
jīnɡ jì kāi fā qū
  • economic development zone;enterprise zone;open economic region
经济开发区 [jīng jì kāi fā qū]
  • [economic developing-area] 由国家划定适当的区域,进行必要的基础设施建设,集中兴办一两项产业,同时是给予相应的扶植和优惠待遇,使该区域的经济得以迅速发展。建立经济开发区,有的是为了推动科学研究,开发高技术产业,故又称为技术开发区。有的是为了引进外资,扩大出口,故又常常把这一类经济开发区与出口加工区相提并论

  1. 现在经济开发区怎样了?

    How is the economic development zone going on ?

  2. 人们对城镇化蓝图的构筑范围不断扩大,从新的商业区发展到经济开发区,再发展到地图上从未有过的新城市。

    The scope of urban ambition today ranges from new business districts to special economic zones to entirely new cities never before on the map .

  3. 本文以GIS技术为平台,对经济开发区投资环境的综合评价进行了分析。

    This article takes the GIS technology as a platform , and analyzes to the investment climate synthesis appraisal of economic development zones .

  4. FGS(苏州)公司于2003年在苏州相成经济开发区注册成立。注册资本600万美元。

    Fiber Glass System ( Suzhou ) Co. , Ltd was founded at XiangCheng Developing Economic District , Suzhou , China in 2003 and the register capital is 6 millions USD .

  5. KS2201水质在线监测仪使用UV法进行测量,在北京经济开发区污水处理厂进水和出水的实际监测中获得良好的效果。

    UV measurement is adopted in KS2201 water quality on-line automatic monitor which produced favorable effects for Beijing Economic Development Area Sewage Plant in doing of water in and out .

  6. 广州市经济开发区热力管道支架结构设计

    Structure design of tubular frame in Guangzhou economic developing area

  7. 试论经济开发区和区域经济的发展

    Try to Explore Economic Development Zone and the Development of Territorial Economy

  8. 珲春经济开发区环境地质问题研究

    A study on the environmental geology in the Hunchun Economic Development Zone

  9. 经济开发区不确定性环境规划方法与应用研究

    An inexact environmental planning method for economic development zone and its application

  10. 湖北老河口经济开发区规划面积38平方公里。

    Economic Development Zone , Hubei Laohekou planning area of38 square kilometers .

  11. 欢迎到上海浦东经济开发区来。

    Welcome to the Pudong Economic Development Zone in Shanghai .

  12. 上饶经济开发区发展现状分析及对策研究

    The Development Situation Analysis and Countermeasures of Economic Development Zone in ShangRao

  13. 方法采用横断面调查,描述流行病学方法对某经济开发区涉外企业进行研究。

    Methods Crosssection study and descriptive epidemiological method were used .

  14. 海南洋浦经济开发区的环境背景与面临的问题

    Environmental Settings and Issues in Yangpu Economic Development Zone , Hainan Island

  15. 某经济开发区房屋地基处理实例

    Example of Building Foundation Treatment in an Economical Development Area

  16. 她的公司在经济开发区。

    Her company is in an economic development zone .

  17. 优化扬州经济开发区投资环境的对策研究

    Study of Strategies for Optimizing the Investment Environment of Yangzhou Economic Development Zone

  18. 凤凰园经济开发区供水方案探讨

    Research of the Water Supply Plan for Feng Huang Yuan Economic Development Zone

  19. 产业经济开发区开发的前期策划

    The Early Stage Plan for the Industry Development Zone

  20. 山东省潍坊市滨海经济开发区可持续发展对策研究

    Study on Sustainable Development Counterplan for WeiFang BinHai-Tec Development Zone in ShanDong Province

  21. 神府经济开发区土地集约利用评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of Land Intensive Use in Shenfu Economic Development Zone

  22. 扬州经济开发区三维演示系统研制

    Building 3D Visualization system of Yangzhou Economic Development Region

  23. 经济开发区营销探讨

    A Study on the Marketing of Economic Development Zone

  24. 经济开发区外商直接投资促进体系创新研究

    Research of Economic Development Zone FDI Promotion System Innovation

  25. 经济开发区规划的合理性分析

    Reasonableness Analysis on Plan of Economic Development Area

  26. 深圳经济开发区与区域经济发展的理论及实证研究

    Development of Regional Economics and Economical Development Zone

  27. 新疆轮台县经济开发区工程场地地震危险性分析

    Seismic risk analysis for the developed district of Luntai county , Xinjiang Autonomous Region

  28. 山东潍坊经济开发区商贸城开发项目风险管理研究

    Research of Environmental Risk Management of Trade City in WeiFang Economic Technology Development Area

  29. 和沿海经济开发区的优惠政策。

    And coastal area development zones in China .

  30. 北京市永乐经济开发区概念性规划及城市设计方案综述

    Summary of the Conceptual Planning and Urban Design of Beijing Yongle Economic Development Zone