
  • 网络economic and social development
  1. 经济与社会发展是我国当前的第一要务。

    The economic and social development is the first priority .

  2. 旅游业能否成为西部地区经济与社会发展的主导产业。

    Will travel industry accelerate its economic and social development ?

  3. 东南亚区域经济与社会发展研究论纲

    An Outline of Regional Economy of Southeast Asia and Social Development

  4. 促进佛罗里达州经济与社会发展的三个关键因素

    Three key factors in promoting social and economic development in Florida

  5. 南唐时期江苏区域经济与社会发展论要

    On Jiangsu Social and Regional Economic Development in South Tang Period

  6. 普遍服务政策实际上是一个经济与社会发展问题。

    Universal service policy in essence belongs to economical and social domain .

  7. 黑龙江省森工国有林区经济与社会发展的总体思路

    General thoughts of economy and society development in Heilongjiang national forest regions

  8. 民族地区的经济与社会发展状况非常特殊。

    The development of economy and society in minority area is very different .

  9. 推进城镇化发展是我国经济与社会发展的一个重要战略问题。

    Urbanization is an important strategic problem of the economy and social development .

  10. 老工业区经济与社会发展问题研究

    The Research of the Old Industrial Area Economy and the Development of the Society

  11. 协调经济与社会发展;

    Coordinate the development of economy and society .

  12. 十五期间县域经济与社会发展的战略选择

    Strategic choice of economy and society development of county in Tenth Five-year Plan ' period

  13. 城市化水平是经济与社会发展规划的重要指标之一;

    Urbanization level is one of the most important indices for economy and society planning .

  14. 城市化是解决经济与社会发展诸多矛盾的关键。

    The level , rate of urbanization is related close to those of economic developments .

  15. 农村教育严重滞后于农村经济与社会发展的需要。

    Country education can not meet the need of the development of the country economy .

  16. 失业是一个重要的社会问题,维持充分就业在政府制定经济与社会发展目标中居于显著地位。

    Unemployment is an important social problem .

  17. 良好的投资环境已成为地区经济与社会发展的重要因素。

    The good investment environment has become important factor of the regional economy and societal development .

  18. 揭示我国经济与社会发展的内在逻辑和矛盾。

    To reveal the inner logic contradiction in the economic growth and social development of China ;

  19. 这是在科学地概括和总结世界范围内经济与社会发展实践的基础上形成的科学的社会发展观念。

    This is scientific development outlook on the basis of world economic and social development practice .

  20. 经济与社会发展战略

    Economic and socal development strategy

  21. 创业对于一个国家和地区经济与社会发展的贡献是无可置疑的。

    The contribution of the entrepreneurship to economic and social development of anation / region is unquestionable .

  22. 现今,我国经济与社会发展逐步成熟,以提高国民幸福感为导向的社会保障体系建构势在必行。

    At this time to improve national happiness as the guidance of the social security is imperative .

  23. 随着经济与社会发展,社会转型期间矛盾日渐突出。

    With the economic and social development , social conflicts have become increasingly prominent during the transition period .

  24. 加强社会事业建设,努力增强经济与社会发展的协调性。

    We will strengthen the development of social programs and strive to better balance economic and social development .

  25. 合理的财政支出结构是国家调节经济与社会发展、优化经济结构的强大杠杆。

    Reasonable financial expenditure structure is important in adjusting economy and society development and in optimizing economic structure .

  26. 面对世界经济与社会发展趋势的冲击,处于发展中的社会主义中国何以应对?

    How should China react to the compact of global economy and social developments as a developing socialist country ?

  27. 高校科技成果转化问题是制约经济与社会发展的一个重要因素。

    The translation of academic technology commodity is an important factor to restrict the development of economists and society .

  28. 稳定:经济与社会发展的基本前提&泰国威权政治的作用剖析

    Stabilization as the Prerequisite of Economic and Social Development : An Analysis of the Role of Authoritarianism in Thailand

  29. 伴随着经济与社会发展城市形态也随之由一个典型的江南小城向沿海都市演化。

    Along with economic and social development urban morphology also grew from a typical southern town to a coastal metropolis .

  30. 加强国际合作,促进经济与社会发展是联合国的主要职责之一。

    It is a main duty for the United Nations to strengthen international cooperation and promote economic and social development .