
xiàn lù ɡǎn tǎ
  • Line tower;overhead line structures
  1. 传统的2D法测量线路杆塔接地电阻工作量较大,且难以工程应用,尤其对山区地段更困难;

    In the measurement of grounding resistance of transmission towers by traditional 2 diameter method a large amount of work always consumes , especially , in the mountain area it is rather difficult to carry out this measurement .

  2. 三峡左岸电站500kV输电线路杆塔桩基础静载试验

    Static Load Tests for Pile Foundations of 500 kV Transmission Line Towers of Left Bank Power Station , Three Gorges Dam

  3. 钳表法测量线路杆塔接地电阻的误差分析

    Calculation of Error of Tower Grounding Resistance Measurement Using Clamp Meter

  4. 输电线路杆塔视频监控应用实践

    Application of Video Supervision to Towers of High Voltage Transmission line

  5. 输电线路杆塔遭受雷击时的瞬态特性分析

    The Transient Analysis for Lightning Surge of Transmission Line Tower

  6. 电力线路杆塔灌注桩基础施工质量安全控制

    Safety control on constructional quality of power line 's tower pile foundation

  7. 输电线路杆塔设计中的几个问题

    Several Problems in Design of Pole - tower s in Transmission Lines

  8. 输电线路杆塔接地电阻测量方法的研究

    Measurement Research of Shaft Tower Ground Resistance of Transmission Line

  9. 超高压线路杆塔的塔顶电位特性的研究

    The Research of Potential Characteristics of EHV Transmission Line Towers

  10. 输电线路杆塔接地装置的冲击接地电阻计算公式

    Calculation formula of impulse grounding resistance for grounding device of power-transmission tower

  11. 输电线路杆塔冲击接地电阻特性的模拟试验研究

    Simulating experiments of the impulse resistance characteristics of transmission line grounding devices

  12. 线路杆塔接地电阻测量中有关问题的商榷

    Discussion on Problems Concerning Transmission Tower Grounding Resistance Measurement

  13. 送电线路杆塔冻土地基与杆塔基础研究

    Research on Frozen Foundation around Pole of Transmission Line

  14. 输电线路杆塔接地装置冲击系数及其拟合计算公式

    Characteristics and fitting formula of impulse coefficient of grounding device of transmission line

  15. 几种特殊情况下输电线路杆塔中心位移的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Tower Center Displacement on Transmission Line under Some Special Conditions

  16. 架空线路杆塔接地的设计要点

    Overhead Lines of the Design Features of Grounding

  17. 受采矿影响输电线路杆塔处地面沉陷仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis on Ground Subsidence at the Poles of Transmission Lines Affected by Mining

  18. 线路杆塔接地参数新模型及测试方法研究

    Study for New Parameter Model and Measurement Technique of Grounding Resistance for Poles and Towers

  19. 雷击高压直流线路杆塔时的过电压和闪络仿真研究

    Simulation of Overvoltage and Flashover Caused by Lightning Stroke at Towers of HVDC Transmission Line

  20. 输电线路杆塔接地电阻的单D法测量及其误差修正

    Measuring grounding resistance of transmission line tower by single diameter method and measurement error correction

  21. 输电线路杆塔岩石基础钻孔与临时拉线固定法的应用

    Application of Drill and Fixing Method of Temporary Guys on Rock Foundation for Transmission Towers

  22. 多年冻土对输电线路杆塔基础的影响及处理措施

    Treatment Method of the Prolonged Frozen Ground 's Influence on the Transmission Line 's Pole Tower Base

  23. 选择合适的冲击系数是输电线路杆塔接地装置设计的关键。

    Impulse coefficient of grounding device is a key parameter of lightning protection design of transmission lines .

  24. 线路杆塔对雷电流分布和浪涌响应的影响

    Analysis of Influence of the Transmission Tower on the Lightning Return Stroke Current Parameters and Their Surge Response

  25. DL/T5154&2002架空送电线路杆塔结构设计技术规定的理解应用与探索

    The Specifications Understanding Utilization and Research on DL / T5154-2003 Aerial Transmission Line Road Post Tower Structure Design

  26. 现有在线检测系统能否普遍应用的主要障碍是线路杆塔的数量巨大。

    The main obstacle which prevents the common usage of on-line detecting system is the large quantity of line poles and towers .

  27. 目前因人类经济活动频繁,破坏了鸟类的原栖息地,鸟类在输电线路杆塔构筑鸟巢有增加的趋势。

    Their original habitats ruined by frequent economic activities of humankind , an increasing number of birds nest on transmission line supports .

  28. 输电线路杆塔接地状况对电力系统的安全稳定运行具有重要意义。

    Grounding state of Overhead Line Tower in transmission grids has an important significance for security and steady operation of power system .

  29. 输电线路杆塔整体组立施工设计的关键,是抱杆失效角及杆塔起吊角的确定。

    The determination of gin poles failure angle and pole-towers starting suspension angle is the key to transmission line pole-towers starting construction design .

  30. 近三十年来,国内外对承受水平和铅直荷载的输电线路杆塔基础进行了大量卓有成效的试验研究。

    During the three decades lately , a number of experimental study used to resist horizontal and vertical loads of spread foundations are carried out worldwide .