结构动力学模型的一种修正方法

    A Method for Modifying Analytical Dynamic Models of Damped Structures

  11. 机械结构动力学模型的模糊优化修正方法

    Modification of Dynamic Model of Mechanical Structures Based on Fuzzy Optimization Knowledge

  12. 内燃机复杂部件结构动力学模型修正技术研究

    Research on the Modification Technique on Structural Dynamic Model of Complex I.C.E.Components

  13. 结构动力学模型修正的一种参数型方法

    Parametric correcting method for dynamic mathematical model via dynamical response

  14. 苏云金杆菌生长的结构动力学模型

    Structured kinetic model for the cultivation of Bacillus thuringiensis

  15. 灵芝胞外多糖分批发酵非结构动力学模型

    Unstructured kinetic modles of exopolysaccharides production by batch

  16. 基于总成结构动力学模型的麦弗逊式悬架动态载荷模拟方法研究

    Research of Dynamic Load Simulation Method for McPherson Suspension Based on Dynamics Model of Assembly Structure

  17. 结合非线性结构动力学模型,研究了主要部件连接处的位移响应。

    On the basis of nonlinear structural dynamics model , displacement response of main parts is studied .

  18. 针对发酵过程非结构动力学模型参数众多难以确定的问题,利用量子粒子群优化算法进行参数寻优。

    Aiming at the difficulty of parameters determine , quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization was used for parameter optimization .

  19. 应用结构动力学模型进行弹翼静强度计算基于模态价值分析的结构动力学模型降阶

    Calculation of static strength of rudder based on its structural dynamic model order reduction for structural dynamic model using modal value analysis

  20. 为了从设计着手改善6&SPS型并联机床的动力学特性,依据所建立的该类并联机床XNZ63的结构动力学模型,求解并分析了其动态特性。

    A flexible structure dynamic model of 6 - SPS PKM is established in this paper . By solving this model , the dynamic characteristics are attained .

  21. 前者的研究重点包括舱索系统结构动力学模型的建立、风致振动分析及相似律等问题。

    It is pivotal for the former to study the foundation of the dynamical model of this system , the analysis of the wind-induced vibration and the similarity .

  22. 应用实例表明,该方法能提高结构动力学模型精度,使计算和实测结构模态参数较好吻合。

    Practical examples show that the presented method can be used to update the initial dynamical model of damped structres to get better agreement between analytical and experimental modal parameters .

  23. 顾及计算准确性和计算成本,应用实体单元、壳单元和梁单元相结合的方法建立了该炮的非线性有限元结构动力学模型。

    For accuracy and computation cost , the nonlinear finite element structural dynamics model of the howitzer is created with different elements such as solid elements , shell elements and beam elements .

  24. 材料阻尼的测试对建立精确的结构动力学模型、结构动态稳定性分析、响应预测、新型材料研发等都具有十分重要的意义。

    Material damping capacity is critical to many fields , including the building of exact structural dynamics models , analysis on the stability of structure , prediction of response and investigation on new materials .

  25. 利用这些方法可以快速获得高维结构动力学模型缩聚后的低维模型,从而便于进行结构的动力学分析、设计、优化以及控制。

    Based on the proposed methods , the low-dimensional models corresponding to the high-dimensional dynamic models can be obtained rapidly and precisely , which facilitate dynamic analysis , design , optimization and control of structures .

  26. 以分枝模态法为基础,将全弹分成弹身、弹翼和舵面三个分枝,建立全弹结构动力学模型。

    The Branch Mode Method is used to reckon missile 's structural dynamic characteristic , and the whole missile is regarded to be composed of three branches & the fuselage , the wings and the rudders .

  27. 胞内磷酸盐的积累水平对苜蓿细胞的生长和蛋白的合成有重要的影响。构建了苜蓿细胞悬浮培养的结构动力学模型,整个培养系统分为生物相和非物相两部分。

    The accumulation level showed strong influence on Alfalfa cell growth and protein production . A structural kinetic model was constructed in this thesis . The whole culture system was separated into biotic phase and abiotic phase .

  28. 基于板壳理论,采用Rayleigh方法,通过选取恰当的振型函数,建立了次镜支撑结构的动力学模型。

    A dynamic model has been established by selecting mode functions using the plate and shell theory and Rayleigh method .

  29. 子空间(Subspace)方法是辨识结构系统动力学模型的一种新的时域方法。

    Subspace based state space system identification ( 4SID ) is a new time domain method for identifying dynamics models of mechanical structures .

  30. 基于Kane方法建立起六面体柔性桁架多体结构动力学数学模型,得到了数值仿真计算结果。

    Based on Kane methods a dynamic mathematical model of hexahedron flexible multi-body truss is established and simulated numerically .