
xì jūn zhàn
  • germ warfare;bacterial warfare
  1. 关于常德细菌战研究的几个问题

    Issues on Study of the Germ Warfare in Changde

  2. 常德细菌战与日本侵略

    The Germ Warfare in Changde and Japanese Aggression

  3. 细菌战对自然环境的污染和破坏也是长期的。

    Bacteriological warfare pollution in natural environment has a long-term destruction .

  4. 细菌战的破坏性可能远大于常规战争。

    Biological warfare can cause far more damage than ordinary wars .

  5. 日军在滇西的细菌战

    The Bacteria War Launched by the Japanese Invaders in Western Yunnan Province

  6. 细菌战利用细菌使人得病和死亡。

    Bacteriological warfare uses bacteria to cause death and disease in humans .

  7. 只有受过细菌战专业训练的特种部队。

    Only special forces trained in biological warfare .

  8. 关于侵华日军细菌战罪行的研究

    Research on the Crime of the Germ Warfare Launched by Japanese Aggressors in China

  9. 滇西沦陷之后,侵华日军在滇西进行了鲜为人知的细菌战。

    After the occupation the Japanese invaders carried out their then little-Rnown bacteria war .

  10. 1941年日军常德细菌战造成城区居民死亡人数的研究

    On the Civilian Casualties in Changde Bacteria War Launched by Japanese Aggressors in 1941

  11. 对细菌战的忧虑一直普遍存在。

    Concern about germ warfare has been widespread .

  12. 侵华日军细菌战诉讼案回顾与思考

    Review of and Reflections on the Lawsuit against Japanese Aggressors Launching Germ Warfare in China

  13. 死亡工厂:日本的细菌战,1932-1945,以及美国的掩盖。

    Factories of Death : Japanese Biological Warfare , 1932-1945 , and the American Cover-Up .

  14. 这个条约禁止细菌战。

    This treaty bans germ warfare .

  15. 细菌战是十分可怕的。

    Germ warfare is quite terrible .

  16. 尽管细菌战受害诉讼均以失败告终,但诉讼的积极意义不可低估。

    Although the lawsuit failed in the end , but its positive significance cannot be underestimated .

  17. 大规模实施细菌战,是日本法西斯犯下的空前的反人类的战争罪行。

    Abstract : The large-scaled bacteriological war is the unprecedented anti-human atrocity by the Japanese fascists .

  18. 抗战时期江西上饶地区细菌战研究

    The Research of the Bacteriological Warfare in Jiangxi Shangrao Area during the War of Resistance Against Japan

  19. 食物安全、环境监测、疾病诊断以及反细菌战等领域都涉及到对病原菌的检测。

    Detection of pathogenic bacteria is vital in food and environment safty , clinical diagnosis and anti-bioterrorism .

  20. 1941年冬天日军实施的常德细菌战造成常德地区鼠疫大流行,桃源县小村庄李家湾也未能幸免。

    In the winter of 1941 , Japanese germ warfare made a plague in the region of Changde .

  21. 日本对常德发动细菌战攻击,给常德人民带来巨大的灾难。

    The germ warfare in Changde launched by the Japanese aggressor brought about great disaster to Changde people .

  22. 朝鲜战争时期围绕细菌战问题的三场国际政治动员&基于中英两国档案的解读

    Three International Political Mobilizations Surrounding Germ Warfare during the Korean War : An Interpretation of Chinese and British Archives

  23. 中国民间细菌战诉讼经历了一个长期艰难的历程历经十余年。

    The Chinese civilian bacteriological warfare lawsuit had experienced a long and difficult process . Ten years had passed .

  24. 许多当年细菌战的参与者依然逍遥法外,过着丰衣足食的奢华生活。

    Today , many a participant of the biological warfare is still at large , living a luxurious life .

  25. 从事细菌战研究的731部队,在整个日本陆军中有着非同寻常的地位。

    The Japanese Army 731 engaged in bacteriological warfare research was very special in all the Japanese land force .

  26. 细菌战诉讼案大致经历了准备阶段、起诉阶段、一审阶段、二审阶段、三审阶段,其结果以败诉告终。

    BW suit experienced generally preparation stage , prosecuting stage , first instance stage , second instance and third instance .

  27. 关于731部队细菌战诉讼一审判决的批判探讨

    A Critical Inquiry into the First Instance Decision of the Lawsuit against Unit 731 of Japanese Army Launching Germ Warfare in China

  28. 现在天花病毒只存在于实验室,一些小国可能为发展细菌战生物战而发展这种病毒。

    The virus now exists only in laboratories ; in some countries it may be under development for purposes of Biological warfare .

  29. 江西上饶地区地处浙赣沿线地带,也深受日军细菌战的摧残。

    Shangrao prefecture of Jiangxi province lies in the Zhejiang-Jiangxi railway zone , so it was deeply devastated by the biological warfare .

  30. 侵华日军731细菌战部队于1941年在湖南常德实施细菌战,对该地平民造成巨大伤害。

    The germ warfare in Changde launched by the Japanese 731 Troop in 1941 brought about great harm to the local people .