
  • 网络Monument;Memorial Building
  1. 这是国家纪念建筑,位于山谷热。

    This is the National Memorial Arch , located at Valley Forge .

  2. 从尼罗河的观赏平台再往下走,便是卢克索,一个充满古纪念建筑的城镇。

    Farther down the Nile sits Luxor , a town filled with ancient monuments .

  3. 事件性纪念建筑对于营造社会精神文明建设具有现实意义。

    Historical events memorial helpful to building spiritual civilization construction and it have realistic significance .

  4. 并以上述分析为基础,重点叙述了事件性纪念建筑的设计规律以及创作手法特点。

    On the basis of analysis , the description is emphasized the design pattern of building and creation technique characteristics .

  5. 炸毁了历史纪念建筑(幸好那些建筑在九年战争时大部分已经毁灭);

    the blowing up of historical monuments ( luckily most of them had already been destroyed during the Nine Years ' War ) ;

  6. 整个纪念建筑计划还包括几座办公楼和一个地下部分。预计,整个工程将在2015年竣工。

    Several office towers and an underground portion of the site also are part of the project , which is expected to be complete in2015 .

  7. 人文景主要是以宗教建筑、风景建筑和纪念建筑为代表的建筑景源为多。二、资源评价成果:长沙县风景名胜资源空间分布较散。

    King of the humanities major religious architecture , landscape architecture and construction of the building as the representative of the King source for more . Second , resource evaluation results : Changsha County scenic resources spatial distribution of more casual .

  8. 纪念性建筑应该结合外围环境统筹处理的观点与具体的解决方法介绍了DIP-IPM的基础结构,给出了具体的外围电路设计和实验结果。

    The design of commemorative building should combine periphery environment and put up the methods to coordinate the old and new buildings . The result of experiment was given at last .

  9. 象征性是纪念性建筑的一个主要特征。

    The symbolism is a main character of a memorial building .

  10. 新的诠释&萧娴纪念馆建筑设计心得

    New Explanation & The Experience of Xiao xian Memorial Hall Design

  11. 实践大学东闵纪念大楼建筑设计

    Architectural Design of " Dong Min Memorial Building ", Shih Chien University

  12. 你也可以将一些著名的纪念性建筑包括在参观的项目中。

    You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments .

  13. 纪念性建筑景观及其空间结构形态探析

    Analysis of Memory architectural Landscape and space structure

  14. 认为环境是决定纪念性建筑形式的重要方面,恰如其分的建筑形式能够引起人们丰富的联想。

    The environment is the important aspect that determines the form of the memorial architecture .

  15. 但他的团队是否应该为一个专政国家设计“纪念性建筑”呢?

    But should his group have built a " monumental building " for a dictatorship ?

  16. 希望所研究的成果能够给予纪念性建筑哀悼情感表达的建筑设计实践活动以启发和借鉴。

    Hope that the results of research can give inspire to the architectural design practical activities of monuments .

  17. 因此鲜明的个性和准确的主题表达成为纪念性建筑创作的灵魂。

    Distinctive character and therefore accurate expression as a subject of Memory Architecture of the soul of creation .

  18. 普兰撤主编的《北京的宗教纪念性建筑导游手册》,北京,1923年。

    Planchet , J.M. , C.M. , Guide du Touriste aux Monuments religierux de Pekin , Beijing , 1923 .

  19. 使用范围由家用的小陶瓷制品到如罗马竞技场的纪念性建筑。

    These items range from small pottery vessels for household use to monumental concrete structures like the Roman Coliseum .

  20. 当然,在一栋现有的纪念性建筑中落户,通常比从零开始建造成本要低。

    Of course , nesting inside an existing trophy building is generally more affordable than commissioning a monument from scratch .

  21. 纪念性建筑是为满足人类精神需求而诞生的建筑类型,有着悠久的历史和发展历程,它与文化具有密不可分的内在关联,其起源、手法、内涵等都与其相关。

    Memorial architecture is created to meet the needs of the human spirit , and it hasa long history and development course .

  22. 讨论了纪念性建筑象征性的理论基础、象征性的表现手法及其对建筑创作的作用。

    This paper discusses the theory of architectural symbolism as well as symbolic expression , which would be beneficial to architectural design .

  23. 纪念性建筑应具有形式和内容的双重纪念性,达到形式与功能的有机统一。

    A memorial building should possess monumentality both in content and form , when it reaches to the organic unity of function and form .

  24. 把握纪念性建筑环境的直觉、经验、先验及移情,是创作纪念性建筑的关键。

    Mastering the intuition , experience , apriority and empathy of the architectural environment of memorial building is the key to the creation of memorial building .

  25. 革命历史类博物馆主要依托于革命遗址而建立,作为纪念性建筑,主要是为纪念近现代革命史上的重大历史事件和历史人物。

    Revolutionary historical museum as memorial building mainly to commemorate the major historical events and historical figures in modern revolution history and which usually built on the revolutionary sites .

  26. 随着影响力转移到变得富裕起来的城市手中,穿透天际线的随后变成了象征城市身份的纪念性建筑——自由女神像、纳尔逊纪念柱以及埃菲尔铁塔。

    Then the monuments of civic identity - the Statue of Liberty , Nelson 's Column , the Eiffel Tower as the power shifted to the cities grown wealthy .

  27. 在第一阶段,纪念性建筑群体纲要将动用2亿美圆的资金来选定拥有重要的巴西文化遗产的城市。

    During the initial stage of this program , a fund of200 million us $ will be mobilized while it is determined which Brazilian cities have important cultural heritage protection .

  28. 古希腊的纪念性建筑在公元前8世纪大致形成,公元前5世纪已成熟,公元前4世纪进入一个形制和技术更广阔的发展时期。

    Ancient Greek memorial building in the eighth century B.C. , the5th century BC roughly formation is mature , the4th century BC into a shape and technical wider development period .

  29. 这座可敬的纪念性建筑的每一面、每块石头,都不仅载入了我国的历史,而且载入了科学史和艺术史。

    Each face , each stone of the venerable monument , is a page not only of the history of the country , but of the history of science and art as well .

  30. 帕尔米拉堪称叙利亚沙漠中的一片绿洲,它位于大马士革的东北方,是古代最重要的文化中心之一,城内现仍保存有当时的许多纪念性建筑。

    An oasis in the Syrian desert , north-east of Damascus , Palmyra contains the monumental ruins of a great city that was one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world .