
  • 网络ultimate value;terminal value
  1. 终极价值观来源于社会发展对道德体系的需要。

    The ultimate values arise from the requirement of social development for a moral system .

  2. 它的具体内涵是超越现实的永恒道德、普世情感和终极价值观念。

    Its substantial connotations are such transcendent notions as eternal morality , redemptive feelings and ultimate values .

  3. 刑罚的终极价值是正义、秩序和自由。

    The ultimate penalty value is justice , order and freedom .

  4. 人类对正义的追求,是一种终极价值追求。

    Human questing for justice is a pursuit of ultimate value .

  5. 陀思妥耶夫斯基从终极价值的角度看待死亡。

    Dostoevsky understands death from the point of the ultimate value .

  6. 政治权力追求什么样的终极价值才是善的等的信念。

    What extreme value aimed at by political power is good .

  7. 环境法的终极价值之思考

    Considerations about the Ultimate Value of the Law of Environment

  8. 本体即事物存在的本源和终极价值,艺术本体是艺术存在的本源和终极价值。

    Ontology means the origin and ultimate value of existence of everything .

  9. 人性的完善是人类追求的终极价值和目的。

    Perfect of human nature is fine value and target .

  10. 王夫之文论的终极价值取向

    The Ultimate Value Orientation in WANG Fu-zhi 's Liberary Criticism

  11. 美的理念与终极价值&柏拉图的美学价值论

    The Idea of Beauty and Ultimate Value & The Aesthetic Axiology of Plato

  12. 公司法人人格制度的终极价值在于其工具性,即实现个人利益和社会利益。因此,法律对法人始终怀抱怵惕之心,法律的干预立足于对团体和个人进行区分。

    The value of corporate institution is to realize the benefits of person .

  13. 普遍幸福是社会主义和谐社会的终极价值追求。

    And the universal wellbeing the ultimate value of the socialist harmonious society .

  14. 国家教育主权的终极价值体现为国家利益。

    For education sovereignty , the national interest is reflected as its ultimate value .

  15. 科学的功利主义与终极价值追求

    Characteristics of Scientific Utilitarianism and Ultimate Value Pursue

  16. 可持续发展中,人的全面发展是终极价值追求。

    Sustainable development , the all-round development is the pursuit of the ultimate value .

  17. 在终极价值上,当代教育哲学就是教育本体论;

    In terms of ultimate value , the modern educational philosophy is educational ontology ;

  18. 论现代民法在从契约到身份运动中的困境与突破&以民法的终极价值为视角

    The Plight and Breakthrough of the Movement from Contract to Identity in Modern Civil Laws

  19. 阐述了竞技体育资源有效配置终极价值、现实价值的度量模型构建及其意义。

    It set forth metrological model construction of the culminating and practical value and its significance .

  20. 社会终极价值目标的确立与市场经济社会的价值策略

    The Establishment of the Social Ultimate Value Objective and the Value Strategy in Market Economy Society

  21. 其次达茂旗地方课程资源的开发终极价值是促进人的发展。

    The final goal of the development of local curriculums is to promote the progress of people .

  22. 品牌对消费者而言的终极价值是品牌资产和价格的共同作用。

    The ultimate value of the brand to the consumer is the function of equity and price .

  23. 因制度的结果违背人类终极价值而引起的教育制度变迁。

    The causable education institution changes due to ultimate end value in mankind in institutional result violation .

  24. 正义作为法律的终极价值,可以阐述为自由和秩序。

    Justice , as the ultimate value of the law , can be described as freedom and order .

  25. 婚嫁仪式作为一种特殊的文化载体,与农民的终极价值关怀密切相关。

    Marriage ceremony as a special cultural carriers , is closely connected to the farmers ' ultimate value .

  26. 宗教体验的实质是人类追寻终极价值时产生的意义感受,与审美体验一样具有日常经验中断、形象性和强烈的情感性三大特征。

    It is the sense of meaning featured by the abruption of Ordinary experience , figurativeness and strong emotion .

  27. 公平公正是人类社会追求的终极价值,更是和谐社会的基础。

    The equity value is the ultimate pursuit of human society , especially the basis of a harmonious society .

  28. 大学的终极价值是追寻真理,达到对真理认识的不断生成与超越,从而形成和接近对真理的最清晰认识。

    The ultimate value of university is pursuing truth to realize the generation and transcendence of recognition about rationality .

  29. 人类的休闲不仅仅是寻找快乐,更是在寻找人的生命的意义,是人作为一种类存在物的终极价值体现。

    Human leisure is not just happy to find even more people are looking for the meaning of life .

  30. 宗教文化在被中国现代作家接受时,他们很少关注宗教典经习俗、宗教本质论等问题,而是看重宗教对人生的感悟和对终极价值的思考。

    Chinese modern writers accepted religious culture , but they paid little attention to religious customs or essentialism of religion .