
  • commemorative coin;Souvenir Coin
  1. 展示型自动纪念币售货机设计与制调主要是根据实际需要设计外形和空间位置针对功能加工制造零部件装配调试设计程序调试程序试机。

    Design , manufacture and calibration of demo automatic commemorative coin vending machine mainly involves designing the external appearance and spatial position , processing and manufacturing components and parts by function , assembling and debugging , designing program debugging program and commissioning based on actual needs .

  2. 夏季奥运会纪念币回眸与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect of Commemorative Coin of Summer Olympic Games

  3. 中国人民银行定于5月20日发行2020吉祥文化金银纪念币一套。

    China 's central bank will issue a set of commemorative coins themed after auspicious a hundred years " .

  4. 宝格丽在东京国立博物馆(TokyoNationalMuseum)举办了“宝格丽的艺术展”(ArtofBulgarishow),展出了自己推出的首个纪念币系列、镶嵌多颗宝石的项饰以及其它上世纪70年代的各款首饰。

    And Bulgari is showcasing its first coin collections , multi-gem sautoirs and other 1970s pieces in its Art of Bulgari show at the Tokyo National Museum .

  5. 纪念币发行20年评议

    A discussion on the commemorative coins which had issued 20 years

  6. 2008年北京奥运会纪念币销售策略

    On Sales Strategy of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Commemorative Coins

  7. 独具魅力的彩色金银纪念币

    Unique , Charming and Colorful Gold and Silver Commemorative Coins

  8. 生肖鸡金银纪念币的投资价值

    Investment Values of Gold and Silver Rooster Commemorative Coins

  9. 现代金属纪念币研究

    Study on Modern Metal Commemorative Coins and Medals

  10. 同时畅想了2008年北京奥运会纪念币的设计思路,为成功创作第29届奥运会纪念币提供具有价值的参考。

    The paper also discusses the souvenir coin design for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games .

  11. 铸币厂发生在其纪念币很多教育价值的骄傲。

    The Mint takes pride in the educational value of many of its commemorative coins .

  12. 美国财政部发行“吉利钱”迎兔年(纪念币)。

    US Treasury unveils new " Lucky Money " products for Chinese Lunar New Year .

  13. A:那是纪念币,一种是世界闻名的大熊猫命名的

    A : They are commemorative coins , one in honour of the world famous giant pandas

  14. 纪念币的正面认定。

    The coin is positively identified .

  15. 中国人民银行发行联合国第四次世界妇女大会纪念币

    The UN Fourth World Conference on women commemorative cion is issued by the people 's Bank of China

  16. 介绍一种可以制作纪念币以及娱乐用币材料的软质铁素体不锈钢。

    A soft ferritic stainless steel was introduced which could be manufactured for the commemorative and entertaining coin .

  17. 他们另外还与众多公司签定了总额500万美元的协议,生产日历、纪念币和文具等等。

    They signed another $ 5 million deal with various companies to produce calendars , coins and school supplies .

  18. 对世界各国发行的足球世界杯纪念币进行了系统的介绍与分析。

    The author systematically studied and analyzed World Cup soccer commemorative coins issued by various countries in the world .

  19. 但投资者和纪念币爱好者应是付出太多的风险认识到,许说。

    But investors and commemorative coin lovers should be aware of the risks of paying too much , said Xu .

  20. 这是自2009年以来央行发行的第三套含有“和”字图案的普通纪念币。

    This is the third set of coins issued by central bank since 2009 which carry the Chinese inscription " Harmony . "

  21. 纪念币是具有特定主题的限量发行的人民币,包括普通纪念币和贵金属纪念币。

    Commemorative coins are RMB issued for specific theme and with limited quantity , including average commemorative coins and noble metal commemorative coins .

  22. 皇家铸币局发行的2012伦敦奥运会面值五英镑的倒计时系列纪念币也在供应之列,该系列纪念币分为金币、银币及铜镍合金3种不同材质。

    The Royal Mint 's second £ 5 countdown coins are also on offer which are available in gold , silver and cupro-nickel .

  23. 弘扬奥林匹克精神展现钱币民族文化&奥运会纪念币设计理念与民族文化解读

    Spreading the Olympic Spirit and Displaying the National Souvenir Coins Culture & Explaining the Design Idea of Olympic Souvenir Coins and National Culture

  24. 上周四英国王子威廉和未婚妻凯特的订婚纪念币官方设计图问世。

    The design for an official commemorative coin to mark the engagement of Britain 's Prince William and Kate Middleton was unveiled on Thursday .

  25. 央行网站贴出的公告表示,增加发行是为满足贵金属纪念币收藏者集藏需要。

    The increase in production was to meet the needs of collectors , the central bank said in a statement posted on its website .

  26. 共有一套两枚组成,纪念币正面图案以火炬接力标志及奥运火炬图形为设计主题。

    It consists of two medals , of which the obverse pattern takes the torch relay and Olympic torch pattern as the design theme .

  27. 除了50州纪念币,造币厂还大量生产了一系列5美分纪念币(镍币),以庆祝“刘易斯和克拉克探险队”的光辉历程。

    In addition to the state quarters , the mint is rolling out a series of commemorative nickel designs celebrating the Lewis and Clark expedition .

  28. 奥运纪念品主要有三种形式:奥运纪念币、奥运纪念邮品和其他类型奥运纪念品。

    Olympic souvenirs mainly have three forms , just as the Olympic commemorative coins , commemorative issues in the Olympic Games and other types of Olympic souvenirs .

  29. 而孙兆鹏则自己敲制了一枚由北京奥运会奖牌设计者肖勇设计的“冰壶”纪念币以作纪念。

    Sun also received a Kirnu coin , designed by Xiao Yong , the professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts and the designer of the Beijing Olympics medal .

  30. 南非前总统曼德拉的律师们与一家纪念币进口商发生了争执,因为这家公司把曼德拉当年的狱中号码用作了电话热线。

    JOHANNESBURG ( Reuters ) - Lawyers for former South African President Nelson Mandela are fighting a commemorative-coin importer over the use of Mandela 's prison number as a telephone hotline .