
zhǐ jiá
  • paper clip;folder
纸夹 [zhǐ jiā]
  • [paper clip] 由一条弯成环圈的金属丝构成的器具,轻压即可分开,能把几张纸夹在一起

  1. 如果没有安全别针,使用纸夹。

    If you can 't find a safety pin , use a paper clip .

  2. 她爷爷发明了纸夹-真的吗-汉娜爷爷没有

    her grandfather invented the paper clip . - Did he ? - Hanna 's ? No.

  3. 把这张纸夹在护照里。

    You 'll have to keep this paper attached to your passport .

  4. 我用一个纸夹把那几页纸夹在一起。

    I fastened the pages together with a paperclip .

  5. 她用纸夹做成项链。

    She fashioned a necklace from paper clips .

  6. 他把文件从硬纸夹里抽出来。

    He draws the document from its folder .

  7. 在他面前打开着的纸夹。

    The folder lying open before him .

  8. A:我有纸夹吗?

    A : Do you have paper clips ? B : Wendy may have some .

  9. 他用夹子把纸夹在一起。

    He clipped the papers together .

  10. 我用纸夹将十二页文稿固定好,在手里掂了掂分量。

    I fixed my twelve pages with a paper clip and balanced their weight in my hand .

  11. 盘四:安萨兹,祝福方式(带史蒂夫·古德温评论音轨),纸夹。

    Disc 4 : Anasazi , The Blessing Way ( with audio commentary by Bob Goodwin ), Paper Clip .

  12. 所以我在牛皮纸夹的上端这样写道,而后我开始查看数据。

    So I wrote at the top of the manila folder , and I started looking at the data .

  13. 我把喜鹊的诗紧紧握在手里,两手的拇指交替在平滑的纸夹上狠狠地摁着。

    I held the poems tightly in my hands pressing my thumbs , first one and then the other , against the smoothness of the cardboard folder .

  14. 介绍了以淀粉胶为主体,加入增粘剂和脲醛胶进行改性,制备蜂窝纸夹心门用淀粉复合胶的工艺和配方。

    A kind of modified starch adhesive can be made by mixing an amount of furancarbinol urea formaldehyde resin as modifier with starch adhesive as main adhesive content .

  15. 模型是用管道粘胶、口香糖、纸夹和油漆等制成的试验品,用于测试那些目前还不想实现的概念。

    A mock-up , then , is something you pungle together out of duct tape , chewing gum , paper clips , cardboard , and paint just to test a concept that you don 't necessarily want to implement .

  16. 在这之前,我只是一个报纸专栏作家,只会写写文章,聊聊纸夹、愚蠢的管理创举以及其它一些办公室琐事。所以,我空降到一个负责任岗位的新闻很是引发了一些评论。

    Until now I have simply been a newspaper columnist who writes about paper clips , daft management initiatives and other office ephemera , so the news that I have landed a responsible position has attracted a certain amount of comment .