
jīnɡ jì xué rén zhì kù
  • economist intelligence unit
  1. 另据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnitstudy)近期开展的一项研究,公司声誉受损带来的风险几乎是恐怖主义和自然灾害所带来的风险的三倍。

    According to a recent Economist Intelligence Unit study , reputation risk is nearly three times greater than the risk of terrorism and natural disaster .

  2. 据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)数据,从1980年以来,尼日利亚政府获得石油收入约1.3万亿美元。

    Nigeria 's government has collected about $ 1.3 trillion in oil revenue since 1980 , according to the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  3. 而在经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)和旅游购物退税公司环球蓝联(GlobalBlue)合作发布的欧洲城市消费指数排行中,马德里和巴塞罗那并列第二,仅次于伦敦。

    in a shopping index ranking of European cities put together by the Economist Intelligence Unit and Global Blue , a tourism shopping tax refund company .

  4. 《经济学人智库》(economistintelligenceunit)表示,日本公司属于发达国家中盈利能力最强、杆杠率最低、资本结构最好的企业。

    According to the Economist Intelligence Unit , Japanese companies have among the highest profitability , lowest leverage and strongest capitalisation in the developed world .

  5. 独立智囊机构经济与和平学会(instituteforeconomicsandpeace)与总部位于英国的经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)共同编制了全球和平指数。

    The global peace index is drawn up by the Institute for economics and peace , an independent think-tank , together with the UK-based Economist Intelligence Unit .

  6. 报告还参考了经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的通胀数据,以此考量被调查国家薪酬的实际涨幅。

    The report also draws on inflation data from the Economist Intelligence Unit to determine just how effective the salary increases will be for each country surveyed .

  7. 经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)为商业软件联盟(businesssoftwarealliance)编制的全球“it竞争力指数”,可以针对这些关键领域给各个国家打分,从而帮助企业决定项目或部门的选址。

    A global " it competitiveness index " compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit for the business software alliance could help businesses decide where to locate projects or departments by scoring countries on these key areas .

  8. 一般认为,随着制造业外流,中国吸引的外来直接投资(FDI)将会减少。但根据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)新近发表的一份报告,这种常见观点是错误的。

    But the conventional wisdom that China will attract less foreign direct investment ( FDI ) as manufacturing moves away is wrong , according to a new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  9. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)进行的一项调查显示,机构投资者计划今年扩大在亚洲的投资,尽管他们中有许多人承认,自己缺乏有关该地区的知识和专业技能。

    Institutional investors plan to increase their exposure to Asia in 2010 even though many admit that they lack knowledge and expertise in the region , according to a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  10. 来自中国(包括香港)的对外直接投资,去年达到560亿美元,经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)预计,到2010年前,这一数字将升至700亿美元以上。

    Foreign direct investment outflows from China ( including Hong Kong ) reached $ 56bn ( 29bn ) last year and are forecast by the Economist Intelligence Unit to rise to more than $ 70bn by 2010 .

  11. 巴克莱与经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)联合撰写了财富调查报告。巴克莱发现,富人投资者对有助于规避市场波动的金融产品兴趣日益浓厚,这在亚洲和中东地区尤为明显。

    Barclays , which produces wealth reports in conjunction with the Economist Intelligence Unit , found an increasing appetite among wealthy investors , particularly in Asia and the Middle East , for financial products that help smooth market volatility .

  12. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的美国分析师约瑟夫•莱克(JosephLake)表示:这是自2011年以来的最快季度增速,证实美国经济已自今年第一季度与天气相关的萎缩中强劲反弹。

    This was the fastest quarterly rate since 2011 , confirming that the US economy bounced back strongly from the weather-related setback in the first quarter , said Joseph Lake , US analyst for the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  13. 巴克莱借用经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的数据预测,到2017年,在家庭净财富总额排行榜上,中国将从第7位上升至第3位,仅落后于美国与日本。

    Barclays , using data from the Economist Intelligence Unit , forecasts that China will jump from seventh to third in terms of the overall net wealth held by its domestic sector , behind only the US and Japan , by 2017 .

  14. 每年,经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)都会发布一份包含140个城市的榜单,按照“宜居度”对其进行排名。墨尔本连续第三年夺冠,排在其后的是维也纳和温哥华。

    Every year , the Economist Intelligence Unit releases a list of 140 cities and ranks them in terms of their ' livability . ' For the third year running , Melbourne has topped the list , edging out Vienna and Vancouver .

  15. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit,简称EIU)进行的“全球生活成本”调查发现,东京的排名从去年的第一降至第六。

    The Economist Intelligence Unit 's ' The Worldwide Cost of Living ' survey also found that Tokyo , Japan 's notoriously spendy capital , has fallen to sixth place from top spot in its ranking from last year .

  16. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)完成的这份调查发现,受调查企业中,仅有十分之一充分监控其总体碳排放影响,大多数企业未将环境战略视为改善其市场地位的一种途径。

    The survey , by the Economist Intelligence Unit , found that only one in 10 of the businesses surveyed was fully monitoring its overall carbon impact , and most of the companies did not see environmental strategy as a way to improve their market position .

  17. 根据普华永道(PwC)和经济学人智库(EIU)的一份报告,2013年,中国电商市场的规模超过了美国。目前,超过一半中国网购者使用移动端购物。

    In 2013 , China 's ecommerce market overtook that of the US , according to a PwC and EIU report , and more than half of China 's internet shoppers are now mobile .

  18. 经济学人智库(EIU)的一项调查显示,全球商业信心处于五年来的高点。调查发现,90%的顶级高管把未来三年的商业前景评为良好或非常好。

    Global business confidence is at a five-year high , according to a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit , which found nine out of 10 top executives rating business prospects over the next three years as good or very good .

  19. 经济学人智库(EIU)通过一项广泛的调查,发现多数人(54%)对新商业模式超越新产品和新服务,成为未来的竞争优势来源这一论断表示赞同。

    Through an extensive survey , the Economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU ) found that the majority ( 54 % ) agreed with an assertion that is " beyond the new products and new service , new business model becomes the source of future competitive advantage " .

  20. 经济学人智库将相关数据考虑在内,最后计算得出的结果显示瑞士以较大优势名列榜首,澳大利亚紧随其后。

    After crunching its numbers , the EIU has Switzerland comfortably in the top spot , with Australia second .

  21. 《经济学人智库》的资料显示,在对城市排名时考虑的因素包括稳定、环境、医疗保健、文化、基础设施和教育。

    According to the EIU , the cities are ranked by factors including stability , the environment , healthcare , culture , infrastructure and education .

  22. 事实上,它已经连续两年在经济学人智库的世界最宜居城市排行榜上高居榜首。

    In fact , it has claimed the number one spot for two years running on the Economist Intelligence Unit 's ranking of the most liveable cities .

  23. 经济学人智库起初对城市进行排名是为了测试企业是否应给派往外国的员工支付相应的辛劳津贴。

    The EIU first began ranking cities to test whether or not companies should pay staff a hardship allowance if they make employees relocate to a different country .

  24. 经济学人智库发布的一项新研究称,美国孩子的未来比香港、爱尔兰甚至加拿大出生的孩子更渺茫。

    A new study produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit says American babies will have a dimmer future than those born in Hong Kong , Ireland and even Canada .

  25. 由花旗委托经济学人智库完成一份新研究报告称,五年内,中国富人拥有的资产将是美国富人的两倍。

    According to a new report by the Economic Intelligence Unit sponsored by Citigroup , China 's wealthy will have double the assets of their U.S counterpart within five years .

  26. 我们的姐妹公司经济学人智库最新全球生活成本调查显示,苏黎世已经成为全球居住成本最高的城市。

    ZURICH has become the worlds most expensive city to live in , according to the latest Worldwide Cost of Living Survey from the Economist Intelligence Unit , our sister company .

  27. 据经济学人智库统计,墨尔本的宜居评价率达到了97.5%,几近完美,只因为气候、文化和轻度犯罪而略有失分。

    According to the EIU Melbourne came close to recording a perfect score with a liveability rating of 97.5 percent , losing points only for climate , culture and petty crime .

  28. 经济学人智库表示,尽管没有一个北美城市进入前20名,但是纽约的生活成本相对于其他美国城市有所上升。

    Although no North American cities feature in the top 20 , the EIU said the cost of living in New York had risen relative to other places in the United States .

  29. 经济学人智库是《经济学人》的姐妹公司,该公司试图估算出一个国家或地区能否在未来数年内提供让人们过上健康、安全、富裕生活的最好机会。

    The EIU , a sister company of The Economist , attempted to measure how well countries will provide the best opportunities for a healthy , safe and prosperous life in years to come .

  30. 经济学人智库生活成本指数编辑乔恩•科派斯塔克表示,最显著的变化之一是澳大利亚生活成本的上升,它的两个城市悉尼和墨尔本分别名列第三和第五。

    Jon Copestake , editor of the EIU Worldwide Cost of Living Index , said one of the most notable changes was the rising costs in Australia , with Sydney third in the list and Melbourne fifth .