
  • 网络economic imperialism
  1. 这种主导作用的经济学,社会科学已被描述为经济帝国主义。

    This dominating effect of economics on the social sciences has been described as economic imperialism .

  2. 高级经理人员承认,他们试图把民族的饮食习惯扭向美制食品,但他们否认这等同于经济帝国主义。

    The senior managers acknowledge that they try to swing national eating habits to a food created in America , but they deny that amounts to economic imperialism .

  3. 解放前,中国的经济由帝国主义国家掌握着。

    Before liberation , China 's economy was in the hands of imperialist countries .

  4. 阐述所谓自由经济秩序是帝国主义霸权的工具,而国家主义经济学理论和实践是针对自由秩序说教的反向运动。

    It elaborates in this part that the so-called free economic order is just the tool made use of by imperialist hegemonists , while the economics theories and practices of nationalism go opposite from free order preaching .

  5. 论经济全球化和文化帝国主义

    A Brief Account of the Globalization of the World Economy and Cultural Imperialism

  6. 这种模式是一定历史条件下的产物,对于克服建国初期的经济困难,粉碎帝国主义的封锁和维护国家的统一,以及建立社会主义基本制度和国民经济体系,起到了重要的历史作用。

    It played a positive role to crush the blockade of imperialism , maintain the unity of the state and overcome difficult economic in the early days of new China . And it was helpful for the establishment of the socialist basic system and national economic system .