
  • 网络Module efficiency
  1. 提高DCOM组件应用效率的方法

    Method of Improving Application Efficiency of DCOM

  2. ZnTe/ZnTe:Cu复合背接触层的使用起到了提高效率的作用,平均能使组件的效率提高20%左右。

    The conversion efficiency of integrated modules can averagely increase 20 % by application of ZnTe / ZnTe : Cu complex layers .

  3. 太阳能电池硅片的质量是影响电池片转换效率以及电池组件发电效率的一个关键因素,因此对太阳能电池硅片的质量检测在生产和实验中显得尤为重要。

    The quality of solar cell silicon as a key factor is affecting efficiency of solar cells conversion and battery components power generation , so the quality assurance of the solar cell silicon has become a important part of the solar cells production and experiments .

  4. 关于COM+组件的调用效率分析和配置优化

    On Analyzing the Efficiency of Calling COM + Components and Optimizing their Configurations

  5. 消除浓差极化提高膜组件脱湿效率

    Eliminate the differential concentration polarization to enhance the dehumidification efficiency of membrane components

  6. 您可以在运行时选择性地启用和禁用特定的组件以提高效率。

    You can selectively enable and disable specific components at runtime to improve efficiency .

  7. 在更复杂的环境中,总体性能由组件的整体效率来决定。

    In more complex environments , it is the collective efficiency of the components which determines overall performance .

  8. 太阳电池是光伏发电技术的核心器件,它的质量直接影响着光伏组件的发光效率。

    Solar cell is the core of photovoltaic system , which directly affects the quality and efficiency of PV modules .

  9. 研制成的多晶硅太阳电池组件的平均效率为9.5%,最高达10.9%。

    The average efficiency for encapsulated polysilicon solar cell in the module is 9.5 % , the highest efficiency is 10.9 % .

  10. 该混合预测模型产生的预测准确率比较高,有效地提高了网格中调度组件的调度效率。

    The mixed forecasting model can provide an accurate forecast for grid resource performance and also efficiently support scheduling task for the grid .

  11. Net应用程序测试了该组件的功能和效率。

    Experiment results show the functionality and efficiency of our approaches in . Net applications .

  12. 特别地,对荧光粉转换型LED,需要进一步地提高器件的发光效率,即组件的外部量子效率。

    The device luminous efficiency of phosphor converted LEDs , namely the external quantum efficiency of devices needs to be improved further .

  13. PHP拥有大量免费的组件可以提高开发效率。

    Also PHP has lots of free components which can be used to advance development .

  14. 随着Internet的发展,传统的WEB数据库访问技术(CGI、ISAPI、ADO、JDBC组件等)在效率和软件维护的方便性方面已经日益显露出越来越大的弊端。

    With the development of the Internet , the conventional WEB database technologies ( including CGI , ISAPI , ADO , JDBC , etc ) are becoming more and more restricted in efficiency and software maintenance .

  15. 器件的发光效率一方面取决于组件的内部量子效率,另一方面取决于组件的光取出效率。

    The luminous efficiency of LED depends on either internal quantum efficiency or light extraction efficiency of each component in a LED device .

  16. 本着持续研发和设计理念,天合的工程师们每天都力争提高组件的质量、效率和可靠性。

    With continuous commitment to research and design , our engineers work every day to improve quality , efficiency and reliability of our modules .

  17. 组件复用旨在利用已有组件创建新组件提高组件软件开发效率。

    Component reuse is to raise productivity in component software , utilizing existing component to develop new ones .

  18. 本文引入域结构及本体等概念,解决了组件识别问题,并把各种抽象技术有机结合起来,提高组件生成效率。

    This paper presents the concept of domain construction and ontology to resolve the problem of reference component identification , and combined several abstract techniques to improve efficiency .

  19. 组件调试作为组件开发过程中一种错误诊断手段,不仅对组件的开发效率影响较大,而且对组件可靠性的提升起着至关重要的作用。

    Component-oriented debugging technique is an effective approach for detecting errors , which not only has great influence for developing the efficiency of components , but also has great significance for improving the reliability of components .

  20. 光伏组件的性能受到太阳辐射和阴影条件的影响,具有非线性的输出特性,采用最大功率点跟踪控制可以有效提高光伏组件的利用效率。

    Photovoltaic module output performance has a non-linear output characteristics due to the impact of solar radiation and shadow conditions . Maximum power point tracking control can effectively improve the utilization efficiency of the photovoltaic modules .