
  1. 在收益质量方面,同样其同口径营业利润与经营活动产生的现金流量净额之间偏差较大,收益质量不理想。

    On the aspect of income quality , it has a large deviation between its same basis of business profit and net cash flow happened in the business activities . The income quality is not ideal .

  2. 发行人最近三年及一期经营活动产生的现金流量净额为负数或者远低于当期净利润的,应分析披露原因;

    In case net cash flows of the issuer is negative or far less than net profits in the same period in the last three financial years and the last financial period , it shall analyze and disclose the reasons thereof ;

  3. 公司现金流量净增加额为负,且经营性活动所产生的现金流量净额为负,可能出现支付困难。

    Its incremental cash flow is less than zero and so is the aggregate cash flow arising from the operational activities , which may cause the payment difficult .