
  • 网络organization crisis;organizational crisis
  1. 因此本文采取实证研究的方法,试图探讨在不同组织危机情景下魅力型领导与领导有效性的相关关系。

    So this paper applied with empirical study to probe into the performance of charismatic leadership under different organization crisis .

  2. 组织理论学家的传统答案“组织危机”,更多的组织发展在很大程度上是和这个新问题无关。

    The organization theorists'traditional answer to " organization crisis " more organization development is largely irrelevant to this new problem .

  3. “就人道主义而言,这一状况是不能接受的,”负责世卫组织危机中的卫生行动部门的助理总干事EricLaroche博士说。

    " In humanitarian terms , the situation is unacceptable ," said Dr Eric Laroche , Assistant Director-General for WHO 's Health Action in Crises .

  4. 农民合作经济组织危机信息管理机制的构建

    On the Construction of Crisis Information Management Mechanism of Farmer 's Cooperative Economic Organization

  5. 组织危机传播的策略应用

    Application of Organization 's Crisis Communication Strategies

  6. 危机事件处理中,媒体沟通是决定组织危机沟通成败的关键因素。

    On the process of handling crisis events , media communication is a crucial factor .

  7. 在设置舆论焦点中塑造组织危机管理的良好形象;

    To shape an excellent image of the crisis management organizers by setting the focus of public opinion ;

  8. 城缘富裕村组织危机与出路&以广州市部分地区城缘富裕村为例

    Organizational Crises of Wealthy Villages around City and the Way Out & Some Wealthy Villages around Parts of Guangzhou City as an Example

  9. 媒体在组织危机处理中具有扩音、媒体审判功能,媒体对组织的形象设定效果将直接决定公众对组织形象的接受与评价程度。

    Media have the function as enlarging voices and making judgment , and it will greatly influence the public accepting and judgment of the organizations involved .

  10. 当前媒介组织危机公关中多采取保持沉默的态度,采用冷处理的手段,或者利用不对等的沟通方式等。这些被动消极的危机公关直接或间接的损害了媒介组织形象及公信力。

    They just keep silent ; use the cold treatment means or the unequal way of communication , etc. These negative behaviors will damage the image and credibility directly or indirectly .

  11. “存在着必须尽快满足的紧迫需求,包括基本药品和用品,”世卫组织负责危机中的卫生行动的总干事代表AlaAlwan博士说。

    " There are urgent needs including essential medicines and supplies that have to be met as soon as possible ," said Dr Ala Alwan , Representative of the WHO Director-General for Health Action in Crisis .

  12. 国际货币基金组织需要危机,恰如医生需要疾病一样。

    The Fund needs crises , just as doctors need illnesses .

  13. 世卫组织在危机中起什么作用?

    What is the role of WHO in crises ?

  14. 提出应加强基层组织公共危机应急管理体系建设的观点。

    Proposed to strengthen the building of grass-roots public crises emergency management system of views .

  15. 非营利组织参与危机管理的途径和影响分析

    An analysis of the approaches to non-profit organizations ' involvement in risk management and their impact

  16. 我们请桑迪胡克消防站协助组织了危机处理小组。

    We have set up crisis services that we have mobilized to the Sandy Hook firehouse to be of assistance .

  17. 在国际环境日趋复杂和国内改革日益深化的背景下,各种各样的危机频繁发生,给我国的经济、社会带来了严重危害,也对各级政府和社会组织的危机管理能力构成了严峻考验。

    Under the background of the complicated international situation and the deepening domestic reform , the frequent public crises become the baptism for all levels governments and social organizations .

  18. 当日的会议上讨论最多的不是如何联合救市,而是如何改进20国集团的工作机制,使该组织在危机中发挥应有的作用。

    In the meeting , what is discussed most is how to modify the mechanism of G-20 to exert excellently in crisis , rather than how to rescue the markets .

  19. 虽然有少数学者曾指出组织认同危机会产生组织冲突,但是并未指出组织冲突是否会影响到组织认同。

    Although a few scholars have pointed out that the organizational identity crisis will generated organizational conflict , but they did not indicate whether the conflict will affect the organizational identity .

  20. 危机决策是危机管理的关键环节,而危机信息资源的组织以及危机知识构建与服务则是核心中的核心。

    The crisis decision-making is the core of crisis management , while the organization of crisis information resources and the build and service of crisis knowledge is the core of the core .

  21. 在许多国家中,非营利组织作为危机管理的参与者之一,在应对各种突发事件中发挥着积极的作用,成为一支越来越活跃的力量。

    In many countries , non-profit organizations involved in crisis management as the main body dealing with all kinds of unexpected events in playing an active role and become a more and more active force .

  22. IMF正面临着严重的长期财政问题,因为随着各国纷纷偿还该组织在金融危机期间发放的巨额贷款,其传统收入来源(发放贷款获利)已经枯竭。

    The IMF faces serious long-term financial problems because its traditional source of revenue – profits on lending – has dried up as countries have paid back giant loans extended during financial crises .

  23. 非政府组织参与公共危机管理的法律制度构建

    Construction of Legal System on NGO 's Participation in Public Crisis Management

  24. 我国志愿者组织在公共危机管理中作用研究

    Research on the Role of Chinese Volunteer Organizations in Public Crisis Management

  25. 政府正与工会组织举行解决危机的会谈。

    The Government is holding crisis talks with the unions .

  26. 我国非政府组织在公共危机治理中的参与研究

    The Research about China 's NGO in Public Crisis Management

  27. 非营利组织在公共危机管理中的风险规避

    Risk Avoidance of Nonprofit Organization in Public Crisis Management

  28. 公民的信任结构&论非政府组织应对公共危机的微观基础

    Trust Structures of Citizens : Non-governmental Organizations ' Microcosmic Basis in the Face of Public Crises

  29. 第二章就非政府组织参与公共危机管理的理论基础进行阐述,并在此基础上分析非政府组织与政府在公共危机管理中的不同取向,进而说明二者在危机应对中的互补性。

    The second chapter elaborates on the related theories of the public crisis management and non-governmental organizations .

  30. 在理论和实践上,得出非政府组织参与公共危机管理的客观必然性与主观可能性。

    All the mentioned above , constitute the objectiveness necessity and subjective possibility of NGOs participation in public crisis management .